>Post YFW your mom finds your 9/11 erotica artwork
Post YFW your mom finds your 9/11 erotica artwork
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>And I thought it was bad seeing your Columbiner phase...
>"user there was a filename that popped up called "Jinxs Ass" what is it user? what about jinx and her ass?
>Sure, his dick is big... but is it over 400 meters long?
The 9/11 complaint overshadowed another dumb complaint in his review.
Enter complains about how much he hated the protagonist's mom (a character you're supposed to hate) and treats it like a genuine criticism like the autist he is. It's unpleasant to watch, so it must be bad.
Well, he tries rationalizing it by claiming the movie is trying to be down-to-earth so the mom's behavior should be more down-to-earth too, but like. Everything she does is fairly realistic, if a bit extreme, Karen behavior.
Yeah enter is a man entirely made up of shit takes. My mom would act very similar to meis mom and i hated it. I never really watched mr enters comment but him loosing it on twitter and promising more content to piss off everyone has me at least intrigued as to what he will make a video shittalking next i hope its netflix she ra
so yeah seeing the planes flying into the buildings is this fetish for Mei.
honestly normies have the exact same reaction. "This movie made me die of embarrassment so it's bad"
This movie is memeing way better than Onward, Luca or Soul. The marketologists at Pixar must have known what they were doing putting in the exact amount of risque and potentially memeable material they could get away with like
well none of them were thinking of 9/11 when making this movie probably.
It's weird how much Zach's voice got to me with that 9/11 stuff
I only saw oneard and thought it was mediocre and didnt even watch luca or soul. I loved turning red primairly because i wanted to fuck alot of the girl characters in it. Same reason why my other favorite pixar movie from the past ten years was inside out since i wanted to drain my balls into the female emotions and riley
>I bet you didn't know that Eric and Dylan had the idea to hijack a plane and crash it into NYC first! They're so dreamy!
well I hope you're still a horny teenager or maybe you're just really based... one of the two.
Im in my mid 20s. Im a cunnychad for life broski
>Might I remind you what real men look like?
>Aww! School Shooters and Terrorists!
>Yes! School Shooters and Terrorists!
The kids are all right
>Whips out the Time and Newsweeks magazines that put Eric and Dylan on the cover
Well, Devon's certainly got that bulbous Klebold schnoz.
Stella is a real one
They've been laughin' since I can remember
But they're not gonna laugh anymore
You'd like Luca. Giulia, the human girl the two fish boys meet, was cute. Both her and Mei seem to be very into fish boys, but Mei, living in a cityscape and not on an Italian coast, thirsts much, much harder. I don't ever think I'll get over how Pixar depicted PG-rated thirst in a character as cute as Mei
Are people unironically defending this shit just because of the Mr Enter?
Granted I have to admit I didn't think about it till Enter brought it up but why did the concert have such limited security given it was only months after a major terroris attack? Hell with a giant panda attacking Toronto you'd think jets would be scrambled immediately.
Alright ill check luca out
Also hoping we get a short with mei and her friends at the beach and in bikinis
Whatever happened to never forget?
This is quite possibly the most offensive thing someone could create and yet I’m still laffing
>Enter complains about how much he hated the protagonist's mom (a character you're supposed to hate)
Yeah it's over shadowed, but that is one of the most common things Enter complains about. It was bad, but it wasn't special.
>Granted I have to admit I didn't think about it till Enter brought it up but why did the concert have such limited security given it was only months after a major terroris attack? Hell with a giant panda attacking Toronto you'd think jets would be scrambled immediately.
Woman writing, tl;dr there are no society wide repercussions because they don't think about other people
can she fit both?
Luca would be wild if Alberto and Luca were thirsting after Giulia like Mei and company seem to thirst after boys.
I never noticed how little sense it made for this guy to be out in the open looking like this in North America without people being racist towards him or accusing him of terrorism at the time (2002) until Mr Enter's review, so I think he's got a point
dude he's only there to tell Ming to stop stalking Mei. It's not like you see some asshole yelling at him when he's on the subway home or something.
Fun fact: the twist is she isn’t actually his mom and then the whole series goes full incest
And for that matter, boy band groups, unless they were All-4-One, weren't mutli-racial like 4*Town is.
Actually, are there any multiracial boy band groups now?
I do like that Mr Enter mentions Zatch Bell (Gash Bell in Japanese) on his review, go give it a watch since it is pretty decent but do so in Japanese since the english dub is censored and unfinished
ugh... weeb shit
it's a love triangle. Alberto has daddy issues and is gay for Luca to the point of jealousy when Giulia enters the picture. Things get more tense when Giulia bonds with Luca over constellations she learned about in school, and when it turns out she'll have to leave for school soon. Alberto finds a replacement dad and persuades Luca to go with Giulia to school.
It's weird how Alberto got Luca with dreams of freedom and exploration, where Giulia got Luca with kinda the same thing
>the mom he gets with isnt biological
Is it canon that Alberto is gay? I mean, is that a leaked detail that Disney doesn't allow to be spoken of? Or is that just fanon?
I have seen Luca to be clear. I thought it was a really good movie, but no Turning Red.
I suspect this is because the mom in the movie reminds him too much of his own mother, who he has said in the past he doesn't get along with. Now I don't know what his mom is actually like, but I suspect he perceives her similarly to the mother in this movie.
Hey my mom wasn't overprotective and delusional... she was just a big failure even if she and I were super tight like Ming and Mei are.
So yeah if your parents are shit (basically everyone), maybe you can relate to this movie.
the answer is most likely no, but that won't stop me
I think the larger issue is that there was no point to this being a period piece beyond creator nostalgia.
I guess? I mean there are other coming of age nostalgia movies where it's NOT a period piece.
but hey this is animation so you can do anything you want.
Would you REALLY want Meilin Lee as a tiktok zoomer? I mean not saying that would be a bad movie, just that Domee Shi might be out of her depth
based. People were making gay jokes about Luca from the announcement
"The shape of calling me by your name's delivery service"
>Recognized by both the United Nations and the BBC as the most diverse city in the world, Toronto stands apart as a benchmark of multiculturalism. According to official data, over half of the city's residents were born outside of Canada, making it home to nationalities from around the world.
shit, was hoping for more Columbine and 9/11 jokes but this is devolving into another general.
Come on guys, let's get edgy!
>He ranked Zatch Bell over Steven Universe.
Luca meme'd pretty good, I thought, but people actually liked that movie.
>Are people unironically defending this shit just because of the Mr Enter?
It would appear so, and I love it
Honestly? If you wanted this to be a movie to help prep future generations, it might be better.
Social media makes puberty 10x worse because it worsens the anxiety. It would be relevant as fuck
You are a man of integrity, just like me.
hey Turning Red is just a LITTLE below Luca in terms of the general audience accepting it.
I mean it does stink that Turning Red didn't get its pussy ate out like Encanto did but I think it found its audience of weirdos.
>WOW! Look at them walking through the empty school hallway with their trench coats on! The school was sure fooled!
Autists always have terrible parents. That's what makes them autists, because it screws up their idea of what a normal human relationship looks like.
damn I thought Bettelheim was dead. How is he posting on 4channel?