Captain America #0 Storytime

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Bump if you're reading.

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wait what
where are the booba

where did you get it ?

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bro thats the directors cut

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killer art

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since Zolo is the main Villain for this issue I wonder if someone is going to mention Dimension Z and steve's adopted son.

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surprising that sam agrees with the Nazi strawman that the USA sucks as a country

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is ian zola's kid
bring back jet too

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>ian zola's kid
yeah, ian is his genetic kid who got lost in the multiverse thanks to secret wars and we never saw him agein.

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Floating Zaku heads?

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excellent art, shame about the writing

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> literally who caps instead of howling commandos or avengers or invaders


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that panel with steve and sam floating in the water is really weird looking.

And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.

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>posting images during storytime
Kill yourself newnigger

Did they forget Hunter is fucking blonde?

Pretty fun start right now.
I liked the old styled banter and Zola's scheme feels pretty fun. If the whole run can keep this sort of energy I'd be down with it.
And even if the writing isn't stellar, the artwork is fantastic enough to keep me engaged.

not my problem

a surprise Hunter appearance I guess Ridley had no interest in using him in his run then

It's traced over posing software.

my main issue with it is the 3d model Water does not mesh well with 2D traced charecters

When was the last time he was in a comic??

fuck you faggot been here for over 15 years, i waited til the last page, nobody cares about promo pages at the end

>Accepting outsiders

in continuity? maybe that Priest Black Panther annual from a couple of years ago.
in publication? Black panther legends, which is written by the same writer as this issue.

this is what your average liberal believes

"Underwater in two decades" is a pretty big stretch but the other stuff isn't exactly off-base.

I'll admit, this was cool.

The wildfires receive constant attention and exist because we imported exploding trees. It's not because of the heckin' racism or insufficient kowtowing to the teachings of Comrade Marx.