Is there a correlation between pedophilia and artistic genius?

Is there a correlation between pedophilia and artistic genius?
All of these men either showed pedophilic tendencies or had relationships with women much younger than them.

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Just a hallmark of patriarchy.

Go read a book, other than Lolita

>artistic genius

>Kierkegaard is a pedophile because he was going to marry an 18 year old
nice one, fuck off and off yourself

Since when was philosophy art

No, it has everything to do with era. Also, going by unfiltered accounts (muzzies and pre-feminist era), pedophilia is very common overall.

Ironically, there's the connection in modern era as pedophilia got quazi-tabooized, providing strong anti commercial filter, and sick can thus fucks channel their cope more. Comiket, Unteralterbach... not exactly something normies can quite compete with because their culture gets commoditized far too quickly by mainstream for it to reach full potential.

This is not limited to pedos, but also pepes (eew, hitler, though not for long it seems), furries (eew, ponies) and so on.

Hahahahaha this

Regine was 15 when Kierkegaard first became infatuated with her.

You’re forgetting all the pederasts: Socrates, Petronius, Catullus, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Proust, Whitman, Auden, Verlaine, Ginsberg, Mann, Gide, Wilde, Barrie, Caravaggio, Britten, the list goes on...


Most artistic geniuses are men and most men are pedophiles

Look dumb fuck, if any philosopher in the world was creative and took artistic license in their delivery it is certainly Kierkegaard. Plus Diary of a Seducer in Either/Or is purely fictional isn't it? And technically isn't making up specific characters with different opinions and viewpoints artistic as well and exactly what Dostoevsky often does? It would be a different matter if it was someone like Kant on there

Do you mean pedophile in the sense of
a) being attracted to prepubescent girls
b) being attracted to girls not of modern legal age but past puberty
c) being attracted to a woman younger than you
In all cases, shit thread

b and c are fine, a is not

Kierkegaard was a sperg either way and cucked himself only to cry over it later on

Fucking a 13 year old is not fine

Some user once told me that the elite are filled with pedos because they get ther infancy ruined by "all work and no play" school regime, they don't have any relantioships with girls with the same age, could be the case with these writers

oh shut the fuck up

lol imagine believing this shit

cool opinions.

why thank you, however, your initial opinion was very uncool

I didn't give an opinion. I was trying to settle on a definition to further discussion

This. It's not fine, it's fucking amazing.

fucking a 15 year old isn't pedophillia

Literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.
I'm all for it.

Attached: FB_IMG_1556347281548.jpg (594x395, 29K)

he didn't fuck her at 15, he didn't fuck her at all actually, but he did confess to her when she was 18

Wholesome and Christian.

the confession was indeed wholesome, he did whilst she was playing the piano for him

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

if that were the caes, then most of their friends would be school age boys

It's not an uwarranted taboo as mental development and the general power differential make it uncouth within the context of a developed civilization. It reveals degenerate rapacity and the intent to corrupt and enslave the innocent. Pregnancy at a young age is medically suboptimal and the almost unavoidable social and intellectual retardation of the child bride is harming society at large. And it's 'just in the U.S.' it's a strong and natural taboo in all civilized societies, even in most African countries the average age at marriage is above 18.

supposed to say 'not just the US'.

>women much younger than them
so that's pedophilia? fucking a 16year old is pedophilia? lmao, take your moralism elsewhere anglo

Beatrice was the same age as Dante.

Legal in my country, and perfectly normal for centuries all other the world


Attached: age-of-consent-europe.jpg (1800x1800, 742K)

You're retarded, those numbers don't mean what you think they do. In Germany you can go to the police when a 21 year old has a sexual relationship with your 15 year old child. The court will then evaluate the child's mental capacity for self determination.

But up to your 21st birthday, it's all cool. UK has no restrictions of that sort, once a chick is 16 she can fuck an old man

Point is that the age of consent largely relates to intra-minor relationships. So a 16 year old with a 15 year old and constellations like that. It's not about your ability to fuck children. If you engage in a relationship as an 18 year old with a 14 year old there's a huge social stigma attached to that even if it isn't criminal offense. It usually occurs among low IQ ranks where the older partner is himself developmentally retarded and even if the parents consented legally, if people saw a reconizable 15 year old with some 30 year old guy on the street they would call the police. It's just not something that is tolerated. + yeah at some point we have to acknowledge a person's right to self determination. Doesn't mean that people around them won't think the old guy is disgusting and punish the behaviour in a social context.

That one was meant for those

why exactly

16 isn't a child, and there is no social stigma outside your imagination. Outside puritan America, its very normal. The first time I went to the states I was pissed I couldn't bring my gf, because she was 17 and mutts get funny about that

Dante wasn't a pedophile, there was no age difference between him and Beatrice.
Also, what did Wagner do? Cosima was already an adult when she first met Richard.

Last question: was Novalis a pedo?

Nigga what? He and Plato are literally he first Western philosophers who bothered to put a categorical rejection of pederasty in their philosophical systems. Stop getting bamboozled by anti-Greek prpaganda

>was Novalis a pedo?
he fell in love with a 12 year old, so, I guess?

Jeez. Source?

It was once revealed to me in a dream.

this plus hebephilia is mostly described as being attracted to 11-14 years old girls
being attracted to girls 15+ is considered normal in every country other than burgerland

It’s not something you should do if you’re and adult but also every 13yo girl is old enough to decide if she wants to have sex or not

>if you have a relationship with a woman younger than you, you are a pedophile
this is your brain on burgers

indeed, America truly is the cancer of the world

>perfected short story structure
>not an artistic genius
Piss off, you pseud. Poe was a groundbreaking visionary.

>not taking the mummypill



Girls do not fully mature psychologically until 25-30.

Men chasing girls younger than that is problematic and not OK.

I always imagine this when remembering Svidrigailovs nightmare before suicide

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You do realize the legal age of consent is 16 in the majority of the U.S., right?

>You do realize
Such a basedboy way to start a sentence. Babbies first rhetorical flourish

>t. Leftist cuck who thinks women are better off working 70 hour weeks than tending children through their twenties

>it's a strong and natural taboo in all civilized societies
It really isn't, even the most cursory of glances at history show that. The taboo is almost entirely a result of Feminism

>>Girls do not fully mature psychologically until 25-30.

So, to be on the safe side men should leave them alone until they’re in their mid-30’s?
>>Men chasing girls younger than that is problematic and not OK.
But bull dyke lesbos chasing them is A-OK?

>repeating what his Jewish sex Ed teacher told him

>this much effort replying to pasta

There is certainly a correlation between the high-testosterone virility needed for the act of creation, and attraction to younger women. This is perfectly natural and wholesome, of course, if one distinguishes between an attraction to teenage girls and an abnormal attraction to per-pubescent girls.

>muh Jews!
listen, the Jews aren't perfect but you poltards just make me like them even more