Why was Luz portrayed as a friendless loser when she is pretty much the most easy going person in the entire show?
Why was Luz portrayed as a friendless loser when she is pretty much the most easy going person in the entire show?
>luz just ranting about shit
main characters can't have an edge anymore
Cuz she's fucking weird. She brings snakes to school, dresses like an otter for dances. I'm convinced this lady Azura is actually a terrible book in both realms, again showing how weird she is.
But I mean look at Fry in Futurama, it's not a bad thing.
They can't commit to having actual loser characters.
>perfectly suited to its environment
That's a stretch
She is really fucking out there is why, but in the isles her brand of out there is much closer the norm so she can pass off as quirky
koalas don't have to compete for resources against other species, of course, if we only count native species
Yeah because nothing else went and evolved to eat a poisonous plant that fucks them up
so what? more shit for them
Enjoy chlamydia stupid furry retard
what the fuck do you have against koalas you retard
If everyone is retarded on the boiling isles, no one is
I love them but they're still stupid as fuck. The example in the OP could have picked literally any other animal and it would have been a better point
You retarded ass just made the example even stronger. You assume koalas are stupid because they eat poisonous leaves, but BECAUSE they eat poisonous leaves that no other animal will eat, they never have to worry about competition
Because she's just based off every quirky girl you're familiar with from your school days, who typically has a lot of friends. There's no such thing as a friendless "so original and quirky" girl unless they look like a literal troll.
It's pretty much the male equivalent of your typical male MC who is attractive, smart, and fairly competent in sports, yet they're still portrayed as a loser with just one fat friend.
Except they didn't evolve a mechanism to properly handle the poison so they just slowly kill themselves.
Also I know from experience that they'll just turn completely retarded sometimes and refuse to eat the leaves of the specific eucalypt they're in that day and go hungry
they don't kill themselves, and they have smooth brains and that is why sometimes they don't recognize their food
It wouldn't work with the "friendless losers are actually great people with lots of friends who don't BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES enough" dynamic.
Imagine a cartoon with the balls to say, "the reason you're a friendless loser is because you're a narcissist with bad social skills who is constantly self-sabotaging by pissing off even the people who might help you." Groundbreaking.
it could be a character arc, it would at least be interesting
Sounds like it would hit too close to home for the people who write cartoons, so of course it would never happen.
I thought cartoonists would be more professional than this. Never forget that Dana made fun of girls like Luz before she became woke.
Reminder this is a show made by groomers and for groomers.
>Never forget that Dana made fun of girls like Luz before she became woke.
what? explain yourself
Big racist
Why didn't Luz ever notice the freak museum and weird creatures living right along next door to her if she loved that sort of stuff so much?
Because nothing in this show was ever planned or is well thought out, they just make random shit whenever they want and nothing matters. It's why this show sucks so much.
Actual losers would make for terrible main characters, I realized that when I thought how a cartoon about me would be.
Elaborate plz.
Is there evidence that she didn't notice it?
can't have that in the owl house, everything has to be as dull as possible.
NTA but they don't have to be 100% realistic with the way how a real-life loser is, but a flawed character who learns to get better is perfectly suited for any story.
I feel like you are both right.
Counterpoint (although I guess she is not a loser anymore and that makes her boring):
>Is there evidence that she didn't notice it?
She only finds out it exists in the episode where she visited her home again briefly. That episode establishes weird stuff from the boiling isles that has always been leaked on Earth and Luz only needed to walk around her hometown to find it. Eda even shows up in pics of random places as a banned woman, and she's left weird animals on her travels.
Luz is introduced in the first episode as an odd kid who loves freaky stuff, and the plot expects me to believe this child, who brings snakes to school NEVER noticed weird animals, never visited a museum where a freak lover like her (but more deranged) is proud to show his collection, never noticed any of this happening in HER OWN TOWN.
And by "many" she means none
The excuse is that she only fits in the boiling isles because that place is also weird, but most of her friends aren't that odd. Eda is just an old cranky lady, King is just a little kid, Willow, Gus and Amity are the types of kids you would meet in school, and even the principal Bump likes her, despite being a person who is strict with rules and hates rebellious attitude. Because of it, you don't really feel she's a friendless loser when most of her friends are just normal people. Her only oddball friend is Hooty, and she barely talks with him.
The solution would have been to make everyone weirder, but that would imply Dana knew what the fuck she was doing and not making it up as she went along.
Because Owl House is shit. It's a badly written show that doesn't make sense.
I'll never understand why conservatives run this meme about sex ed being grooming. All data we have on the subject shows that rudimentary sex ed at a young age decreases child abuse, as it makes kids more aware of what is and what isn't a bad touch, and thus more likely to speak out and get pedos in trouble. This reminds me of how the pizzagate conspiracy guys actually ended up obstructing real child exploitation investigations out of sheer stupidity.
ok groomer
Because Owl House is shit. It's a badly written show that doesn't make sense.
It's a fantastic show that may have few hickups here and there, but nothing is perfect and it's still a lot of fun with great characters, that you can't help but enjoy.
Found the child predator.
They are ugly and eat their mother's shit.
they need the bacteria in their moms poop
>Because Owl House is shit. It's a badly written show that doesn't make sense.
Fact and based. Only retards like that faggot owl show.
She's just introverted and didn't deliberately go out of her way to make friends until being sent to the Isles. You know, like all of us.
You don't need to shout in all caps about it dude. Sure this wasn't thought through but it's not something to rage about. If you were talking about an oversight like this from your childhood show you'd be talking about it with fondness and not outrage.
Because women severely underestimate their ease of socializing and have no idea what true loneliness is
Where is all the Winter art?
It makes my kokoro go doki doki. The constant arguing about ships does not.
Is twitter afraid to touch a ship between two heterosexual white characters who aren't related to each other?
>thinking you can convince conservatives with evidence
they didn't arrive at their current positions with evidence, and they won't abandon them in the face of it.
You’ll never convince a conservative with data or logic. They are the same people who say they care deeply about the sanctity of marriage, then voted for a guy who has been divorced twice, married three times, and cheated on every single one of his wives.
reminder that this canonically happened
i dont care what anyone says, a corpus callosum is objectively an upgrade. any animal with a brain benefits from better integration between hemispheres and arguably its the one thing keeping our shitty neural architecture competitive with birds. marsupials are only competitive with reptiles in the same way modern computers outperform old ones. the architecture is just a direct upgrade in all cases
I wish we got realistic friendless loser representation but nobody wants to watch those.
>It makes my kokoro go doki doki
Nigga what?
are you a Yea Forumsirgin? it makes his iron the big iron
as you an Yea Forumssshole? it makes his tengen toppa tengen toppa gurren lagan
how can you say a process that naturally eliminates needlessly complex and self destructive design choices exists alongside this animal. there IS a god and it clearly copied another, better god's homework
Because Dana lived a cushy life and thus lacks the proper life experience to write a genuine outcast.
Those characters are usually antagonists or buffoons. The closest to a protagonist with those traits is Peggy Hill.
Sometimes I feel I should play the game so I can finally understand these images.
Luz let some initial bad experiences dictate how she saw other potential interactions with people her own age. We've never seen her have problems interacting with older people after all and that's probably because Camilla was overwhelmingly who she spent her time with.
Lus was really nervous about interacting with Willow at first even until she saw her getting bullied.
Since she's been in the Boiling Isles, she's gained a lot more confidence in dealing with people but she still has some trust issues when it comes to dealing with humans her own age. Like how she freaked out when Vee approached those people she met at camp.