Damn, Ben's pretty based

Damn, Ben's pretty based.

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no he's not


I disagree.

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where's the among us?

He'll die of old age waiting and wanting the end of society


>the end of society
pretty sure he's going to live to the end of the year famalam, especially in his Montana bunker


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It all comes tumbling down
Tumbling down, tumbling down

Last time i checked Trump still lost

At least post the real one.

that was just to make way for Darth Santis

no, we all lost

>posting the unedited version


So did the Democratic party

Who cares about masks now that they're not "obligatory"

Ben needs meds

He doesn't like twitter? BUT TRUMP was on twitter! He made duh totally lol funny "shitpost".

you need to lay off the HRT

Twitter is boring without blumpf, it's just a bunch of trannies trying to form lynch mobs against each other over who's the slowest to swear allegiance to the latest progressive insanity

Really has been a good few weeks hasn’t it?

No one tell him what Tesla's stock price looks like right now.

No he didn’t he swapped brains with Biden, Trump’s still in office

I'm actively upset by how stupid and nonsensical what he considers important issues are.
For like a month there we were getting close to WWIII and he didn't and hasn't given a fuck in fact I'm sure he'll prefer the destruction of current society through nuclear apocalypse over his delusions of a shadow government suddenly taking over with magic technology and actual demonic witchcraft "any day now."

Ben is the most retarded man in America, and is lucky he didn’t fucking die from covid

You should be fucking embarrassed for giving a shit about slavic slapfights on the other side of the world just because your television told you to.

>the party that got its candidate to Presidency and has the majority of the house lost
Maybe Alabama shouldn't have gotten rid of literacy tests, just give them to whites.

If you actually thought we were anywhere close to WWIII you’re retarded. Biden might be senile but his tard wranglers aren’t giving up the society they control that easily.

Well one of those slavs have nuclear weapons and were threatening to use them.

Why blame Biden? Is it because you're actually a right wing shill who is paid to?

No I care because one of my best friends is Russian and has family there and because one of the stupidest thing Zelensky and many Ukrainians were and or are pushing for "a no fly zone" aka open war with a nice ring to it. They wanted uninformed and war hawks all over NATO to push it, if that happened that's WWIII regardless if China takes that opportunity to take over Taiwan and other territories

Zyklon Ben is at it again!

wait a minute, this isn't amogus stonetoss

People are just realizing this?

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Blame Putin you fucking shill.

>No I care because one of my best friends is Russian
Find new friends.

>Why blame Biden?
because in his senile ramblings he's already declared war on russia on three separate occasions, only for his tard wranglers to have to go "NONONONO THAT'S NOT WHAT HE MEANT!"

Already happening

Putin is the one invading countries and threatening nuclear weapons though.

Of course Putin it's the big monster of this whole situation, that doesn't mean that I won't disagree for the call for war (even if fake or theatrical to gain more weapons)

Where in the post did I blame Biden?

I'm neither Russian nor Ukranian, so I don't give a shit, I give a shit about my fraudulent president trying to start WWIII due to his abysmal poll numbers.

My tax dollars have been going to defense companies for years to design weapons to blow up Russian tanks, I'm sorry if I'm happy to finally see them being put to good use and do what they were designed for

I don't understand the right's obsession with Hunter Biden.


cringe as usual

He was Joe Biden's go-between for every corrupt abuse of power as VP abroad, from Burisma to the CCP.
All the crack smoking and niece raping is also a bad look.

I dont watch TV but still care

It's literally just emails again, but with a "his" instead of "her" this time.

This. I'm actually interested in how the weapon systems actually function in an actual combat setting rather than controlled settings. I'm glad that they weren't just a waste of money and electronics and actually trashed a bunch of armor.

I wonder what this will make modern military planners consider for the future of armor considering how vulnerable they are to these kinds of weapons, and whether or not that will shift them to something drastically different, or just invest in more effective countermeasures, like more advanced active defense systems.

The right is basically trying to paint Hunter Biden as an Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner figure as a form of deflection.

"Wokeflix" would have been better

wrong based cartoonist

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Did something happen to Kamala Harris lately?

About what? Knowing you're seething?

how will Ben recover from this?

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Keep crying.

>he didn’t fucking die from covid
What a joke of a virus.

>Still obsessed with Hunter and the laptop
holy shit

The big reveal that the guy nobody's voting for smoked crack and received some nepotism to keep him out of trouble was supposed to be 2020's "Hillary's Emails"
And when it wasn't it kind of broke them.

werent libs the ones that love playing in shit and fucking rectal tract "vaginas"

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>I don't understand the right's obsession with Hunter Biden.
Trying to rationalize staring at some cracked out whoremonger's dick for weeks, gotta make it worth something, right?

my 70 year old mother had covid early this year and is already fully recovered. The chinese flu only kills those who already have both feet on their grave