>Cassie Sandsmark has discovered the culprit and is shocked to learn it is one of their own. Justice must be served, but as tradition dictates, nothing can interrupt the trial once under way. Now it’s up to the Esquecida and their headstrong leader, Yara Flor, to take a stand for what is right. The future of the Amazons depends on it!
Trial of the Amazons – Wonder Girl #2 Storytime
Babs Tarr variant
forgot to add
bump if you're reading
This issue is pretty short. If anyone cares I can do Wonder Woman: Evolution #6 in here too
end. thanks for reading
>”Go fuck yourself Cassie, I did it for a good reason and y’all don’t deserve an explanation”
There is literally no way Artemis walks out of this shitty little dog of an event seeming justified. I refuse to believe Hippolyta has to die to keep Bigger Darkseid or whatever sealed under Themyscsira, because that’s retarded.
>There is literally no way Artemis walks out of this shitty little dog of an event seeming justified
And all her character growing that she had during her RHaO also gone
>I refuse to believe Hippolyta has to die to keep Bigger Darkseid or whatever sealed under Themyscsira
You're correct the real is because DC is now pushing Nubia so they needed to remove the previous queen
Fuck it I'm gonna dump Wonder Woman Evolution #6 (of 8) here too, the other WW comic that came out today
>Can even Wonder Woman save a world without hope? Diana faces her toughest trial yet as she is flung into the future to save an Earth on the verge of complete collapse. Guided by a future version of Donna Troy, Wonder Woman must question the reality of her surroundings, while accepting the reality of the consequences. All this, plus the reveal of a major new villain!
Dave Johnson variant
Is the art still a war crime?
I once again ask that you bump if you're reading
come read with us and find out !
Not as terrible but still excellent at making everyone very butch
Go for it, OP. I don’t even know what they’re going for with that crap anymore. but it feels like the writers are so disenchanted or lost about their own premise they’re cribbing from Dead Earth of all things.
Who the hell seriously buys MUH CLIMATE CHANGE dooming Earth in a world with the Justice League?
I just started dumping evolution here
Damn they are all on HRT
B-Zero would be disappointed in her. I just hope she remembers that in the new series she’s apparently getting because the Amazons are too incompetent to catch one former prisoner on the run. Which I suppose tracks with DC’s consistent inability to write Amazons convincingly as anything other than orc-like generic antagonists. Sigh.
>pushing Nubia
It’s like saying which bucket of diarrhoea I like more, but I honestly preferred Future State’s idea of Nubia telling the Amazons to fuck off and deciding to be Wonder Woman on her own terms than…whatever this is.
It’s not even that Nubia is particularly bad at the job or anything, so far she’s just…been realistically out of her depth and unable to really accomplish anything on her own other than being a figurehead. If DC wanted to push her, punching Grail in the face would’ve been a much better sell than being remembered as the queen who WON’T FUCKING REMEMBER THEY CAN JUST USE THE LASSO OF TRUTH ON ARTEMIS
end. thanks for reading
Yeye, I saw. Damn post timers.
And THERE WE GO, pretending that one halfway competent Lantern Corpsman or Zatanna with her shit together or Doc Magnus once someone has actually pointed out the problem to him or Power Girl’s cutting edge tech company is that still a thing? can’t head off something as mundane as climate change before it gets to Dead Earth levels.
I know it’s a simulation or whatever but fuck, at least frame it as something like “Ares finally won and ruined everything for everyone”
It’s also pretty damn rich for Fake Donna to talk about >muh consequences after how meaningless and trite the EVERYTHING MATTERS slogan in Death Metal turned out to be.
Also, what’s the over-under on the whole comic’s premise being a lie OR these being the current forms the vaguely defined hyper-advanced aliens take?
So let's get this straight. Wonder Woman can't hold up a collapsing building, but she can save Earth from the literal sun exploding.
Honestly I'm impressed that Cassie got more lines and focus in the last issue of Yara's book than Yara did
That is getting canceled on an event for you
Sexy goddess
is it impossible for Wonder Woman to have a good book in the 21st century
wow, nothing happened besides Cassie wasting my time.
Don't forget they also gave her convenient energy absorbing powers straight out of her DCEU movie.
And that whether due to alien overlords or evil scientists, all of this is a gay simulation anyway, so no matter what Wonder Woman says it don't matter. None of this matters
I'm impressed that in the previous one Yara definitively called out the Olympians for the supervillains they are-and it just kind of petered out into her politely having lunch with Hippolyta. It's like DC realised they were on the verge of questioning the Amazon status quo, panicked and cut Yara out of her own book for fear of realising the only logically way to take her character would be in opposition to Themyscira's values.
And DC is deadset on not admitting Themyscira has done anything wrong.
The last 30 years has proven it so, yes.
Be fair, ALL the Amazons have been wasting out time. Diana could have solved this in 10 seconds but Faruka just had to get uppity about >MUH THEMYSCIRAN OPPRESSION and railroad everyone into pretending Cass is a good detective.
That’s Serena Williams yelling after a hitting a winner/ace in the middle of the right page.
It’s only gotten worse as they started making every Amazon ugly, dykeish and miserable
That’s because they have the krakoa problem with themyscira. Every writer they bring on thinks they’re making the broads/muties unassailably right and just while in reality they just make them more cuntish and xenophobic and villainish.
Exactly. At least Marvel writers seem to be genuinely invested in their muties. The prevailing impression I've gotten from how DC treats Amazons is that everyone working on them really, really wishes they were working on something else.
Except maybe the Yara Flor writer, who went as far as to make a new Amazon character AND have her call out the Themyscirans for being an Olympian defence force
I'll give you ugly and dykeish, but come on.
They've been miserable for decades now.
>At least Marvel writers seem to be genuinely invested in their mutie
I mean they push it but it’s no less garbage.
> Except maybe the Yara Flor writer, who went as far as to make a new Amazon character AND have her call out the Themyscirans for being an Olympian defence force
Samefagging to say This I agree with though. Even if people hate on her art for le tracing. Just let Jimenez draw and Joelle write.