For once the live-action actors (or just Hayden) have to live up to the animated children's show spinoff versions of their characters instead of vice versa
For once the live-action actors (or just Hayden) have to live up to the animated children's show spinoff versions of their characters instead of vice versa
They'll probably dub over Hayden's voice with Matt Lanter's voice like the bunch of history-erasing faggots they are
Good. Hayden sucks, but Star Fags are so used to shit actors in their mediocre films that they cream themselves when they come back.
I dub it the "Andrew Garfield effect".
Clone Wars Anakin is literally the only likeable version of the character.
i wish.
>t. The Clone Wars drone
Nah, we've already had adaptions like Genddy's Clone Wars that didn't try to pretend Anakin had a different kind of voice and had a VA that actually tried to sound like him
He sounded like shit though
That's because he was a good friend.
>nooooooo I didn't sound like the same generic hero of everything else ever
Garfield was always good though his movies were just shit
andrew garfield is a good actor tho
meant for
The problem with Hayden's performance or more specifically his voice is that he just sounds like a whiny bitch and so I can never take him seriously. Doesn't help that the only time we see him banter with Obi-Wan is in just the beginning of Revenge of the Sith so he's basically a spiteful asshole too for most of his runtime.
Matt Lanter's performance may sound "cliche" but it's at least fitting with what Obi-Wan said about Anakin in ANH, he actually sounds brotherly, someone who would do anything for his friends but occassionally goes too far.
i fucking love star wars
so good can't wait
Can’t wait for them to fuck up the sole OT character that they haven’t got round to actively soiling
Glup Shitto?
Yeah it's funny most of the brotherly relationship Obi-Wan speaks of in ANH basically happens offscreen in movie context.
>The problem with Hayden's performance or more specifically his voice is that he just sounds like a whiny bitch
He never sounded whiny
Both literally and figuratively
>Warrior monk lamenting his massacre of an entire people
>Sounds like a school shooter who didn't get invited to prom
>Whines about Obi-Wan and the rest of of council being jealous of his power
>Proceeds to throw a tantrum like a little child in front of the council of not being made into a jedi master
I mean most of it comes from Lucas directing Hayden but you can't deny there scenes where he whines.
>literally only ever shown attacking people unprovoked in the movies
>kidnap a woman and torture her for a month because... they just do
>we're supposed to feel horrified when Anakin brings swift justice
I swear they only threw in that line about killing the women and children too because they realised nobody would have faulted Anakin for killing all the Sandmen in that village
They should have just kept it to Clone Wars 03. Doesn't conflict with the movie characters too hard as Filoni's show does
Killing people for your own satisfaction even the ones who have nothing to do with it is messed up but I guess I can't expect nuance for Yea Forumsmblr. You guys ate up CG Luke after all
The sand people genuinely wronged him though
Not the woman and children though. They just lived there
Hayden has good when he didn't talk, so it was probably the directing.
By that point Anakin was more powerful than anybody in the run, that and the fact
TCW is Canon make it so Anakin really does have a point that him not being a Master is retarded
> wars boomer
Savages are savages
>Nuance is an alien concept to Yea Forumsmblr
Really no surprise we ended up with the ST
>killing Stormtroopers for being bad = good
>killing Sandpeople for being bad = not good
Lemme guess, you liked how the Disney shows tried to make them "misunderstood"?
ST was made for people like you though
>N-No u
Fantastic strawman you debated against. Did you come up with that of your own? Of course to you there isn't a difference between Space Nazis threatening to genocide whole galaxies and a small tribe of people who got killed because of the action of a few by someone who is supposed to be better than letting his emotions guide him to revenge
Really? I assumed that Hayden was just binge-drinking to cope with his ruined career.
>it's Hayden Christensen's fault that George Lucas' writing is has good more wood than a Confederate soldier whenever he sees a pregnant Anne Frank
Ironically I found the reception to The Mandalorian to be incredibly similar to how people reacted when The Force Awakens came out back in 2015, people kept saying it was a masterpiece, the best Star Wars thing since ESB, how it was going to retcon the prequels, and how JJ Abrams should be in charge of everything Star Wars so long as it wasn't in George Lucas' hands up until TLJ and TROS came out.
Something similar occurred with Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, people kept sucking them off as the saviors of Star Wars up until The Book of Boba Fett came out then they started shuffling their feet, now I don't see as many people still supporting Favreau being in charge of the franchise.
Even more interesting, the highly positive receptions of these new Disney SW movies tend to be tied to the amount of fanservice they have, which is why The Mandalorian and Rogue One are considered to be the best of Nu-SW and apparently why The Force Awakens is the best ST film.
Lol Clone War fags are delusional. Absolutely nobody gives a shit about your crappy cartoon. Everyone remembers Hayden. Nobody gives a shit about the soi cartoon version.
I hated The Force Awakens (not to the point of hysterical seething but I emotionally divested myself in Star Wars from that point on and just moved on with my life). Was I really that much in the minority?
Did they watch it together like bros?
>The problem with Hayden's performance or more specifically his voice is that he just sounds like a whiny bitch
You mean like Luke for 2/3 of the OT? That's the point. He IS a whiny kid. He's 19 in AOTC and 22 in ROTS.
Around 2015-2016? Pretty much, I don't think the backlash to TFA really started until 2017 around the same time people started unironically believing the prequels were masterpieces then it's reception was sealed when TROS came out and JJ failed to please audiences.
The problem with the sandpeople scene was that Anakin gave into his hate, which leads to the dark side. He slaughtered them out of rage, nothing more. Also, he killed even the children, which obviously have nothing to do with what happened to his mother.
Well I always unironically loved the Prequels, at first for the action and aesthetics, and then gradual understanding of the non-hamfisted political undertones but that's just me.
>and a small tribe of people who got killed because of the action of a few
Damage control. If they weren't all complicit she wouldn't have been there for a month after being taken. Also the EU said Shmi was whipped on the back for so long she couldn't feel anything there anymore due to nerve damage.
>they didn't deserve it because they weren't... le white human!
I never thought the Mandalorian was anything special, it was just average. Haven't seen Boba Fett yet. Also Rouge One was boring ass shit with forgettable bland characters (didn't even know half of their names when I watched it). Ironic because the final scene is one of the most hype things in the whole of Star Wars.
How is the first one a Pro-Clone Wars post you fucking retard
I don't get how RotJ gets so much hate when it's the movie where Luke stops whining and becomes a chad Jedi Knight.
Why do people hate the Clone Wars cartoon now?
>I don't get how RotJ gets so much hate when it's the movie where Luke stops whining and becomes a chad Jedi Knight.
ROTJ is great, only faggots disagree. Everything with Luke, Vader and the Emperor is gold.
>Also, he killed even the children, which obviously have nothing to do with what happened to his mother.
Like I said here , it was probably an afterthought line they threw in because nobody would have faulted him otherwise
I never liked TFA. Stop making up memes to pretend it's unfairly disliked. It's a soulless rehash of A New Hope that doesn't build on the franchise in any meaningful way.
It doesn't work as well at all since Anakin's whole arc in the PT is all about how he tragically fell to the dark side but being revealed that it was actually because he was just a stunted autist is far from a compelling origin story.
>Stop making up memes to pretend it's unfairly disliked. It's a soulless rehash of A New Hope that doesn't build on the franchise in any meaningful way.
I'm not saying it's unfairly disliked, I'm saying people are making the same mistake with The Mandalorian like they did with that movie by overpraising it just for the memberberries and acting like making the people who wrote the movie/show in charge of everything Star Wars will make it all automatically good again.
>Ironic because the final scene is one of the most hype things in the whole of Star Wars.
That's the thing though, the most famous and praised scene in Disney Star Wars is literally just the fanservice in the movie that was not supposed to even have it and instead focus on the more minor people in the galaxy.
Hardly. It wouldn't have made any sense if Anakin was a model Jedi and just randomly turned to evil, decided to slaughter his friends and work for the Emperor. Yoda said that Luke had much anger in him "like his father" in ESB, so Anakin was always intended to be a hot head in.
The milking will never end
Believe it or not, but you can actually have accurately and succinctly depict a fall-from-grace character arc WITHOUT the character at the centre of that arc being annoying to watch onscreen. If you're not invested in the character from the beginning, then it's hard to care for them when they eventually fall.
You phrased it like it only garnered a worse reception when people stopped having Gen X-led circlejerks about the Prequels.
Maybe they should have done a better job of making the entire movie not so fucking dull and focused on such fucking dull characters then.
Anakin worked fine, his emotional outbursts were perfectly understandable. The guy grew up as a slave to a space jew. Anyone would be a little fucked up. That + plus his obscene power level made him a powder keg. Anakin needed an experienced Jedi Master to train him, but instead he got Obi-Wan, who was still a Padawan himself when they met. Again, this is mentioned in the OT: "I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought that I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong."
>The children and women were all complicit I am very smart
Well we could spin Anakin's fall from grace as being warped by the seemingly never ending war which the Emperor uses to lure him over to his side. "Join me and we can bring order back to the galaxy."
Read again retard
But that is what he does. "Once more the Sith shall rule the galaxy and we shall have peace."
>Maybe they should have done a better job of making the entire movie not so fucking dull and focused on such fucking dull characters then.
Exactly my point, modern Star Wars doesn't really put that much effort into writing and developing their characters and instead piggybacks off cameos and nostalgia to disguise the lack of substance
The only way to experience Star Wars without getting complete brain damage
>Darth Bane trilogy
>Clone Wars 03
>Darth Sidious
>the rest of the good EU books up until NJO
>It's okay to kill when I fall for the stereotype like a retard
>nooooo don't kill the heckin space nazis Luke is a bad guy for blowing up the Death Star!
I was basically talking from the OT's perspective without the context from the prequels and Anakin fell to the dark side because he wanted to save Padme from death.
So apparently Natalie Holt, the composer of Loki, may be scoring the Kenobi miniseries. There's a pic of her and the show's conductor at the sound stage where the score is being produced
Based. Hayden is a great guy, and I hope the direction will do him justice this time.
>making up strawman and arguments that were never made because you wanna kill children
Retard. Refer back to this