Oh no, not this retard again

>oh no, not this retard again...

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Other urls found in this thread:


>someone has a stupid bad opinion
>better post it to Yea Forums so more people see it and give it attention



okay, groomer

wrong thread

Didn't he die of embarrassment after appearing in that one video where he's uncomfortable as hell

What does he look like?

gud bideo

>edgy; retard

>Guys, look at this ecele-

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>that ending


idk what makes E;R voice so captivating but the balance with his humor is so perfectly balanced you can't get tired of it. it sucks the video is too short...

>haha are you mad we're making Turning Red threads? oh you hate that movie? too bad because we'll make more :3
its like chinese pottery

ok simp

Okay OP, care to explain what's wrong with this person's opinion on Turning red?

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You know, a movie combining a female coming of age film with the fun fantasy of turning into a big red panda COULD have worked without becoming a groomer's paradise. You'd just need to heavily retrofit everything from the second act on to ensure the 'chastity' of the panda is kept sacred. Equating periods and puberty to pandas is fine, and equating pandas to thinly veiled sexual acts is also fine in a vaccum, but both at the same time? Ew.

Maybe instead of whoring out her panda to her classmates to earn money to see a boy band, maybe she uses her panda strength to do oddjobs/tasks (on the level of mowing people's lawns) to earn money to go see a music show with pyrotechnics/a YAS queen slay type of stunt show. Maybe a sleazy producer finds out about her power and offers to let her help a bit on stage, planning to exploit said panda? Story beats are mostly the same, but maybe at the big show something goes wrong and she needs to intervene to save people. Then when it seems she might actually get hurt her mom swoops in to save the day as her giant panda. Yada yada scold for being irresponsible but love for being a brave/good person. Movie ends with mother lightening up a bit on the Tiger mom shit.

Now the panda/female puberty stuff is a source of internal strength, not just something to parade around for attention. It still has the same message of a woman's menstruation is nothing to be ashamed of and is beautiful, blah blah blah (still very cringey) but at least it doesn't seemingly advocate for pedophilia anymore.



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oh sorry maybe i should go watch someone of your calliber? maybe LSMark or Pan featuring that tranny to speak about tranny issues rather than cartoons?

Fake news

If you really wanted turning red threads to stop you'd have a team of dedicated coomers post rule 34 until the mods are sick of baby sitting the thread and kick it to /trash/

Oh no! Yet another retard posts a Turning My Thigh Into A Cock thread that will certainly be deleted in 2 hours. This is why you discipline your children, parents!

I see Cartoon Sseth has risen from the grave again

Milk Truck just arrived

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Didn't this dude got outted as a unironic racist and got disowned by the cartoon review community

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I wish this movie was as fucked up as these autists make it out to be. Would be unfiltered animation kino instead of a decent coming of age flick.

I'm surprised he hasn't just jump on the train to being a anime reviewer seeing as he clearly likes that medium more

was anyone surprised? any of his videos, community posts and twitter posts clearly showed he was an edgy piece of shit

And not even the funny kind of edgy

like I can tolerate a lot of edgy stuff when there is some good punchline but this guy just says racist shit and claims "issa joke dude", if you are an edgy teenager or a grown ass man who never mentally grown he is funny but otherwise he is a rancid person

Yea Forumsmblr

What about it?

And here I thought E;R would be seen as the messiah of Yea Forums

He's only edgy by female standards, since women are the most boring pieces of shit on the planet.
There's a reason why trannies are replacing them in sports, it's the only way to make women's sports entertaining to watch.

Nah he's more into anime than cartoons

I know that but he still reviews western media from time to time, so what gives? Why the unironic hate?

My best guess he's wants to be a famous anti woke cartoon reviewer not known to him however becuase unlike most other communities like anime video games which have a huge anti woke settlement the cartoon community is filled to the brim with lgbt drones, blue hair tumblr people and of course sjws, even some cartoon reviewers like cartoonsusi and dumbsville who usually against woke content in cartoons bend to the knee and apologized for most of their offensive content hence why I guess E:R wants to change that even through he actually racist and too much of a edge lord to make a change

It's because of his love of avatar and that connects to anime through the influences and now he's just attached himself to the shitting on bad western media reviewer archetype because that's the only way he'll get views

I genuinely like how he edits his videos and how he isn’t doing the same shit every other garden variety cartoon reviewer is doing.

My favorite cartoon reviewer is still rebel taxi despite him trying to get away from cartoons

>the messiah of Yea Forums
i thought that was chrischan

I don’t hate the dude but he’s basically Sseth for movies/shows and not nearly as funny.

It's different from him, and thus wrong.


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>he doesn't say that the panda looks like she fucks human men

the dump truck is here too

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I guess but hes in jail now

Is this shopped right?

>E;R making Yea Forums seethe again

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nope youtu.be/0usseU_HO-k?t=46

He's a big culture war guy, he doesn't want to talk about things he enjoy, he wants to complain about things he dislikes while vaguely signaling at "jews bad", "niggers bad", "women bad" without never actually biting the bullet.

Seethe tranny.

>vaguely signaling

Take your meds

>got disowned by the cartoon review community
Who the fuck cares about that type of shit?

>cartoon review community
Just how fucking lame does that sound

It is kind of funny that this guy ruined luke weber's career by goading him on during his downward spiral.

comblr deez nutz

Same people who care about e-celebs in general

>cartoon review community
Man, cartoons celebs are so fucking pathetic. I'm even embarrassed for having the same hobbies as these idiots.