I've never seen bigger manchild filter than Alan Moore

I've never seen bigger manchild filter than Alan Moore.

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>darkens superheroes in a way that can't be taken back
>now shits all over dark capeshit because they're children's characters.
Seems to be a bit of a manchild himself.

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I've never seen a bigger man child than Alan Moore

What? Everyone acknowledges he has had some good runs.
Acting like he's the best writer ever is just unrealistic though.

>Mandchild filter
>Dude superheroes are for babies I liked cool things like bikes and trains

Trains are pretty cool, tho.

>"I hate superheroes. I think they're abominations. They were originally in the hands of writers who would actively expand the imagination of their nine-to-13-year-old audience. That was completely what they were meant to do and they were doing it excellently. These days, superhero comics think the audience is certainly not nine to 13, it's nothing to do with them. It's an audience largely of 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-year old men, usually men, treating this stuff as if it was some kind of religion? Someone came up with the term graphic novel. These readers latched on to it; they were simply interested in a way that could validate their continued love of Green Lantern or Spider-Man without appearing in some way emotionally subnormal. This is a significant rump of the superhero-addicted, mainstream-addicted audience. I don't think the superhero stands for anything good. I think it's a rather alarming sign if we've got audiences of adults going to see the Avengers movie and delighting in concepts and characters meant to entertain the 12-year-old boys of the 1950s."

>"“If you are older than 18 and still read this kind of stuff, old or new, you should be ashamed. I haven’t seen a superhero movie since the first Tim Burton Batman film. They have blighted cinema, and also blighted culture to a degree. Several years ago I said I thought it was a really worrying sign, that hundreds of thousands of adults were queuing up to see characters that were created 50 years ago to entertain 12-year-old boys."

Doesn't the dude also LARP as a wizard or something too

Then complain about the infantilization of the western man

Don't care, too busy reading Spider-Man.

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Okay manchild

It says more about our culture that children's entertainment from the '60s, '70s, and '80s is better than the vast majority of entertainment on a whole being put out today.

>including the fear of childishness
coping man-child. i have no fear of childishness, im just not interested in it. if you want to read about the exploits of a hero, human history is full of them. put down the capeshit and read something meaningful.

Alan must be so proud of his two little sheep.

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Moore actually really likes Ditko and Kirby. These guys are just over compensating. It’s embarrassing.

all socialists tend to be manchildren.

The problem is that Moore has never written anything meaningful. He is a guy who wrote comics desperately trying to be something else even though he's not talented enough to write anything of value.

>I've never seen bigger manchild than Alan Moore.

Swamp Thing is kino

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These fags need to lighten up; at least Alan has the excuse of being old and bitter.


>These days, superhero comics think the audience is certainly not nine to 13, it's nothing to do with them. It's an audience largely of 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-year old men, usually men, treating this stuff as if it was some kind of religion

It’s true and I’m glad he said it. I’m so tired of media franchises being treated like a religion and borderline worshipped; if it’s not Marvel/DC superheroes, it’s Star Wars, Disney Princess films, Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter etc etc.

It’s OK to like fantasy pulp escapism, it’s OK to like media originally aimed at children.
But the problem comes in when viewers start to think that these are the best works ever created, the pinnacle of artistic achievement, or some kind of profound treatise on life itself. When they project on these works, far more than what they are.
That’s the problem with modern superhero comics fandom, they start treating them as modern epic poems, mythologies, or psychological dramas; they want these silly pulp stories to tackle deep issues like genocide, childhood trauma, systemic racism, abuse of government power, etc. etc.
The maturity and nuance required to convey these topics in a non-hamfisted way is far beyond the ability of most capeshit writers to execute, and yet they keep insisting on doing them.

When you have to keep making excuses and justifications as to why you’re silly pop fantasy is actually “mature and deep and realistic“ maybe it’s time to pick up another genre.

Where did he state this? Moore shits on those two any day

It's crazy that people still hate this dude, considering the absolute state of comics right now. Even some of his shittier comics wreck the best comics coming out today.
Do you people just not care about quality at all, or this some kind of falseflag?


Just tired of him and his sycophants pretending that they're not also at the kids table. Alan Moore has done nothing of worth that wasn't about a previously established creation, even Watchmen was based on characters that already existed. And that'd be okay if he wasn't such a cunt about it. But I'm sure Jerusalem will be considered a classic someday right?

I still don't get his idea that superheroes are white supremacis fantasies, when many of them were created by Jews as defenders of the oppressed and minority groups

what would he think of alan moore chan?

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>that wasn't about a previously established creation
That's always been a weird argument, as if forgetting that a lot of his comics are a play on archetypes and established ideas. Watchmen is largely about this, and even then he vastly expands upon and improves the characters.

Gwenpool is more of a goddess to me than Athena and I worship her every day of the week

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And it'd be different if he didn't constantly complaining about the current state of comics when it was convenient for him to do the exact thing he's constantly whining about, which is taking children's heroes and making them "realistic" and building off of and taking others ideas to make them your own. Seeing him bitch about somebody picking through the straps of Twilight of the Superheroes while writing League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Lost Girls is hilarious.

>darkens superheroes in a way that can't be taken back
>it's not the publisher's fault that mandated it to emulate the work's popularity, it's the fault of this one guy who didn't even work at DC after Watchmen!
It's one thing to not like Moore but anti-Moore fags all sound like retarded contrarians.

>>darkens superheroes in a way that can't be taken back
>>now shits all over dark capeshit because they're children's characters.

Alan Moore didn’t WANT all superheroes to be grimdark, he wanted to show that you could tell more diverse and nuanced stories within the medium of comics.
It’s not his fault that comic book publishers and other creators took the wrong lessons from watchmen and just shallowly imitated it rather than expanding the types of stories that were published.

Name 5 comic book writers who are better than him.

Has Moore even written anything recently, like in the last 10 years?

Neil Gaiman
Darwyn Cooke
Jeff Jensen
John Wagner
Matt Wagner

Jesus christ user. You could at least try.

>Wha if supaheroes was wankas?

Cope manchild

It's funny that I'm on Yea Forums and you assume I still read comics.

He's currently doing paid online classes or something, gotta earn that dough

Name a book by each of those writers without using Google. Bonus points if you manage to not use anything from the big two.

Manchild slop #1
Manchild slop #2
Manchild slop #3
Manchild slop #4
Manchild slop #5

>Rorschach is wrong because...HE JUST IS
What a pretentious faggot

Alan's never going to invite you to have his children so that you can later take them from him user.

If you watch cartoons and are not a child, you should be sterilized and executed, and your parents should be slapped and spit on.

I hope Gaiman sees this bro

It's also funny that you assume I watch cartoons. I'm here for the same reason anyone else is, I'm bored and I like arguing.

Darwyn Cooke? Really? The man was a better artist than he was a writer. This is probably the worst direct comparison too considering he wrote a mostly mediocre Watchman spinoff.

I doubt it, he's too busy banging his barely legal fangirls while still managing to be a better writer than Alan Moore.

Also it's the same deal with Jensen who along with that Lost hack wrote the awful Watchman show, one of the worst episodes even.

I will agree with that. I like New Frontier more than all but two of Moore's cape books and his Parker books were enjoyable. I never read the Watchmen spinoffs, assumed they were all garbage, never bothered with Doomsday Clock.

The Parker books were adaptions of an existing book series, they were good but they hardly showcase his ability as a writer. And while Frontier was good, it's basically the only really noteworthy book to his name. Moore at the very least has 5 that are all wildly considered some of the best in the medium.

Kneel Gayman? He sucks shit at comics.
Moore was always better in that particular field.
Carry on, then.

I agree. He is a good writer that is good in mixing thing up. Also a one trick pony who

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You know what, you've convinced me and argued in good faith, thanks. There's still only one Moore book that I'd like to read regularly and I still think Moore is an asshole who's not nearly as good of a writer that people think but you're alright.

Moore has never written anything decent that wasn’t about superheroes.

>read something meaningful.
Like what? Asking not because I want recommendations, but because I’m curious what a pretentious fag like you considers “meaningful”.

>claims to hate sequels and spin offs
>actually wanted to turn Watchmen in a trilogy

Now you get why he hates superheroes

Not that guy but I'd say meaningful works are largely non fiction. I rarely read non fiction but most fiction is there purely for entertainment purposes.

after having read crossed 100 I can safely say this man is an idiot.

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>they want these silly pulp stories to tackle deep issues like genocide, childhood trauma, systemic racism, abuse of government power, etc. etc.
They don't, they want silly childish stories that claim to be about genocide and childhood trauma and everyone is solved in 3 issues by the power of love and friendship. They want stories that say racism bad and are respected as serious and deep without being willing to explore any narrative of have any character development.

Where did he mention a third series? Did he say what it would be about?

From Hell is his best book though.

>introduced the concept of the sympathetic villain in cape comics
>now we can't have villains that just want to destroy the world

From Hell is his best or second best book. Providence is said to be great.
A Small Killing was good. Halo Jones was good.
Big Numbers was thwarted by a capeshit artist.

Why should anyone believe anything out of you, furfag?