How can I overcome my sexual desires?

Is there even a way to do so? A way to feel no desire for sex at all? I want to hit a point where I see a naked woman and I feel absolutely nothing. What kind of books hold the secret knowledge to achieve that feat?

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Chemical castration

Just learn some self control. You can't get by in life by biologically removing everything you're too dumb to master

>learn some self control
Where and how can I learn it?

You'll grow out of it, OP. Buy some tube socks until then.

Anti-depressants. I've been on anti-depressants (mirtazapine) for about a year now and my libido/sex drive has been insanely low, so in a way I can focus on things that matter instead of following my animal desires like a normiefag.

Bodily, one day at a time

Read Augustine. I'm not telling you to become a devote christian, but he struggled with lust for the better part of his life so you might find his writings relatable.

Cringe and literallypilled

watch 10-12 hours of pornography a day
jack off as much as possible, but keep porn playing in the background even when you're not jacking off. Ramp it up into more and more degenerate filth until the only thing that makes your dick twitch is blurry scat-snuff films filmed in belorussian basements. You will be completely uninterested in regular naked women (and probably also psychologically scarred for life).

Do they affect your memory or brain? I don't like taking thibgs that can affect my mental capacities

If your not weak in mind you can make it through

I wanted this before, but that's practically halfway to being a tranny, and potentially causes depression.

>do emotion altering drugs effect your brain
Nope, not at all.

That's because the parts of yourself that induce sexual attraction are a critical part of your being and removing them is a serious issue. Any solution to OPs question that isn't "just stop wanking" will have those results and worse.

Not really. They don't make you dumb if that's what you mean.

have sex

How the hell would that help?

Based and abysspilled

Asubha meditation
Paṭikkūlamanasikāra meditation
look them up, they are the reason why you never hear about Buddhist monks raping little boys: they're not just repressing their sexual desire, they've completely uprooted it. There's nothing to repress.

hes right u know

>they are the reason why you never hear about Buddhist monks raping little boys
Well, now that you talked about that. I think is a really fair point. Or is it because we are ocidentals and these news just don't reach us?

i'm taking 40mg escitalopram+900 mg of lithium+clonazepam per day. it really affected my memory, attention and concentration

Crime and Punishment.

and my libido of course

just jerk off

Masturbate without sexual fantasies or pornography, for pure utility. Don't draw out the process at all, just ejaculate as quickly as possible with no thoughts about women. Your sex drive is directly proportional to the amount of time its been since you last had sex, at least as a generality. It tapers after a while. If you want to stop masturbating entirely and try to flatline yourself, that might work too but its more effort.

Masturbating without thinking about women or having anything to do with women will teach your brain that sexual satisfaction doesn't come from them, and it'll eventually rewire to not gain satisfaction from anything but yourself. Be careful about what circumstances you masturbate in, because they'll likely start to arouse you, whatever they are.

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>teach your brain that sexual satisfaction doesn't come from them, and it'll eventually rewire to not gain satisfaction from anything but yourself
Why would you ever want to do this?

OP wants to stop liking women, don't ask me.

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I'm asexual, OP. Sex has never appealed to me, and likely never will. It's normal for me but strange from others perspectives, I guess. After the initial discovery of p*rnography in my tween years, beyond that initial curiosity I've literally never watched it. Seeing intercourse doesn't even prompt my body to arousal, nor bring sexual thoughts into my head. To this day, that remains true. It's strange - asexuality involves the "absence of sexual desire", meaning, I just can't "get" sex. I don't feel that intrinsic connection to the essence which others do. I imagine it's lying trying to explain a kind of food to someone who hasn't ever tasted it. Anyway, I don't know what you should do. Libido is a real problem for humans, who can reach far higher states of being if they can quell such kinds of urges. Yet, you have a libido (and so do I, but it's more of a physical need rather than an erotic one), and this won't dissipate simply because you want it to. I'd suggest looking into spiritual literature, especially the kind which promotes chastity/celibacy/brahmacharya. You might not be able to follow it perfectly, but the wisdom itself will help you, reminding you of your personal mission and that others out there are on such journeys too. You could also ask your doctor if they have medication which can harmlessly reduce one's libido, if one feels it's impacting their life negatively. Not sure if such things exist. Cut out p*rn as soon as possible, so that your mind can start to reset from such imagery as early as it can. Try and be more healthy - eating, sleeping, and exercising properly. This will help you in your ascetic endeavours. Keep carnal thoughts out of your mind - so long as you mentally think of such things, the physical responses will follow invariably. You can't make yourself asexual, and may never become celibate - but you can definitely reduce the presence of sexuality in your life, if you make the effort to. I send you my asexual blessing, and good luck my friend. I believe you can do it, and consider this post the start to your journey. :)

Really just wait until you get older, libido will decrease and you wont feel the burden of your accursed genes desperate to spread.

>Asubha meditation
>Paṭikkūlamanasikāra meditation

Not OP, but isn't one just a translation of the other? Are they truly separate practices?

Another option for OP could be to redirect his impulsive sexual desires into energy for other tasks instead of trying to snuff it out completely. "The Way of the Superior Man" talks about this, but I haven't gotten around to reading it since I am a lazy fuck who wastes too much time distracting himself on the internet.

Paṭikkūlamanasikāra is a type of Asubha but there are other types too, like looking at corpses a la Maraṇasati

What's up with Yea Forums's obssession with chastity?

OP don’t listen to this individual, he’s a retard, weak pill junkie, an embarrassment as a man and to his parents

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put your sexual energy into other things, instead of acting like you don't have that energy at all. i don't think its wise to pretend like it doesn't exist. that is how freaks are made

the people of Yea Forums want to be great

chastity is very conducive to productivity for many people, the trick is to make a habit of channeling all of that sexual energy into something useful (eg writing)

whether you're religious or not, anyone can seriously benefit from it
but stopping porn is definitely the most important bit, since it rewires your brain in really harmful ways

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>Is there even a way to do so? A way to feel no desire for sex at all?
Have a lot of it. If you're smart, you'll get bored of it fast.

Why would you want to eliminate sexual desire? Quit being a faggot, find a sexual partner, and develop a healthy sex life. Any philosophy/religion that tells you that sex is bad or should be suppressed is anti-human and for closet pedophiles (see Catholic church for more details).

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wish i had that dude's upper body, dang

Not judging you, but doesn’t your parents and friends think that’s strange you don’t want to have any relationship with girls?

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control is meant to be good, all about the use of rampant sexuality as a means of control not freedom in the West.

Well I do want to have relationships, but I don't want to have sex within them. I haven't yet had a girlfriend though, but if I ever get one, we'll be like any normal couple, just without that domain of activities.

I have depression, though. I'm not a pilljunkie, just telling him what worked for me.

Oh my bad, well you have my kindness, but ditch big pharma reliance and overcome depression, if I did you can

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dont listen to this bitch, stimulants will make you hornier

Thanks, pal. I'm actually going to quite soon. I just don't want to quit cold turkey. I'm taking half my dosis and then I'll take a quarter and then nothing. That's the plan at least.

Antidepressants do the opposite, though. The latest Houellebecq book talks about this.

OP take propecia. you can get it online without prescription $25/month at an absolute maximum

the absolute worst case scenario taking propecia you lose all sex drive. at the same time you will 100% never go bald. it was originally meant (and still used) to treat enlarged prostates, so the drug shrinks your prostate lowering sperm count and sex drive in the process. on very rare occassions it will permanently remove all sex drive. that's the worst case side effect of the drug too

Once you've exposed yourself to porn so much, your standards for women will be so high, only the best of the best would get you going.
The issue with that is, you'll never be able to have sex again


Are you okay with being cucked?

of course, cause I'm a cuck :)

once you have sex you'll realize how overhyped it is and that will help you get your mind off it.

>The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

getting sex consistently equals feeling good though


We can't get laid so instead of going through the discomfort of improving ourselves and continuing to try, we would rather just give up by convincing ourselves that we never really wanted to do it anyway.

get older and depressed

t. 30 y/o who burned himself out on kinky sex and degenerate pornography

you fry your serotonin glands and ruin your mind

Stop jerking off for a year.

ive reached this point and i absolutely hate it
often i wish i had more sexual desire

this is a lie, ive been watching pornography for 20 years and i fuck any women i can as long as their pussy is wet and tight, i literally pay no attention to anything else in a sexual partner

fasting + nofap for a week

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me on the left

Antidepressants made me so much fucking worse.
It's different per-person (for some people it works fine) but you (OP) ought to know that it's not a quick fix to anything. Sexual or depression.

I was on SSRIs and while it was sometimes difficult and uncomfortable I could still orgasm (I did it anyway because I suspect I had/have a porn addiction).
I'd zone out sometimes and little tiny things would irritate me and cause me to lash out at my family.
Another, worse symptom of SSRI use is "brain-zaps" I never really got them myself but they're pretty shitty (look it up).

Also a downside is I guess if you're into LSD, MDMA or most psychedelics in general you can't do them on SSRIs (or most antidepressants in general) without the serious risk of serotonin syndrome (not to mention that you won't even trip on a normal dose).

About your dilemma OP I have to say I'm in a similar boat. I disgust porn and sex but at the same time I'm addicted to porn + jacking off. I hate it, I feel like shit afterwards and I wish there was an easy way for me to just stop.
Right now I'm on this board trying to keep away from porn and preoccupy myself but it seems I can't escape.


>tfw I've done this to myself
how do I escape this madness. is there any hope

this tbqh

How can I uber cum my kimochiiii~~ ??

>books for this feel