Oh hey it's Tuesday. Last week was fun, here's some random Moon Knight related comics, starting off with the Silent Knight one shot from 2008
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Moon Knight Storytime Archive
Oh hey it's Tuesday. Last week was fun, here's some random Moon Knight related comics, starting off with the Silent Knight one shot from 2008
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Moon Knight Storytime Archive
Not Santa!
Enter and I totally didn't get sidetracked when I saw the cooking video for the lentil soup from the show
I have no idea why I like this one shot, I just do
I forget but were all the Previously on pages during this era using the papyrus font?
That's a broken hand
Let me check my physicals, I have something there non-Moon Knight related
the digital snow effect on this page is very distracting from Campbell's art.
I'd have to actually look into it more, seems to be a Moon Knight thing though. Also fuck, I need to sort these old mags
It really is just someone using the clone tool for the same 20 dots of snow
The art is nice, if only the colorist didn't use the clone tool so aggressively
i just found a stash of game informer mags from 10 years ago, they're so dusty oh no
the lack of eyes is an interesting choice by Campbell to make Moon Knight more intimidating
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back
ok, I got some time to clean this out. I totally forgot I had Gambit comics... how long were these in there? I don't even remember the contents of these Gambit comics anymore
what run are the Gambit Comics op?
Asmus's run
TBF op I think everyone forgot about that run on gambit
Old comics and mags have been put into a box, I'll dust them later. Onward with some select Secret Avengers comics by Warren Ellis. This is #16
I opened it and realized instantly why I had bought it, art is quite nice and sexy
It's actually kind of sad that it took 16 issues for a writer to finally do Moon Knight properly during his stint with the Secret Avengers
it is clay Mann art so it is not unsurprising that the art is great
Luckily Ellis's run in Secret Avengers is episodic so it makes it easier to storytime like this
>subland Empire
Cleaver title
The deployable cape appears here
He's so smug
why is Hank always a massive douche were ever he goes?
I'm just not going to question the physics of the first panel
But you can see a lot of the ideas that would carry over to Ellis's run of Moon Knight in this single issue
did Mckelvie put on a photoshop effect to make all the pages have a veined/aged texture to them? it seems like an odd choice for this story.
I have mix emotions about this page. On one hand it's hilarious on the other for a genius he's quite an idiot
the "right-Hand drive" being less Sinister is a subtle joke.
Something about reading "mentally unstable" in Papyrus font is it's kind of funny. Also why is he haunted by the God he works/worked for?
It's a secret underground city that had been abandoned for 50 years
The Silent Knight one-shot was from 2008 aka Huston era stuff. Khonshu had assumed the form of the faceless Bushman and was just being an asshole