Twitter thinks these designs are better than the original. Agree or disagree?

Twitter thinks these designs are better than the original. Agree or disagree?

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I think timmy’s is the only one i really don’t like

I dont like Timmy or AJ

Nah. The designs would work for an original show but it's obvious the author hasn't watched the show.

>with all the shit Butch has done in recent years people wanna pretend "um ackshually I NEVER liked FOP” to save their own asses

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i grew out of FOP.

Why does AJ look retarded.

This happened to John k when he was outed as a predator in the mainstream audience

I hate these mostly because I know exactly how they would be animated
The inherent designs don't bother me as much as how they will move.

rip AJ

They look like chalk drawings a child would do at school. They are somewhat charming, but I wouldn't watch a show with them.

These designs would work well as it’s own new show, but wouldn’t work with FOPs chaos as a redesign.

>cosmo turns into a noose

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Eh, it's at least nice to look at say for Timmy. That looks like it'd be this version of Timmy's older brother who also had fairies but grew out of them

can't lie they cute

I didn't even recognize that as Tootie. Looks like Willow from Bowel House.

I think what bugs me the most about Timmy’s design is the headshape, strangely enough

I like them, but Veronica's new design doesn't fit with her personality and Timmy looks a little lame.

Seems to be based on his pilot design’s head shape.

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Timmy’s negates the part where he’s supposed to be a fucking loser, a weirdo outcast.
If you remember high school, the weirdo outcast always sorta just wore basic outfits like jeans and a t-shirt.

>Twitter thinks
Fuck off OPnigger

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>Twitter thinks these designs are better than the original. Agree or disagree?

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I fucking hate these type of noses, who keeps pushing them in animation???

I want porn of the girls...just because.

I think they're nice designers, just not for some kind of FoP reboot.

I didn't even recognize Tootie, my brain thought that was Willow from Owl House and I had to go, "Is this some new character from the dog seasons I missed or something?". Trixie also needs to have a prettier face. It's crooked which makes her look weird and her pencil neck is unappealing. She doesn't look like a school beauty queen anymore, just some girl.

people who play too much animal crossing. all of the designs reek of
>uwu snuggly, cuddly, quirky safespace!!!

AJ looks like a faggot. Not just for his hair, his head/face looks weird too.

>retards do this small brained shit instead of taking the Steve Marmelpill
>retards pretend not to like something because "uwu the creator is bad"

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I feel like removing Tootie's pigtails is like removing an appendage. They often changed or took shape depending on her emotions in animation, and it gave her character an extra bit of cartoonyness, this redesign is just something boring and safe like out of a modern cartoon. Its little things like this which show the lack of grasp this guy and so many modern character designers have. "Just slap a trans flag on Timmy, that will get this engagement!" (shit, it worked, so kudos to them selling their own book).

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Not a fan.

So this is just somebody's fanart you picked up to start a shitfest on Yea Forums after it seeing it get more than a few likes right

>Cosmo, Wanda! I wish i had ipad!

Is that a trans flag on Timmy?

Took me a long time to realize that the We Bare Bears-looking ass Asian girl was supposed to be Tootie because of the skirt and vest. Jesus fuck, I'm dumb.

Timmy looks too much like a chad. He's supposed to be a loser

I hate all of these.

I don't give a fuck what cunts on Twitter think and neither should anyone else.

cute, at leats it would have been better than the LA shit we've got

Not in the fucking slightest, no. And fuck you for doing another random Twitter thread

They look alright except for Timmy, he looks too cool and collected, not miserable loser material.
Tootie is very cute but she honestly looks scuffed as fuck without the pigtails


Mine dressed in all black and wore t-shirts with dad rock logos everyday.

No. This is low-effort tumblrina shite.

I hate this shit, have some conviction for fucks sake.

I like the Veronica and Chester, everything else is mid at best

Exactly, god forbid someone seperate the art from the artist.

I wish your pronouns were was/were


This looks like the most generic, bland and safe thing. Like they came out of a Disney teen comedy. Butch's design had EDGE. Also the black boy looks retarded.

quick rundown of butch? i didn't follow him for years

These are horrible. Nothing remotely interesting or funny about them

>twitter thinks
news to me

AJ's head look like a damn coconut

Trixie looks the same how boring is that, Honestly Veronica looks better as a Tomboy there.

Yeah, Timmy's supposed to be an average kid that no-one understands.

Is Chester supposed to be Mexican?

These are shit. The originals are much better.

Hard disagree for everyone except Veronica.

You forgot this one

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He's a Christian and Twitter trannies think that makes him evil