Do you think the new Lord of the Rings TV series on Netflix will do justice to the books?

Do you think the new Lord of the Rings TV series on Netflix will do justice to the books?

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I rewatched the the LOTR first time since 2001. Almost 18 years later.

It felt cringeworthy, not in a sense that the CGI would have aged or something like the special effects did not deliver ( they still do, in fact, )

The magic is missing. I rather listen Summoning and read the books only, I also felt that those movies modeled Middle-Earth of my imagination to look like those Jackson films.

I will stay away from those Netflix series even if they would deliver something on par the Jackson LOTR trilogy (they won't)

books are not movies

The secular world doesn't understand Tolkien, and if they did they would do everything they could to hide the underlying philosophy. That's what the new Tolkien documentary seems to be doing.

Not one mention of Catholicism.

of course

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Chris was right about the films really. I enjoy them, but they themselves aren't a good adaptation of tolkien.

Only a disgusting, homophobic/racist would disagree about how good the show will be. I'm glad they're exploring the characters sexuality. For instance, it's clear Tolkien wanted Gandalf to be gay. Society was really anti-gay back in his day, so it would have been considered a mental illness then (can you believe that!?). They alluded to it in the Peter Jackson films by casting Gandalf by the greatest living actor, Sir Ian McKellen, who himself is a gay man. This isn't a mistake. Also, I hear there is going to be more sex/nudity, which I always will welcome, like GOT because we're human dude, get over it, people are naked and have sex.
I'm pretty sure the series is going to even surpass the book because this is what Tolkien intended but was limited by the fundamentalist censors of his day.


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It's on Amazon Prime not Netflix and I think they'll do a better job than Netflix. Man in the High Castle was pretty faithful before the public outcry in the first season.

>muh lord of the rings is first world war allegory

You're right. Not one mention of Catholicism. Lots of hints that his inspiration came from the war.

Typical nonsense from those who know nothing about Tolkien.

The Tolkien Estate has already condemned the film and says they were extremely opposed to it.

Also the actor looks nothing like Tolkien whatsoever.

Is it possible to sage a post?

Well, I guess that's why we will never be getting any other Narnia adaptions

The movies didn't.

surprisingly, i also felt a lot of cringe rewatching. perhaps because i watched them first as a kid. the ringwraith scenes in the beginning of fellowship felt too rushed to be dramatic; the tension wasnt there. as a kid they were scary so i guess i was expecting more tension. the world building also felt shallow. mainly, they had to pack so much narrative into the runtime they couldnt linger on anything

a series that is slower would be interesting to watch

I rewatched them a couple years ago and still liked the movies a lot. Though, that could be because movies have gone down in quality a lot, so on their own they're still quality movies

what outcry?

i still get shivers from theodens rallying speecg at minas tirith though. the series i think matured as it progressed. the third film is a spectacular drama. maybe i spoke too soon, i should rewatxh the second and third

People were angry after season one because they thought they'd made the nazis too likeable.

I really don't think they could have done a better job with the film. I'm still impressed by it today, especially by the extended versions. Every decision to omit or alter was made thoughtfully over the years and years of pre-production.

The Hobbit had none of that pre-production and thoughtfulness and it shows (pic-related).

Amazon will shit it out as quickly as they can like the Hobbit did.


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>The Tolkien Estate has already condemned the film and says they were extremely opposed to it.
Not sure if true, but based anyway.

I felt the same way when watching the third Hobbit movie on the big screen. It made me realize how much cringy the Scottish dwarf trope is.

imagine being this unbased (cringed?).

Honestly I agree about the films being a decent production. You have to consider budget limitations and practicality in terms of filming.

Amazon has been in pre-production for a long time already. They haven't even begun casting. I don't expect anything amazing but I don't think it'll be a complete hack job.

I find it easier to simply seperate the books from the film and tv productions.

no, I imagine it'll be a combination of grimdark GoT clone and diversity quotas. I'd love to see some shit like the battle against Morgoth, and Ancalagon the Black put to film, but I'm pretty sure the show is already confirmed to take place in the second age instead.

I thought of the movies 2 and 3 were excellent, but 1 was uncertain of what it wanted to do.

As a young teen watching them for the first time, I'd rate them 3 > 2 > 1, as an adult I now rate them 1 >>>>>>> 3 > 2. Fellowship knows and does exactly what it means to.

The movies do go downhill after the first when the fellowship gets split up and jumps around POV.


The first one, especially the long version is perfect.

As much as it didn't lived up, Lotr is probably one of the best films since the last decade

Upvote. Oh, and here, take this gold.

peak incel

I'm surprised they didn't make him into a homosexual or something like that. I hate this world so much.

It's a pasta you springfag

>Not one mention of Catholicism.
Colm Meaney is playing the priest who raised Tolkien after his mother died.
Pay attention.

No, absolutely not.

Where do you see that in the trailer?

fuck, you're on Yea Forums too?

>I also felt that those movies modeled Middle-Earth of my imagination to look like those Jackson films.
What are you even trying to say here? It just looks like you're saying
>those Peter Jackson movies modeled ME to look like those Peter Jackson films.
Well no shit, the only thing other that PJ could've modeled it after was magic the gathering illustrations and the LOTR cartoons...?
The Hobbit movies all sucked, tragically.
Shut the hell up insect.

>What are you even trying to say here?

I was 10-11 years old when LOTR (the movie) was released in my country. I got heavily interested in it afer seeing the trailers, so my parents got me all the books too including Silmarillion and The Hobbit.

I was halfway through the book (Lotr) when I went to see the movie itself; so basically yeah, Peter Jackson's scenery, aesthetics and special effects certainly did model how I envision the scenery while reading the books, considering I was a little kid back then, in terms of imagination

Incels listen mostly to Dungeon Synth, Summoning is a bit too black metallish for incel aesthetics.

That trailer is too short to mention anything you stupid niggers.

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Why does everything have be live action, why not just make an animated version that look similar to the Alan Lee illustrations?

The trailer wasn't too short to mention WW2, so it did mention something. Either way, I was talking about the trailer and how the movie seems to not care much about Tolkiens underlying philosophy, and I pointed out that this specific trailer didn't even allude to his Catholicism. So what is the point of you mentioning some actor is playing a priest? I didn't say the entire movie would say anything about Catholicism, but that it would be downplayed. You're not addressing the point being made and in the process you're being a cunt.

My guess is that it will be another dull generic high fantasy take on the material that we saw from Jackson's interpretation. I'd love to see it done by someone with a real creative vision.

I didn't mention catholicism, someone else did.
>the trailer doesn't allude to muh pretender christ faith
>the trailer doesn't care about his philosophies
getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?
Wait until the movie releases and then we'll discuss what's what.
>getting WW1 mixed up with WW2
Jesus and Muhafuckingmmad man, how embarrassing.

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>no silmarillion tv series
eh, missed opportunity.