Does it work?

does it work?

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In making the author filthy rich? Yes.
This is propably what Peterson aspires to be.

actually held the belief that it did. pure pseudo-science, and no it doesn't. There is too much "luck" involved in everything.

Does luck not exist?

No. Take the position of an omniscient god; you would know how everything is connected and how one action leads to another. Finding money might be lucky for you but utterly inconsequential for a billionare. The individual finds and defines ‘luck’

Yes, as long as you really believe.
If you come in with a skeptical mind you'll get mixed results, you'll manifest proof for your skepticism.

New age bullshit, that keeps being resuscitated from time to time.
I know too many people that embraced this crap, only to fail, and then blame themselves for that, when they never had a chance to begin with.
Shit like this is why 'Murika isn't great anymore. Charlatans and thieves.

It was written by pic related. That should tell you everything you need to know about the book.

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yeah christians are terrible

I was referring to the fact that she's a blonde woman.

ITT: people who believe it doesn't work and are therefore manifesting their beliefs.

Sucks for you, I guess. Now let me manifest a free parking spot. ;-)

Pretty sure there was some incel manifesto awhile back where he tried to use pic related to get girls, and instead he just killed people. It's shit

It works on a psychological level, but it's not some magic like the book claims. If you think about a thing a lot, it's more likely to happen just because you will spend more effort in order to achieve it.

>it's not some magic
It's not magic. We simply connect with the world's energy through a quantum field.
Just because science doesn't know how this works yet doesn't mean it's not real.

You have no idea what you're talking about, retard. Read a book nigger.

You sound angry. Seems like you have attracted some negative events into your life.

Blonde bimbo thots are insufferable, but blonde bimbo thots who believe in New Age bullshit are even worse.

Quantum focus and entanglement does work, you filthy pleb-atheist.

Then prove that it works by getting me banned so that I don't have to keep coming here to post to retards like you, faggot.

care to explain how? i’m sure you have no idea what you mean

he thinks it doesn’t wyou idiot

Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this.

this, the entire thread is just
>I don't understand quantum mechanics but I'm going to talk about it anyway


>I refuse to read anything on quantum mechanics, spoonfeed me please

If it keeps my mom from being depressed it's ok.

Just your usual new age bullshit for women. Nothing to see here.

>turquoise jewelry
yup, total bullshit then.

Psycologist here, no not really, but one of the reasons why people think it does has to do with self fullfiling profecies.

Think of it this way, i Say that i Will drop a glass of water or someone says that to me, so in the end i drop the glass beacuse i got nervous, and my brain or the other person says "see? I told hoy so"

Sorry for bad gammar

Stop with the pleb shit and start getting serious.

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The idea is just set goals and then work towards them/think about them. Obviously this makes you more likely to achieve them. The book is shit though its just dude magic lmao

>i pretend to know things but can't reply with more than a sentence on any subject

Yes, positive thinking always works.
Cancer? Positive-think it away!
Poverty? Imagine yourself rich!
Paralyzed? Believe you can use the bathroom without help and you will walk again, hallelujah!
Victim of violent crimes, like rape or genocide? If only you knew the secret!

Just imagine and unrape yourself to have that unbroken hymen back!

you can rationalize anything if you try hard enough

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

kill yourself, you useless moron.