Are you excited for season 2

are you excited for season 2

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Yes. The animation was fantastic.

>they wanted to sideline men in favor of Girl Power
>they teased the Horde at the end
Not unless they have the rights to use She-Ra

i think each season will be character-focused, now its gonna be more about fathers instead of mothers

i'm excited for netflix's incoming bankruptcy

No, I'm excited for the good one.

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I suppose someone had to be.

I thought this was DOOM from the thumbnail.

Spoken like someone who hasn't experienced based Skele-chad.

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aka the one good thing in the show, who isn't in it enough to make the show more than "passable"?

Both of Netflix's He-Man shows were underwhelming. One had kino animation, one had a great Skeletor. Both should've been better.

This show is far better than I expected. The episode where the villains finally get their power-ups was genuinely hype.

Yes. They had the balls to kill off Panthor, Clamp Champ, Fisto and the Sorceress.

kys Kevin Smith

For the season? No
For the possible porn? Kinda

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Netflix shut down its animation division and is circling the drain. They aren't going to fund something very few people watched. Sure, a bunch of people around here watched it, but I doubt many normies did.

You're joking... right?

Who'd a thought that if you take away the sjw drama-for-the-sake-of-internet-clicks and make a show that makes you wanna buy the toys, you'd inadvertently make a cartoon that's actually fun and interesting to watch.

>when the Motherboard cult seizes Skeletor, it's just Pope Klops III, Trap Jaw and some faceless acolytes
So they really killed off not just Blast Attak but Whiplash too?

the second season had way less viewets because they forgot to tell Kevin Smith that baiting and switching only works once

>they aren't going to fund
I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's already funded, just waiting for announcement. Netflix did that a LOT with their animated shows.

You're joking... right?
Not btw. The show might not be godawful, but it's pretty bog standard good vs evil stuff. The only "twist" was obvious waaaay in advance, and there's no real suspense. We can be pretty sure how things will get resolved.

Didn’t this show have mainly hate watchers but got ignored by normies?

It had more than enough views to be considered a success.

Kevin Smith is as bad a writer as he is a director.

I suppose in a Manos the Hands of Fate sense.

It's better than 2002.

That's a pretty fucking low bar, but it's MUCH better than 2002. But again, it's just an "okay" show for 13 year old shows. Certainly nothing wrong with that, but it's nowhere near as good as it could've been. And it's halfway done, if there was going to be a significant jump in quality it would've happened by now. It gets to hang out with "acceptable, but not must-see" shows like Trollhunters and Last Kids On Earth. Except for Skeletor's scenes of course, those are Fantastic.

>Those tiny legs

Oh hey is Fortnite getting a cartoon?

>But again, it's just an "okay" show for 13 year old shows.
It's hard to parse your grammar, but I'd think 13 year olds would be the worst audience for this show. More like 5-10-year-old boys and girls or nerdy adults who have gotten over their "hating childish things" phase.

>That's a pretty fucking low bar
No it isn’t. The 2002 show was better than everything that came after it, and it’s not even close.

>hard to parse your grammar
I'm exceedingly sleep deprived, sorry. But nerdy adults have better options. It's no Avatar. It's not even as good as the early eps of 2012 TMNT. A smidgen below Trollhunters, which at least had SOME characters with proper depth.

It had nice animation. Great designs. The story Bible had several strong ideas. The script writers should have been banned from ever writing again. And on their way out they should've been allowed to kick the moronic executives that wanted it to be as simplistic as the 80s show, but without the campy charm.

>It had nice animation. Great designs. The story Bible had several strong ideas. The script writers should have been banned from ever writing again. And on their way out they should've been allowed to kick the moronic executives that wanted it to be as simplistic as the 80s show, but without the campy charm.
Larry DiTillio, who was head writer for part of the '80s, was one of the script writers. Between him, re-using Michael Halperin's 80s story bible and the moral at the end of episodes, they must have intended to recreate the original cartoon.
And yes, it definitely lacked some of the charm. Gary Chalk played Man-At-Arms like he utterly loathes Adam and Orko rather than being a kindly uncle to everyone younger than the king and queen.

I'd be more interested in Revelation season 2 than more of the CG show, but I don't think either was very good. MOTU has never had a great show, which is a shame because there's a lot of potential in something so wild and flexible.

>MOTU has never had a great show
2018 She-Ra was great.

>there's a lot of potential in something so wild and flexible.
Well not only that, but the relationships between the main characters are downright Shakespearean. Skeletor covets his brother's throne, Adam (and Adora when applicable) has to deal with an evil uncle, Adora grew up never knowing her real parents because she was abducted as a baby by her uncle's magic teacher...

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>Skeletor covets his brother's throne
I've always thought Keldor was a dumb addition.

this season is gonna flop hard. Nu-Ra already replaced the filmation version as the default She-Ra so it'll get no support from the biggest part of the fandom.
the best Kevin can do is retcon the Horde and continue where Noelle left off or just take the L and make his own version of Catradora.

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>the best Kevin can do is retcon the Horde and continue where Noelle left off
There was already a Revelation prequel comic that contradicts the Filmation version of the Horde.
Though fuck knows if Kevin even read that.

I had to go back and re-watch the first episode just to make sure I wasn't misremembering how awful Teela was after Adam/He-Man died... and if anything she was even worse than what I remembered.

I wasn't interested in He-Man as a child, I see no reason to be interested in it now. And by the sound of things, I made the right choice. Good job, Young Me.

A familial connection makes the conflict more personal.

It's never treated that way though. Even in CGI He-Man, the show that addresses it the much, it's like "well he's your Uncle. Or something. Whatever, what matters is he has a skull for a head and he's a jackass." Nobody gives a fuck in the show about the familial connection. He could've been the family butler and it would've made as much an impact.

Are you trolling or have you genuinely deluded yourself into thinking anyone cares about nu-ra outside of deviantart or wherever all the degenerate porn artists hang out nowadays?

He might be trolling, I rarely see actual fans of SPOP call it "Nu-Ra." But he's quite right.

Hell, the original She-Ra was practically treated as a fandom whipping boy for the original MOTU. Staff more than once made nonsensical claims that it somehow was responsible for He-Man suddenly nosediving in popularity (it was actually because the toys stopped being unique and other franchises started making similarly oddball figures).

Not being fully fleshed out or living up to its potential does not make it a bad idea. Family feuds always add an extra layer of kino for me.

It doesn't do anything for me. I like Skeletor being a bit mysterious. I don't think we need to know anything about his background beyond the Horde stuff.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not the guy that said it was a dumb addition. I'm indifferent. Just saying that they've never used it to make things more personal. Skeletor being an absolute bitch is way more of a priority than any family connection.

I agree that Skeletor needs to be an entertaining asshole first and foremost, but the family connection does not get in the way of that and adds personal stake to an epic conflict.



I don't get the vague irreverence this show gets.
I'm actually very happy with it. I really think they did a really good job making a new world with it's own mechanisms and history, as compared with Revalations that just kind of made a more depressing version of the Filmation cartoon (littered with references like the transformation staff).
I really like this version of Man-At-Arms and his relationship with this version of Trap-Jaw.
In general I like that the individual villains are competent enough to pose an actual threat, and that all the heroes have their own strengths and powers, as opposed to just being there to stall till He-man shows up.
Sorceress's portal wing shit in particular is really cool.
The soundtrack is way too unremarkable compared to the more stylistic visuals and technological setting though. Just sounds like generic fantasy backdrop.

The woke mind virus continues

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>Yes. They had the balls to kill off Panthor, Clamp Champ, Fisto and the Sorceress.
Killing off the Sorceress was fucking dumb and pointless you retard.

As long as it still has a pussy I would.

It's still dull to watch. The writing is bland, more often than not the storyboarding is bland. 2002 is boring, which is why it failed. MOTU has never had a series better than passable. Even the DC comics from a few years ago ultimately collapsed into a mess even if they have their strong moments. I like MOTU, but the fiction has always sucked. It never got its shit together the way Transformers or G.I. Joe did.

Best post right here. I was shocked how much better it was, and how much more it felt like a MOTU show over Smith’s mess.

Moreso, it isn’t built entirely on weak shock value scenes to push the story forward, it has an actual organic movement. It also has a cast you grow to like, whereas Revelations Teela is straight up hateable.

>But he's quite right
The company already went back to original version, all the new merch is original version, all the new productions is original version
Only 1000 or so mentally ill trannies on twitter still obsessed with the abusive ship think the 2018 version is default

I can appreciate 2002 for what it tries to do, but I was shocked how boring and uninteresting a lot of the episodes were. The Filmation series is still a lot of fun to watch because it was still at a time where science fiction writers had to write in spite of their budget and were allowed to get crazy with what they had. 2002 on the other hand felt WAY more “Skeletors shows up, Skeletor loses” with none of the crazy flair.
I still say Filmation’s the best MOTU show. Say what you will about it, but it’s a lot of fun and has some surprisingly well written episodes.

Actually yes for I didn't think the series was abysmally bad, but I'll admit that I liked the 3D CG one better for various reasons. Personally speaking, I'm a fan of the over the top magic fights.

knows his stuff


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I doubt a second season will happen since Netflix's animation department has had major layoffs and several projects have been cancelled.