I don't mean a robotic limb or some 'quirky preteen girl from a modern cartoon that's implied autism because she's so le quirky xD'
I'm talking characters that are actually canon, or at least very heavily implied to, have an actual tangible disorder or handicap
Cartoons with mentally/physically disabled characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
die cripplefucker
Clarence had really solid 2 episodes about disabled character
All of Clarence's episodes are about a trio of mentally disabled children
whats his disability?
also on the topic of koth.... was it fetal alcohol syndrome?
is Luz still autistic or did they drop that line to make her a chosen one?
>Well, Its datatrax are scrambled beyond recovery, Its structure is a nightmare, and Its logic circuits are barely at the level of a drone.
I always just got the impression of “dumb trailer park girl” instead of an actual disability.
Nah, just dumb redneck girl who's too nice for her own good.
Harvy Dent is an old character from a time when it was common to conflate schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder.
Star Boy in Justice League vs The Fatal Five also has Schizophrenia is a more realistic fashion. There was a scene with Star Boy and Two-Face eating lunch together in Arkham. I didn't get it at first, mainly because I don't see Two-Face as a proper schizophrenic.
either way it wouldnt count because her disability is clearly not intended or portrayed in any way beyond 'quirky'
if we diagnosed every preteen girl whos loud and obnoxious and 'not like other girls', wed be here all day
An alternate universe incarnation is significantly more "normal", but has canonical roboautism.
is it cheating to bring up south park characters? i cant think of any other show that has THAT MANY actual, canon human retards and cripples in one place
Why would it be cheating?
like i said- there's a ton of them for whatever reason
A surprising amount of them are pretty important characters too, with their disability only barely being a factor, and they were long before the special ed class was introduced.... It's pretty impressive, actually. I think it may be because the creators personally know a bunch of handicapped people irl. IIRC a few of them are based off of real people they know
Another canonically autistic Transformer.
Transformers is FULL of characters that have some sort of mental issue if you read their bios. Physical disability is rarer. Notably, most of the G1 combiners have mental issues as the emergent combiner personality tries to deal with the subconscious, or overtly conscious, conflicting minds of their component parts.
- Menasor's limbs hate the torso so much that Menasor can barely function beyond "unfocused rage".
- Bruticus is EXTREMELY dumb, despite being composed of smart and schemey 'bots like Onslaught and Swindle.
- Superion shuts out his component's minds, leaving him unable to improvise or adapt well.
- Computron uses his five components to overanalyze everything, physically and mentally frozen in place until they make a decision.
- Piranacon merges the Seacon's personalities too well, creating a giant that is obsessed with hunting. They need to set an automatic timer to decombine or they'll hunt themselves to lethal exhaustion.
i feel like its hard to say that an alien/robot is 'autistic' just because they dont understand certain logic because... well... its alien to them
So many problems.
Geomotus is Cybertronian. His setting is entirely Cybertron in location and culture. Another Cybertronian is outright saying "this guy's brain works differently". What more do you fucking want?
From what I hear, Mike was a really good interpretation of MPD until the very end
oh this guy! i used to have a massively autistic crush on him when i was in highschool
Yeah I'm sure most people have skillsets locked behind their different wacky nationality-based personalities
theres no way luannes mom was sober for the 9~ months
I always thought his portrayal was just way too cartoonish and not based off of reality. I know this was a cartoon but still it would have neen nice to see his serious mental disorder played a bit more realistically. That and the fact that Mike having MPD was pretty much his entire gimmick and character aside from just being mildly awkward to his crush.
as a psychologist, its hard to tell due to it being a cartoon, but luanne's face looks just aaaaalmost like FAS... but they could also just be perfectly normal facial features... again- a cartoon
as for Jimmy in OP image, he might be a caricature of a downie
I dunno OP is there a cartoon about me?
personally i liked how absurd it was, it didnt need to be more serious and grounded, TDI is a comedy and it did what it did well
what *I* personally wish it, and certain other cartoons, has done- is not have him change appearance with every new persona. just write and act them well enough for us to tell...
its the same as my gripe with how every cartoon that does a body swap seems to keep the voices instead of just writing the charas in such a way that we can tell its not them
funnily enough the only cartoon ive seen NOT do that, and still amazingly portray the characters speaking, is small candy-colored equine show
Rescue Bots did it too
What the hell did you see in him
its a disability fetish
Another Jimmy
And yet another.... why is it always a 'Jimmy?'
user, just cause you dont like children being children doesn't mean you can call them mentally disabled.
unless they were specifically stated to be. I think Sumo is actually very fucking normal.
i think blockhead steve is canonically supposed to be high functioning autistic
idk what kinda explanation wouldve made you happy, but this is it..... i didnt know at the time but it makes sense now considering all my other cartoon/comic book crushes were in some way or another disabled
it took me having a thing for to realize thats what it was
Clarence and Sumo are clearly mentally-impaired and probably also have ADHD. The square-headed one clearly has OCD at least.
In the new YJ season, there's a character with an autistic child that they write like a screaming, shrieking unbearable mess. They pull zero punches with him. If anyone was still watching it, I'm sure some autism group would get mad at being portrayed like that.
It's just that in my head when you said
>massively autistic crush on him when i was in highschool
I assumed it would have been for a pretty simple benign reason like thinking he just looked cute or thought the way he acted like a dork was also cute, which is why "disability fetish" caught me so off guard. Not kink shaming, just surprised.
ive never seen a real life person with an actual case of bean mouth
i had to stop watching this show because of the retard, retards existence makes me depressed. Imagine having one chance at life and being born retarded. I hope autism/down syndrome can be cured someday so they don't have to suffer anymore.
sumo isn't disabled he's just feral. clarence is also probably not mentally disabled he's just kind of dim. jeff is some kind of autistic or ocd.
maybe that wouldve been the case if it was a one time thing and i would never have known better, but i find myself so unbelievably aroused by disability its concerning
sometimes i crave the touch of a retarded or disabled person, to sit in their lap, to be explored by them.... its my greatest fantasy, to be at the mercy or a group of tards who want nothing more than to play with my body.... sometimes i get physically aroused at the sight of a wheelchair
The duality of man
come on Yea Forums, where's my cute little psychotic sociopath?
>Is he a retard, Uncle George?
>No, no, no, nothing like that. He's alright! He's just an idiot.
is it illegal to fuck cripples? i have always assumed that fucking them counted as rape
What makes you think they have ADHD? I'll give you Jeff, but Clarence just strikes me as a little dimwitted but really just a kid that doesn't know much about the world and how to act yet.
Sumo's just energetic, and judging from his home life, his parents more or less just let him run wild. My dude will mellow out as soon as he gets older.
At what point is it just kids being kids into being genuine ADHD?
no! absolutely not!! cripples have just as much agency as a mentally abled or ablebodied person!! only in very rare cases are they so retarded that they cant even comprehend what theyre doing and fucking them may cause them harm, but if they can consent, verbally or physically, odds are theyre coherent enough to know whats going on! cripples deserve love too!
This and Pellswick both star a guy in a wheelchair.
Do you remember that time when Batman was retarded and Black?
god i want to fuck her
How is this show? As good as Pelswick?
it's also by the same person...
So what specific disabilities are you attracted to if you have any preference?
personally im particularly into the mental ones, but i also find myself attracted to various forms of palsy
why do you give him attention?
Crazy Floyd
I want to see where this could lead to