Animal Farm new animated movie
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can't wait for the anticapitalism twist
Oh, God. Oh, God, no.
Didn't they already do a live action Animal Farm?
How can they turn this into a message that gels with the current establishment?
They already said they were going to adapt it to modern times. They interview they did put a spin on it like George Orwell wrote Animal Farm during the red scare, and how people were really afraid of socialism back in the day.
make the pigs straight white males
... oh god.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
Hope it has musical numbers
Awesome, I'm sure it's not going to make everything even more insufferable than it already is.
Wasn’t Orwell a socialist ? He just didn’t like communism
>what’s difference?
Ya got me
animal farm is against stalinism and the corruption of the USSR to the point of the party-members becoming essentially new royals/capitalist uberlords. It was always anti-capitalist.
I wonder how they will turn this into another Fuck Whitey movie
Animal Farm by George Orwell isn't being erased or taken away.
You pseudo-intellectual faggots who dramatically quote 1984 anytime anything happens are the most obnoxious fuckers in history, I swear to God.
So the pigs will introduce some kind of capitalist system on the farm (exchanging some kind of coin for food?) and create a wealth disparity (with the pigs being the beneficiaries) and the end will be a glorious revolution by the other animals to overthrow them and introduce an equitable socialist system for all.
I can't wait to see the worst takes from people who think the democrats are socialists.
He was a "not real gonnunism" faggot
It'll be about pigs investing in NFT's
They're marxists.
You're just upset that you're not a part of their glorious revolution.
>Animal Farm by George Orwell isn't being erased or taken away.
And here's the step before "Animal Farm by George Orwell is being erased and taken away, and you're morally wrong if you think it shouldn't be."
Don't forget the panel that shows the smoldering crater of a country after communism did what it does best, and failed.
>Don't ask question just lick boot
Eat a gun redditurd
he was a socialist but he was smart and self aware enough to know that promises of socialism were the fastest way to get to authoritarianism.
Fuck man I wish they were Marxists, It'd be nice not to go broke because I need a cavity filled.
I wonder who supplied the bomb
>They already said they were going to adapt it to modern times
The idea of dictatorships being overthrown and replaced by another dictatorship is still a thing in the modern era, and not just in nations, but in all communities that can splinter. The damn thing is one big reference to the Russian revolution prior to Stalin ffs.
Napoleon the Pig get iPad
The fact that they're marxists are why you're broke.
Marxism is not "when the gubermint gives you free stuff", that's the false promise they use while they completely destroy society.
Are you suggesting the US is marxist?
Awe, somebody only learned about socialism through edgy memes
We're in a full blown state of collapse since marxists installed their puppet in the white house, in case you haven't noticed, and it turns out you didn't get your free stuff.
probably gonna put politics in it
>Ends with the implication that nothing has changed at all since the revolution
1954 movie
>Ends with another revolt once the animals realise what is going on
1999 movie
>Ends with the farm just falling apart
So what's this one going to do? End with an unknown pig taking over after the collapse and planning to annex a farm that had previously broken free?
Hopefully, this version doesn't pretend Lenin and Trotsky had good intentions and act like all the blame can be put on Stalin.
Are you suggesting Biden is marxist?
Even your bait is undercooked
>be US
>waste money elevating low IQ retards while kneecapping every productive person with a brain
Sounds about right
2022 movie
>all the animals get slaughtered while the pigs let the farm fall into disrepair
Hell yeah, do you have a discord? I've got so many questions to ask.
The people controlling him clearly are. I don't think Biden himself is capable of forming an ideology at this point in his senility.
You fags still have private healthcare, you're the farthest from socialism of any country in the first world.
2022 movie
>Napoleon get ipad
How's your $5/gallon gas mutt man?
Bad, I wish oil companies didn't buy up a ton of cheap Russian oil and still jack up the price after another year of record profits.
>they can't be marxists, I didn't even get my free stuff!
The collapse we're witnessing is marxism in action. You're not getting the free stuff you were promised. That should be clear to you by now.
>no, but yes, because i say so
>marxism is when economy fails
I said, "The people controlling him clearly are. I don't think Biden himself is capable of forming an ideology at this point in his senility."
How many times do you need to tell the same story, just do something new
New ideas don't sell as well, simple as
>no, but yes, because i say so
I said Meds
>no hes not but yes he secretly is because i say so
It's definitely one of its defining aspects.
Animal Farm is about communism which is inherently anti capitalist.
Yeah I love not paying for the doctor (that I bearly see once a year anyway) all for the price of 200% taxes
>They already said they were going to adapt it to modern times
The whole idea is timeless already. Just because it's inspired and direct commentary to a very specific point in time doesn't mean that it's locked into a time period. The takeaway can still apply to the rise and fall of a commune, a cult, a village, a city or what have you all because a society without a social hierarchy is just not possible. You can be on an island with two people and both will still argue that they should be the leader.
So the new one will be about the collapse of the USSR following Korean Air Flight 007 being shot down, and the rise of Putin?
Wait are you proud you don't see the doctor? No wonder Cuba has a longer life expectancy
>Hopefully, this version doesn't pretend Lenin and Trotsky had good intentions and act like all the blame can be put on Stalin.
I don't think they are planning a faithful adaptation
That pic pisses me off beyond what should really be normal because I'm one a near descendant of the kulaks who the red parasites massacred in the 20s way back when because it is a sick rewriting of history. Just the images alone are some great big mismatches because english aristocrats were not the ones fleeig to the new world, live in german castles and amerian chatel slaves were a century removed from each, urgh.
My Grandfathers parents and ancestors were German/Flemish settlers which were invited by Catherine II. the Great to bring modern agriculture technics in the region of Bessarabia which is in the Southwest of the todays Ukraine and Moldova. They were farmers who raised cattle and aditionally my grandgrandfather did some work as an civil servant.
Cause of that they were classified as Kulaks by the Bolsheviks, so they had to escape the Bolsheviks influence. They had to leave their farm and land and fleed to Romania were they built up everything again. But then WW2 started and in 1944 they were forced to flee again - now back to Germany and then built up a new existence again. My two Grandmothers were also forced by the Communists to leave their ancestors land and fleed from Breslau/Silesia and the Sudetenland in the Oremountain-region. Commies are the spiteful mutant hypothesis made manifest. Taking down a king is about the only good effect that a critical mass of commies will cause.
The truth is allowed to exist in the open because it can be drowned out by ignorance, to even by anyone's specific action to suppress it.
American moment
Chile outdoes Cuba in most metrics and cames from a situation that was worse at the time. Communism is ruinous every time.
>The animals will now be sub divided into different coded groups
>Characters like dogs will be reminded to check their privileges since they were closest to the human masters
>Napoleon will preach “making the farm great again”
>Barn Lives Matter
Chile has to deal with a US embargo?
I think it's referring to Cuba user.
But we already have a perfectly good one.
So Napoleon is going to be a stand in for Putin and Boxer is going to be Crimea.
2022 movie
>We overthrew the evil farm and won and everyone is happy the end
>1999 movie
>Ends with the farm just falling apart
Did we watch the same film? It ends with new owners representing the false of Yeltsin.
>200% taxes
You really know nothing about the world outside of Deliverance county, huh?
good morning sirs pls present posting loicense
*false hope
I don’t even want them to create something totally new. Just adapt a different classic that hasn’t already been done in this medium several times over.
Have you ever considered that you can hate Capitalism without being a communist?
See It'll be like this
>New animal is introduced to the farm
>The pigs attack it and kill it
>Movie follows the farm's power structure slowly collapsing as a result of the pigs' brutality
>Animals have to make a deal with the human farmers by convincing them that the pigs have rabies and must be put down to save the farm
>Animals elect the shepherd dog
>Dog is unfavorable in their policies, Farm then replaces Dog with Bull
>Bull represents Putin, Dog represented Boris Yeltsin