Yea Forumsstumes should be comic book accurate. Tacticool is trash. Simple as.
Yea Forumsstumes should be comic book accurate. Tacticool is trash. Simple as
"Tacticool" is such a meaningless buzzword that just translate into "shit I don't like". Fuck I could make an argument to say that this is "tacticool" if I really wanted to
You alright there user?
>should be comic book accurate
i don't know. most could use some improvement.
>Yea Forumsstumes should be comic book accurate.
Spoken like someone who's never worked one day of their lives in a film costume department.
I wonder if his hair gets caught in those scales.
I wish the belt didn't have that weird bladed-segments look.
Thank you for being brave enough to admit Electro's costume sucks. You'll get backlash, but its time to admit it
Originally it was in reference to firearms and gear.
Back then it meant, "looks cool, serves no purpose." A lot of gear about 10 or 15 years ago was doing that.
>Work is hard
Blocks your path.
It's not that simple but Aquaman is a good example of updating a costume to look good in live action.
The spirit of the original is still obvious but it's been changed in a bunch of ways for live action sensibilities but not so lazy as "make it color coded squat gear or a leather daddy get up"
Do it bitch.
ITT post only the best and realistic costumes to show OP how wrong he is
Pic related is the greatest Batman costume worn on screen. Hell its the greatest Batman and comic book movie ever made on the likes of The Godfather. Anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian.
That suit's a piece of shit. So tacticool but fails to a single gunshot a normal kevlar vest would save you from. If it's all about realism then why no PERMANENT eye lenses?
Is this from the sequel? I hate the more muted colors.
I present the greatest cape costume ever put to screen
Maybe one day we'll get a Batman like this
Nah, Begins suit is the best one, TDK's looked ridiculous with the head being bigger than the rest of the body. It would have bern cool if in TDKR, when Bruce returns to Gotham he dons the OG costume to fight Bane.
Oh shit FFXVI looks lit.
Batfags will kill themselves if WB chooses to abandon the tacticool for once
Spoken like a faggot who sucks cock and watches tranny toons.
How'd his helmet emote?
The power of imagination
No it literally means they make it tactical but with meaningless oddities for no other reason than to look “cool” you faggot ass zoomer.
This isn’t tactical but it is cool.
No Adam west was you normie faggot
The sad thing is he won’t wear this for more than 10 minutes on screen.
>Do it
Fine. By the logic of most who use this term applied to OP's pic
>"Fucking tacticool bullshit. His shirt should be orange, not gold, and they have to mess everything up with LINES on the pants. Wrong color green too. Why are comic book movies ashamed of the material?"
This is how people use this term. It's an excuse to nitpick when something doesn't look like flat color cheap crap
Literally alien technology.
Not that user but the only thing alien about it is maybe the power source. Other than that it's couple from scraps and thought up by Tinkerer
Simple as what?
Not for long. Manta's coming for your ass
I don't mind the tacticool look, but what bothers me is how in something like the MCU, everyone seems to have it even when they don't share a common origin. Like, why do Kree uniforms from space have the same kevlar T-pattern look as Ant-Man? This is legitimately one area where the DCEU is better, because the outfits don't all look like they were made by the same company. Superman's alien textiles look nothing like Flash's homemade speed armor, and neither of Aquaman's outfits look like something you'd see on an Amazon. There's a visual harmony, but not a homogeneity. Even outfits from different ancient cultures look alike in the MCU, take Shang-Chi's red duds and paint them black and they'd blend right in in Wakanda.
He already has worn it for more than 10 minutes and wore it again in Peacemaker
Reminds me of "grimdank" in the 40k community. Originally it was meant to make fun of some of the sillier aspects of the 40k universe plus the whole IN THE GRIM DARKNESS THERE IS ONLY WAR AND DEATH AND DESTRUCTION attitude but people have been using it for the dumbest complaints lately, including that the Imperium is callous with human lives therefore it's "grimdank"
Take the ears off and replace the cape with a coat and it's the perfect Midnighter outfit. Honestly the Batsuit is such a fucking oddity in the first place. In dialogue people talk like he's dressed as an anthropomorphic bat but he's wearing grey spandex with blue underwear and picture of a bat on his chest. Then you get these tactical pieces where the bat motif is lost in a sea of black kevlar with again the ears being the only indicator. If I saw the Bale suit and didn't know ahead of time he was called "Batman" I'd just call him "Black Devil".
>comic accurate Yea Forumsstumes
I think tacticool only appeals to weird tryhards. I mean I think people need to accept that capeshit is and will always be infantile. Fair enough if it's an original character with "tacticool" but updating an existing character is so lame especially because they try so hard to do both at the same time as seen here . Either go all the way or fuck off. It just oozes cope and insecurity. "See! I'm not a manchild! It's realistic and militarized!" Yeah degenerates are bad but in my opinion a coping degenerate insisting they're not one will always be worse than one who accepts what they are. You like kiddy shit so swallow your pride and get over it.
>Black Devil
That’s pretty badass
Huh I could've swore Aquaman had scalemail on his pants.
Point taken.
You know what I find funny about the tacticool complaint? Comics, like a lot of fiction, is about reading stories involving the surreal/extravagant/fantasical, and making it seem real to the audience. Then when an adaptation comes along with it's own take on the fiction, and actually makes it seem like it's tangible, fanboys fight it. So what's the deal? I'm not against the absurd, but why also are we resistant to something on the page looking like something feasible? Take Ant-Man for example, he fucking rocks
You can make things tangible without omitting the comic designs or colors. Plus MCU costumes are often OVERdesigned.
No it isn't. Tacticool clearly means that an outfit is translated from its original style to a more socially acceptable ("cool") design through elements of the outfits of real-life combatants like cops and soldiers ("tactical").
Trash costume passing by
MCU Ant-Man is god tier, the best look he has had in years
See . This is the metric people use when making this claim. Pockets or not
Reading comprehension 0
I wouldn’t mind seeing that costume up close and in person if you know what I mean
The complaint is typically about just making them less interesting to make them "feasible".
Especially when they AREN'T feasible.
Like yeah good example of a redesign, not every one is bad.
The argument shouldn't be reduced to we can only have 100% comic accurate costumes in the cheapest lycra you can find because reasons and every costume needs to look like it was designed by the most cynical costumer who thinks comics are gay and everything needs to be made of leather, basketballs, and straps.
>Yea Forumsstumes should be comic book accurate.
I'm pretty sure you haven't either.
See that pic is the extreme of "tacticool" that I would agree with. It loses all sense of identity looking like that. People bitch about MCU Spider-Man's outfit because of "muh lines" but he's still instantly recognizable
There are people who would complain about the lines on her chest piece and the fact that it looks like armor.
>I’ll just double down in misusing the term after being told what it actually means
Unironically kill yourself
Shame this movie was never officially released.
Thank god for the leaked workprint.
Kevin Feige and his aversion to accurate costumes
This isn’t the same costume and I don’t watch faggy le ebin James Gunn shit
>s involving the surreal/extravagant/fantasical, and making it seem real to the audience.
This is the opposite of true
But that's how people use the term. Don't bullshit me. That's how loose and meaningless it is. I don't care what it originally meant, that's not how it's used anymore
Know that’s how you, who love tacticool shit reduce what people are saying because you’re a faggot ass casual who likes movies more than comics.
>There are people who would complain about the lines on her chest piece and the fact that it looks like armor.
The reason it's stupid for it to look like armor is because she's borderline naked, so just protecting the girls looks weird. The lines actually draw more attention to her boobs because of the complexity, but don't really make them look any better in the process. They just kina look like Black Panther made a bra.
That's how all fiction works, moron. It's making the audience believe the impossible could be made real. That's the fun