>Icelandic strongman giant Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson with his wife Kelsey Henson
>Well-know for playing The Mountain on Game of Thrones and for being the World’s Strongest Man
Why isn't he in more movies?
>Icelandic strongman giant Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson with his wife Kelsey Henson
>Well-know for playing The Mountain on Game of Thrones and for being the World’s Strongest Man
Why isn't he in more movies?
How does she survive sex with him?
Why is he so smug?
because he can't act
Don't worry guys. His dick is fucking tiny. if you want to worry about anything worry about the 5-8x grocery budget required to eat 10,000 calories a day without it just being bags of pure sugar.
Fucking hell I wish I was that tall.
He's icelandic, their dicks are not that big
I wish I was her
He looks like a giant baby
Probably has a tiny dick from the roids.
That didn't stop Arnold. Just cast him as an alien or something.
Holy fuck this. He was so badly miscast as The Mountain. Could they seriously not find somebody just as big who actually looked scary? It's not like he needed to act.
Because he emotes like a wooden plank and he has a hilariously low IQ along with bells palsy from taking too much HGH.
Arnold was handsome.
I still don’t get why they decided to have him as the third casted Mountain. He has too much of a baby or nice face to be scary, and he was shorter than both of the others. Who cares if he’s so strong in real life, you can make anyone look strong in a tv show. He also wasn’t a good actor
Arnold was handsome and charismatic. This guy just looks like a big retarded baby.
>be 6'9"
>abuse steroids because it's impossible to make natural gains at that height
>die of a heart-attack in your early 50's
>Could they seriously not find somebody just as big who actually looked scary?
Do you think such people are easy to find?
I'm not talking about his dick but his mass crushing her
>impossible to make natural gains at that height
Isn't the criminal underworld filled with them, or have I been mislead?
How do you think this guy would actually do in the UFC against a competent fighter like Fedor or Jon Jones?
>>die of a heart-attack in your early 50's
pretty good run for a guy like that desu, bunch of 'em croak in their 30s
>Isn't the criminal underworld filled with them, or have I been mislead?
Criminal underworld is basically manlet mexicans, even manletier asians and normal height eastern europeans
Yes, actually. Just advertise for it and you'll get a whole bunch of giant retards showing up to the casting.
Icelanders have huge cocks
It's possible but he'd look like an absolute lanklet
Steroids shrink your balls but only temporarily you DYEL brainlet
What are you talking about? Halftor is relentlessly handsome
wtf is with the super large dude really small girl dynamic
if i was 6'9 i'd be chasing after debicki-tier amazon goddesses
They probably don't have sex on a concrete slab.
Anyway, huge guys whose dick aren't absolutely gargantuan don't look all that great totally naked. Their penis might look fine on anyone else smaller, but they totally mog their own junk.
>amazon goddesses
There's only a handfull on the planet.
Unless you're a manlet, oh how I envy manlets.
t. someone with a tall girl fetish but is 199cm
The first Mountain actor was perfect. In fact a bit too perfect because apparently he was a huge asshole and got fired. I remember finding his blog back in 2011 and he was crying about always being cast as the bad guy in Asian cinema and whining that he should be getting big roles.
>and charismatic
Maybe compared to lardwhale Americans. Arnold's personality is flatter than your mom's ass.
I'm guessing she does a lot of pilates or yoga and just flexes into the movements, flexible women usually do well with rough sex.
Sorry for your chode, dicklet.
Fuck off, giant. Leave the gianteses to me so I can fix my genes.
Buff roid ragers, sure. Not so many absolute fucking giants.
>pretty good run for a guy like that desu, bunch of 'em croak in their 30s
You're thinking of guys with giantism who are usually well over 7 feet tall. This dude is 6'9" (same as the fat guy who won the boxing match last week).
Even the giantism condition can be halted with surgery now.
An ex dumped him because he would just lie down during sex and do nothing
>Why isn't he in more movies?
Most other actors are manlets. Trying to get this guy and a normal size person in the same shot would be a nightmare.
Cope dicklet.
Post penis
nah, I mean steroid abusers
The steroid "game" isn't the same as it was say 20-30 years ago, knowledge is more widely availible which leads to less Tom Platz of abs unfortunately.
>against a competent fighter like Fedor or Jon Jones?
Thor has no chance, the skill gap is ridiculous. Also remember that Jones is walking around at more than 100kilos before cutting for a fight, he's a fucking killing machine.
>he's a fucking cheating machine.
Fixed it for you.
He probably just picks her up and uses her like a fleshlight.
because he can deadlift close to a thousand pounds
back in the viking days, this guy probably would've been the most successful at raping and pillaging
Not the point I was making.
He’s a big guy...
You mean he would've died instantly getting hit by 35 arrows in the first twenty feet
>Fuck that big shit for eating three people's rations during the trip to the undefended monastery we were going to plunder
He would keep going and berserk the shit out of enemies though
They would take him apart so long as the weight difference isn't ridiculous. Human body isn't well designed for hand to hand so unless he's secretly been doing a lot of bag work outside of his lifting, he probably wouldn't know how to deal with a professional fighter. Groundwork would be completely out of the question though, I can't imagine how you would do a hold on a guy that massive.
I'm sure to win because my speed is superior.
>this thread
>no one has posted this pic yet
You guys are slackers
Has a lot more to do with technique, muscle memory, and all the contact points being numb to impact so you can just hammer away. The guy is a strongman, not a gymnast, his entire body has been trained to do a set of things, while fighters train their bodies to do another set of things.
Incredibly defensive and mad
Dicks generally aren't proportional to height. It's why pornstars are almost all manlets & womanlets to make the dicks look bigger by comparison.
basically put him in any movie with swords and i'd probably check it out.
It just makes the insufferable cunt look like he has a really small cock and his sons will be manlets which is probably what he wants. It's as bad as marrying a chink. He's only that size because his mother was 6'2" and his dad wasn't a compensating faggot
Realistically, does this dude's house need larger plumbing to handle the gigantic shits he presumably takes?
Dick size doesn't scale with body size.
Their dicks probably look tiny on their massive frame.
they probably have a shriveled dick because their lungs and heart need oxygen.
how old is vanellope in the movie
Dick isn't the problem, it's the fact that he's a giant mentally retarded man on steroids.
cope harder asian manlet
>in the movie
>its clearly 3DCG porn
>being the World’s Strongest Man
Incorrect, he is not Brian Shaw.
actually the strongest man in the world is the one who has lifted the most weight from the ground to their hips
That's the difference between world's strongest man and World's Strongest Man.
They've both won WSM
>tfw no giant iclandic bf
Any competent heavyweight would deck this lumbering pile of shit in one punch lmao
And Mariusz Pudzianowski has won it the most times, so perhaps he is truly the strongest.
that's pretty much the definition of strength, he doesn't claim to be the worlds best fighter or something
yeah but did he clinically die during his deadlift attempt?
No, because he's not a wuss. POLAND STRONK.
>415 deadlift
t.coping icelander
That's retarded, the title of the Strongest should belong to the best fighter, not to a guy who has issues wiping his own ass
>we should redefine words because poopoo peepee
god I hate zoomers
What role are you gonna give him? A fucking giant rock?
You will never be a woman
I think the mountain would win. He’s insanely strong and basically a foot taller.
Problem is, as soon as your opponent's strong enough to actually e.g., knock you out, all they have to do is hit you. Even a relative manlet could take out the mountain assuming his fists can reach that high and the mountain doesn't know how to box.
>tfw not a gigantic man that can split willing petite women in half
I can't blame her, he can probably easily pick her up and just fucking drill her
It's true, trust me...
He's not a part of the tribe
Arnold truly loves cinema
Cause he can't fucking act
not everyone's a coomer, retard
>part face paralysis
lmao have fun when he goes into roid rage
he's a manlet
dicks don't scale very much with height and size, user.
The mountain has dabbled a little in martial arts, nothing serious but not a total stranger to it. All he has to do is get close and it’s basically over unless he makes an incredibly stupid mistake. He’s just too big and strong. And half the shit those other guys train for just wouldn’t work one someone whose basically one the strongest men in the world and that big in general. I guess he could get knocked out but in terms of punching his reach is actually going to be way greater and it’s going to be harder to land a blow since he could just move a little and his whole head is somewhere else, he just has advantages all over the place. I’ve studied martial arts and seen small guys take down big guys but this is a different animal, the dude is just tremendous.
Yes and no. If you get that big, ie, north of 200cm, chances are your dick ends up being above average too. You're right about the scaling though, it wont look impressive unless you are a freak down there too. Until you measure or get some average sized thot there you never realize its size because it doesn't look extraordinary on your extraordinary frame.
The pornstar thing is also true.
Eddie Hall is hotter
Believe me, fucking womanlets is annoying as fuck. The novelty wears off fast. Then it's all a limited set of positions you can do and every new girl that never had a really tall guy before is a chore to coach.
(I'm 6'7")
You can see where he could have grappled him a few times or get him against the wall. I think it could clobber Mcgregor if he was angry, but mcgregor would land a few mean punches first.
Is this achievable natty?
got up dis moanin fans unfortunately
He has a specific gene that makes him a big boy so probably not
living past 40 is cope
You need a myostatin deficiency for one things
>can you win World's Strongest Man as a natty?
yeah bro just buy brian shaws preworkout and eddies protein powder
>genetically inclined to building more muscle mass
>on all types of steroids and HGH
>has to shovel ten thousand calories into his body per day
No not really.
interestingly, roids only shrink your balls
the reason they shrink your balls is because the testosterone you get from the roids causes your testes to go dormant and shrink kek
>t. /fit/
But on topic, he doesn't get roles probably because he's either just a bad actor or not interested enough in acting. Being an actor gets in the way of fulfilling his destiny as a competitive strongman. Maybe once he's further past his prime he'll act more, like how Arnold didn't act as much until after he stopped competing
Did he prep for Coronachan like most of us? If not, he'll die and I'll claim his wife by rape or romance
Hafthor would probably obliterate them if they made even the slightest mistake, and there's a reason the UFC makes weight divisions by ten lbs.
Thor is 6'9" and 440lbs of fairly lean muscle, and he is literally in basically the top three most explosively strong and athletic men on the planet. This isn't a STR vs DEX discussion because Hafthor is also DEX. He does agility and short range speed training as part of strongman. He's also not a Hong Man Choi freakshow situation because he's actually an athlete not just a big guy thrown into the ring for novelty.
realistically someone like non-cut weight Jon could fuck up Hafthor's legs with oblique kicks and play the keep-away striking game, but it'd be a mistake to grapple. The ground and pound game Hafthor would have would be unbeatable. Fighting Hafthor would literally be like fighting Zangief from Street Fighter, if he got his hands on you he could legit pick you the fuck up off the ground and do whatever he desired with you. The guy does overhead log presses of 450lbs, a 220lb fighter is nothing.
logs dont fight back. watch bob sapp fight
Does anyone know if UFC rules allow throwing an opponent out of the octagon?
Hafthor could legit do this, would be interesting.
>Why isn't he in more movies?
Because he looks fat.
When Hollywood needs a "strong man" it casts someone like this
>pic related
at the most. And nobody gives a fuck how much an actor can deadlift in real life.
Oh good I was worried
This is America. Speak English.
>This is America.
in your mind maybe - just because we agreed on talking english doesn't mean we are from the land of the "free to pay 5000 bucks for an ambulance ride if you need it"
This, gym stats fetishism is incelism fuel
You don't even have an official language
>t. someone with a tall girl fetish but is 199cm
Yeah you're gonna struggle finding someone taller than you or even close to your height.
Strong curvy women tend to refer themselves as amazonian when they're even in the 180-185cm range, which is fair enough for me when I'm 187cm.
I think I've only seen two woman at +190cm on a dating site for 8 years.
i'd rather be a fuckin yoked incel than a fat, skinnyfat or skeleton incel
are ambulances free where you live?
At least I don't need to praise Allah to have the EMT take me to a hospital just to die in a waiting room full of Somalians.
Everyone would prefer to be yoked, it's just that for fat people the effort you put in isn't worth the output
lol, yeah I forgot how America is exclusively white and has no problems with criminal minorities
This might be shocking to the land of european Bootlickyshitstan and itscanadian colonies, but private citizens are allowed to buy private insurance to take care of that, we don't need some marxist criple to do it for us.
I think the former is a more efficient pussy repellent than the latters but bee yourself
By not having sex with him and instead having sex with other men
macgregor is 5'9. people on here are talking about how hafthor could easily dominate combat sports but hes too big so its not fair, but they're forgetting that theres practically no upper weight limit for superheavyweight in boxing, mma, etc. (Idk about wrestling tho). heavy giant fighters get btfo all the time by fighters in the 6'3-6'6 range. nikolai valuev is the only truly humongous champion
He would lose against monsters like fedor, but pure power is still something to be respected. Mariusz Pudzianowski, one of the greatest strongman ever started to fight in mma, and while fighting mostly bums in freakfights, is doing kinda good. Just check these fucking low kicks, he make >100kg guys fly with them
>having a god body is a negative
this is starting to sound like cope
You take yours to lunch. We take ours to lynch.
Jonah Falcon is 175cm
Incels working on having a perfect body always end looking goofy and their obsession shows which make them no better than fatbeard playing d&d
This might be shocking to you, but
>pic related
It's true.
Her for reference.
Does Yea Forums have the biggest concentrations of virgin incels on Yea Forums? So much seething hatred over a generally wholesome guy here.
lmao its like if a bitch slap you but you still won't hit her back because of how weak and fragile she is compared to you and you can destroy with one punch if you wanted
>tiny dick
huge guys like that usually have pretty tiny dicks
why are romanians such dicklets?
>russians have the smallest dicks in europe
explains a lot about our current geopolitical situation
Very few here have ever been in a real fight. I guarantee most would suck a dick before suffering a punch or headlock including myself
taking this data at face falue, lol
you know nothing about statistics
the only thing you can learn from this map is
>human dicks are on average between 14 and 16 cm long
And I'm not even sure it's really possible to draw even this cautious conclusion.
strongman has competed in MMA before
Decathlon is the true "perfect body sport" fight me
t. german with 16,5 cm dick
statistics are useless when it comes to anything people will lie about or you can't find enough participants for your studies
>t. german with 16,5 cm dick
Post picture if I should believe you.
I am just messing with you
whenever you see stats on penis size, ask yourself
1. How many people did they measure to give you a number for a whole fucking country?
2. How did they measure? Did they blow the guys to full erect length and then measured them?
Read up on this. If you know something about how these "studies" are done you will trust an internet poll about dick size more than them.
the guy he lifts is a fucking antisemitic caricature what the fuck
He couldn't pass the ped test and by the time he did he would be the same size as the other fighters and weak from quitting steroids.
Seething rape babies
Coping dicklet
>reddit spacing
Yeah because this isn’t reddit or Facebook
Living past 30 is literally pointless
Is this in cm? I have an 18cm dick which puts it around 7",I am not massive at all.
Yea but Thor is like 180kilo
Manlet cope. Body size is one of the few actual indication of penis size. t. 202cm guy
If they said it was against the rules Thor would toss those fuckers out too.
They would not dare face his wrath
Brb cooming
My manlet detector just burned out.
I've literally heard the opposite, though. Could it be that you have a below average IQ which in turns makes you more confident in your cognitive ability and fuels your inability to distinguish personal experience from universal?
But then you see other bs meme stats like this one that basically inverts every country to the opposite of the spectrum. I've seen ones that put spain at the top and france at the bottom for exampel. Where tf do you find these things?
Lol cope, dicklet midget
wow well done mate, you ever used it?
>no fun allowed
Imagine trying to fit in this badly, holy fucking shit. Just end your pathetic life already, newfag subhuman.
same here, I feel like my 7.1" isn't massive, but just a decent size - so my country's average being 5.5" seems fucking mindblowingly small
maybe I watch too much porn
>the larger a person is the smaller their penis is
Lol seething
>all the manlet fatass cope and seething ITT
I thought the average was 4"? This is very unsettling.
He literally has some nerve damage in his face that makes his lips look weird and gives him a lisp
>>the larger a person is the smaller their penis is
Where did I say that, retard? My point is that there is no conclusive proof that height and dick size are correlated and anecdotal evidence from some retard on Yea Forums means nothing in the general scheme of things.
You two are the ones seething, though. I'm confident with my 16cm.
>tfw 6'5 Icelandic guy
I also want shortstack gf :^(
Nigger, I'm specifically talking about his gains and roid abuse. Are you that insecure about your height in relation to penis size that you homed in on that first?
bong here, delete this immediately
All the time, I am a bit of a man whore and I do not feel good about it.
4" is considered tiny.
Dick size and height don't correlate at all. All that being taller does is make your dick look smaller in comparison to your body. A 6'9 guy could have an 8inch cock which is definitely above average but because of his build and his hands, it'll look small in comparison. He won't magically have a 12inch dick to scale to his height, that's now how male sexual organs work. They're as big as they need to be to impregnate a female. Unless you have a micropenis, in which case, genetics is pulling you out of the game.
That's why in porn you have guys around the sweetspot of 5'8-5'10 and the huge majority of female pornstars are around the heights of 5 feet to 5'4. It makes their 8inch look huge in comparison to the small females. Then for example when you have them fuck someone like Gianna Michaels that's 5'10, their dicks look average if not slightly above that like they should.
Case in point, it doesn't really matter. If that guy has an 8inch dick it probably looks small as fuck in comparison to himself but if you put it next to the girl it'll look either big or normal. Dick size really doesn't fucking matter either way, girls have no fucking sense of how big a dick is unless its really big or really small and if she doesn't want to date you for your dick then you shouldn't put thought in to such a vapid whore. Who cares what women and faggots think?, I don't.
Based post
he is fucking tall, only these guys are even fucking taller
Porn in general is responsible for a lot of insecurity among men nowadays, who think that it's reflective of the actual average penis size in the west.
Don't know if it's true or not (it certainly makes sense, if it is), but I've heard that American blacks as a group are most common recipients of penis enlargement operations; the BBC myth is so widespread nowadays, they feel insecure even if they have an average dick size and feel like they are not living up to their reputation.
steroids do not shrink the penis
HGH makes it bigger (whilst on it)
Holy shit how tall is that guy on the left?
the first mountain was perfect for the role. too bad he didn't want to commit to the show so he could get cast in the hobbit movies only to be replaced by cgi
Because they'd rather suck blood than dick.
What does it feel to have a huge dick, bros?
t. tiny 12 cm dicklet
It makes no difference at all, a woman has already decided to shag you before she sees your dick, learn to finger bang.
this has to be the humbliest braggy post i've ever seen.
No, I feel shit because of it, I cannot form relationships.
Married people don't have sex (with each other at least)
his english is terrible and he has the charisma of an ice-fridge.
Seems to be a nice dude once he opens up a little though, i enjoyed the videos Juji and Tom did with him.
I'll be your gf haha
Post dick
Oh yeah, being tall stops you from bleeding out all your blood when people stab you
7'1 I think
This, unironically
Yes, for that one time. What about return power?
When was the last time you personally murdered a minority? In real life, not videogames.
Because he’s an absolutely horrible actor, not even funny bad like Arnold was, he’s just stilted and awful. The stunt casting of him in GoT was a sign things were going wrong, just get a bigger than average guy to play the character who can actually act
Isn't there a rule in biology in which if an animal lives in colder climates it means it will have a smaller body surface to volume ration so that it doesn't lose heat? If so, it makes sense that guys in the north would have smaller dicks, even though their bodies are huge, to lose as little heath as they can during intercourse.
Who cares? I bang them then move on, I am not happy about it but I cannot form relationships. I wish I had better advice for you but I can make a woman orgasm even before my dick goes near her, use your fingers and learn how to work the graffenburg spot.
There's always a bigger fish.
Maybe in asia
This woman literally married a 7ft Neanderthal.
I wonder, do giants get pissed off when a guy height mogs them? Or do they just take it in stride and are even sorta impressed by it? I feel like if I was 6'5+ I wouldn't give a shit anymore
>5'11 vs 6'0
Why do Russians, or whatever slav race, all look like that?
He can't act to save him life. He ruined The Mountain and the moron even took the nickname. Also looks like a fat baby.
because he beats up women regularly so the femnazis blacklisted him
He is relentlesly handsome
still mad, eddie?
guy on the right is streching himself out and even tilting his head up. why would he do that?
Living beyond 25 is a meme
not sure why you included me in that. Since i was implying he was a based thot patroller. So basically fuck you nigger cunt kill yourself lmao
He is old and tall, I'm surprised he can still stand
And the first things that Yea Forums points out are these. Of course.
Don't tell me you didn't think of that first, either.
She has a big vegana
>The bigger the dick size, the niggier the color.
Based graph
>Could they seriously not find somebody just as big who actually looked scary?
Well, they did. He was also, funnily enough, taller than Hafthor
That guy looks so much scarier than Hafthor. Why did they replace him?
Where do you start measuring?
Post dick, faggot
From the asshole
I think he quit desu
That's a shame
>ask for dick pics
>call others faggots
In that case my dick is 20 inches
He got a role in the Hobbit as an orc but was replaced by CGI. lmao
Try to fit less buzzwords into your cum guzzling mouth next time bud.
He looks fucking furious that she let someone into his home/cave
That's a big penis
they are meme images, you can tell the nationality of the op by whichever country is highest
Le kek
My dick is 164cm
>against Fedor
he'd gas out and get his ass whooped.
You're seriously underestimating how insanely skilled UFC fighters are, Thor has absolutely zero chance against LHWs not to mention Heavyweights.
So many niggers in France
But Hungary is actually based
Old enough you burger
He's white. His dick isn't going to be big even if he was 9'10"
Ireland no......
>buff dude with an attractive wife
>h-he must have a small pee pee
How the fuck can you not even contain your insecurities online?
Only reason France has the biggest cocks is because of Arab and black immigrants
You're a fucking moron. 99% of women will be satisfied with a 7 incher
Beyond 14 is a meme
bruh im 197 centimetres and i have 16 cm penis.
>this is the cope mayo boys tell themselves
They're Slavs. Why are you shocked they look unique? Let me guess you're American
and you clearly watch too much porn and have no life experience.
>you weren't born with the genetics to roid yourself into a 200kg ogre
fuck i wish i were tall like that
every woman is cunny to these chads
It's ok, user. You can always roid to make yourself look like a goblin. Everything gonna be fine.
I would really hate to be this tall in all actuality.
I am perfectly content at 5'10"
Imagine if he had a black gf
Yikes. Someone's not up to date. Brian's doing terrible
>He didn't compare cocks in school
the smallest of the 5 of us was around 16cm and largest at 19 iirc.
>Dick size doesn't scale with body size.
I'm pretty sure it does since taller girls also have bigger vaginas.
I'm 5'6 with a 7.5" inch dick though so maybe I'm an outlier
13cm dicklet here, did you ever had sex user? if so was it a problem?
at least you can allways go for the athletic dex look
Why are you so intimidated that i'm only 5ft 6 with a 6.5 inch girth
Yeah, had sex, never was really an issue, but it still a huge problem in my mind and it makes me self-conscious
>6'3-6'6 range. nikolai valuev is the only truly humongous champion
ALL the heavyweight division champions are truly humongous and tall. It's RARE for the champions of the heavyweight division to be less than 6' 2", no matter the combat sport.
Btw, I love "spd v dex" arguments in professional combat sports. Feel free to remark.
>keyword used was "efficient"
No. That's not how hospital works.
Finances, sure! Surgery? Nope!
>t. someone with a tall girl fetish but is 199cm
i wish i didn't know this feel
>Fück yöü häfthör shöüld häve bröüght mörë öf yöür öwn fööd
>what is a shield?
here's a (you) to offset the newfags
maybe, but I'm five ten and have nine inches, so maybe not
You just know...