Is it wrong for a cartoon protagonist to date his best friend's granddaughter
Is it wrong for a cartoon protagonist to date his best friend's granddaughter
Usually no, but in this case yes it is wrong because it's a fucking dog-unicorn hybrid. Wtf
Did Browyn inherit the shapeshifter/stretch powers?
>Usually yes, but in this case no it is not wrong because it's a cute anthro gal.
And that's hot
Actually it's an alien-dog-rainicorn-bear, but it's not like Ooo has normal options
No. The powers weren't genetic, they were from an alien.
>we're getting the Adventure Time with Selfinsertionna spinoff and not pic related
There's no justice
>can't canonically perform some of my fetishes
BAH! What a waste
Jake is all a out following your heart and doing what you feel is right.
Of course he'd be happy to see his grandaughter marry the best man he knows.
No, shapeshifting is purely Jake's thing due to being part alien. All of the pups seem to get one ability at random, Bronwyn's is summoning lightning and traveling via lightning.
when will finncucks finally accept that finn was cucked to the end?
>finn's main gimmick would be to beat anyone with a single arm
Nice art.
At least he can beat himself off with one arm. That's something, right?
>That outfit.
Would you prefer he date the wad of sentient pink goo? Or perhaps the humanoid collection of breakfast foods?
I fell out of adventure time back around season 6. Is it even worth it to finish it at this point?
Was Piers Anthony ghost writing this shit?
Finn riding around Ooo in a fuckwagon with his brother's granddaughter is simultaneously the funniest and the hottest thing. Those weeks post-Obsidian were good times.
>almost a year and a half ago
That can't be!
I want Finn to take that mutt to pound town. I'm talking all up in her guts know what I mean?
It'd be wrong if he didn't.
>Is it wrong to date your grand niece?
Yes, yes it is
If they're both adults and are cool with it I don't see the problem
>Yes, yes it is
Last one for now.
Remember, if Finn is fucking Bronwyn, this means that she is already taken and therefore can't be YOUR girlfriend.
She's not real so yeah, no shit
>huntress wizard giving electric immunity settled things for Finn to cuck her from the very start.
She is definitely into it.
No blood relation, no involvement in her formative years. It's nice and legal.
I'm just proud of my boy Finn. Well not proud, but happy for him that he's getting some eager young snatch as a boomer.
objectively it's kind of messed up but I get the feeling Jake would be all for it
>It's nice and legal.
I love this
Yes, and he's also her great uncle.
Technically no?
I'd prefer he dated the green human archer
it'd be wrong for him not to
I'd prefer he dated anything that wasn't on a renaissance era painting by a famous painter known for many other talents, including architect and astronomy.
Oh yeah, where's that poster?
I always find these images funny
Remember when adventure time was the biggest thing? I member
He can't be posting like that anymore due to mods I'll miss him
Jake would definitely be all for it
Which of Jake’s children was she the offspring of?
What a dork.
Would that be the debut of the Nickelodeon short?
The debut of the Cartoon Network series?
The debut of Marcilne's character?
The debut of Nat's gumbat lesbian artwork?
Fire emblem moment
I married my Ex-girlfriends daughter. She's 19 and I'm 35.
Mods once again killing board culture.
Kim kil whan
This one
I need to know more.
Why is it forbidden knowledge on Yea Forums to hate on the famous paint sitting in a French museum, ALLEGEDLY
Aren't finn and jake like, adopted brothers or something.
Does her unicorn blood mean she doesn’t age in dog years and thus won’t die by the time Finn is 50?