Still the best Pixar girl.
Still the best Pixar girl
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Is it the nose?
It's a shame her romance and chemistry with the guy was nonexistent. To think that forcing yourself on her was enough to win her over.
He didn't force himself you mong
Remy did you dunderhead.
I’m more partial to Mirage myself but she’s a good second.
That's a milf
Well, she is French.
Remy was controlling Linguini and forced him on her. She was going to mace him until he was unintentionally kissing her.
>"The rat made me do it"
I see you're a man of culture as well.
What did Pixar mean by this?
*2nd best,
best is Helen
It's even more nonexistent when you consider that their whole chemistry was built on Remy's cooking skills. She might have known Linguini "garbage boy" for some time, but really she fell in love with the rat. Even when the truth is out and she comes back you can see she connects better with Remy as they cook the Ratatouille together
>remy: ya like jazz?
Nah, there's several better girls.
>Thanks for all the advice about cooking
>Thank you
>For what?
>For taking it
Oh yeah, I'm sure this sweet moment was due to Remy's cooking skill. Also the movie shows that Colette is more annoyed by Remy's desire to follow his intuition rather than blindly follow orders.
She’s right to be annoyed, Remy was a naturally talented cook but he lacked the training of a professional chef which you need if you want to work in a gourmet restaurant. You need to know the rules before you know how to start messing with them.
Violet > Helen
Once the curves come in, definitely
what a tepid, calibrated and pompous movie. Where is the personality or creative exuberance?
Curves would ruin the cuteness.
Look at this retard that opened a dictionary for the first time.
Nope Helen Parr is the best Pixar female.
i couldn't give a shit about these characters. Too underdeveloped, both of them
hasn't got the accent, nor the nice face
They were plenty of developed, not the movie’s fault that you’re a brainlet.
>no mention of family members or friends
>we never see her house
>no mention of how long has she been working at Gusteau's or the cooking business
>no hobbies
>no real interactions with her boss and co workers besides Linguini
underwritten character
>nor the nice face
Incorrect. Violet has a very nice face. It comes with pinch-able cheeks and kissable eyebags. What's not to love?
they captured the french look very well because somehow the fact that she probably smells bad is visually communicated. also I hate the whole
>beta male ugly jew gets hot gf
trope in animation
>Brad Bird and Antz producer working together
Ratatouille should've been better. The script lacks the wit, satire and social commentary from Incredibles and Antz
Gewdboi's Violet is one of the better curvy Violets specifically because she maintains the eyebags.
Jesus Christ, showing a character where they live or who their family are isn’t development. That’s literally a child’s comprehension of character development. Are you underage or something? You have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums.
That might as well be a totally different character. Why not just draw Helen at that point? At least the curves would make sense.
it's called fleshing out. She is one of the central characters of the film, so they might as well tell us something about her
Because Violet hates being a sticc.
Remy DID understand the rules. He didn't understand the rules when it came to working at a gourmet restaurant, but he knew how to cook. He listened to her advice about how to work in a restaurant setting, but if he felt something was wrong with a recipe he worked to fix it instead of just going along with it, which annoyed Colette.
Not an argument
Would any of that service the story in anyway? She had a role in the story to act as a love interest for Linguini and to provide her viewpoint that you should never go against the head chef which Remy challenges. Everything you listed is inconsequential.
Antz is shiiiiiiiiiit
No it isn’t, that’s the kind of stuff a shitty writer thinks is fleshing out a character. There are thousands of great stories where not a single thing you complained about were part of a character, it’s the most skin deep comprehension of character writing possible. There’s plenty to know about her, it’s not the movie’s fault that it went over your head specifically when most other people never had this problem.
>t. groomer
Pixar had a decline in quality during mid 00s. Despite their excellent animation for the time and comfy settings, Cars and Ratatouille overstay their welcome and have a ton of boring sections. To Cars' credit, it did have a colorful cast of characters (Radiator Springs citizens) and a catchy lyrical soundtrack. Can't say the same for Ratatouille
Remy’s technique was sloppy and unrefined before he had training from Colette. He had a intrinsically talented chefs palette and intuition but when it came to chef skills he was still an amateur. Colette was also too rigid and a slave to convention which is part of the reason Gusteau’s was failing, Remy was what the restaurant needed and Colette eventually saw that.
things improved with Wall-E. It's shorter, more charming, and offers more consistent entertainment than its uneven predecessors
Antz is a 78 mins masterpiece
More like 78 mins piece of shit such an unsoulful movie
another thing that Cars and Ratatouille lack : excitement. There is a lack of stakes in their stories
Hey Autismo, go fuck off somewhere else. This is a Ratatouille thread not a “whine about people enjoying Ratatouille then ramble about other movies” thread. Shit like this got you permabanned before, it’ll do it again.
Only because she has yet to come across someone who would encourage her to embrace being so tiny and cute.
I've been called that about ten times the last week. Is it the newest buzzword?
If everyone is calling you a groomer, maybe you need to reevaluate yourself
If Remy wasn't under the hat she would be raging at Linguini's sloppiness, especially since this happens after he proved himself with the soup
I will never have an intimate kiss with my true love
Or what?
If this movie came out in current year, this would spawn a dozen threads. A day.