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I want Lapis to piss on me

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remember that scene from twilight with the hot redhead

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>slap bob on the ass
g-good game

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Peridot gets to sleep on THAT?

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I want to hug lapis

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>no pubes

I like to think she and Steven get together after Connie dies

I like to think Steven cuts off his dick and hangs himself


Sorry, Pink Connie is gonna be Steven's #1 girl forever.
Though not his only girl.

He can't, Pink Steven will just bring him back.

She wouldn’t want to be turned pink

>sketch looks better than the finished drawing

I don't think this thread is about baseball

She would definitely prefer that to dying.

She’s too much of a cunt

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I'm not gay but I would fuck Bob so hard.

>fucking a girl
why would that ever be gay?

Bob is just an extremely attractive dude, he looks kind like Lapis

Small rub

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What’s her name again?

user, that is very clearly Lapis in a baseball uniform.
i bet you also think that that clark kent isn't superman.

What? Nonsense.

B.o.b formerly Lapis

Can we continue the Teacher Lapis posting from last thread?

I am convinced that there are more people drawing porn of these characters than people that watched the show

That's what B.O.B looks like now? I used to love his radio hits as a kid; now I love him even more!

no homo

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Not sure if I want to rape lapis or get raped by lapis

I want Lapis to let me hump her every time I get horny

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Who the fuck is Clark Kent?

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I imagine if he decides he wants to die it'll reflect in his gem and it'll perhaps separate from his body reform into a "fresh" Pink Diamond without either of their memories

gawd the tired eyes make me diamonds

good bobs now show vegana ples

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why did they make lapis so SEXY?

All of the Crystal Gems are sexy in their own way

Blue Gems are objectively the best

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That’s the trade-off when your art is stylized instead of realistic. It can be finished quicker and has a satisfying feel to the lineart, but any kind of rendering outside of basic shading usually feels “off” to people. It’s why guys like baalbuddy and Telepurte focus on composition and character rather than accuracy and rendering.

Why do Gems make such perfect thots?

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Lapis not knowing anything about Baseball while wearing a Skimpy Baseball Outfit is nice.
Imagine telling her to do lewd things and telling her it's just a part of the game.

>Happy Lappy

Would it be a dumb idea to ask for request in this thread? I wanna draw Lapis but not sure if the thread's too dead for that

Damn that's fucking HOT

gonna make a tf2 spray of this with demoman in back.