Damn, Disney TV Animation really is a waifu factory
Damn, Disney TV Animation really is a waifu factory
Now post them
>only one attractive girl on that entire image
Decent taste
Why is Luz whitewashed but Anne isn't?
Thanks, also I found the pic, I didn’t make the collage
>Disney channel waifu post
>no LaCienega, Lizzie McGuire, Riley, Pepper Ann, or princess Candy
Must be gettin old
Everyone on the list is children and teenagers!
Oracle Twins
It was me.
I should really redo it. Add more characters. I had to cut some Star Vs. Girls.
yes and?
I like Brandy too
He'll yeah
This will summon Jackiefag AND Isabellafag
>t. child groomer
>no lib
Making an expanded version. Who else should I add aside from Princess Candy, Kelly, and the usual milfs?
which one is more likely to become a sex offender
Lord Dominator
You're forgetting two important ones
I pitched not very waifu heavy show to them. Still waiting on the word back, but the meeting was positive. With any luck, my characters will be added to the list
Based Furfriend
Impressive. Very nice. Check these.
Not bad, not bad
>Bonnie, Jackie, and Vanessa as favorites
Good taste
Lor is a great genki girl but Tish is an annoying jew.
Name some Disney TV cartoons about adults (not animals)
Cassandra from the Tangled show
Since you have no problems with furries, Experiment 624 aka Angel
someone really hates Mabel
The only redesign that was worse in season 2 was Susan. Everyone else was a BIG improvement
Why do you hate Candace?
Pic related is getting revived by Disney+ as a YA animated series that was rejected by Disney Channel beacuse the core cast where adults and the principal mc wasn't a teenager or a kid.
It also got rejected by Disney Channel beacuse the main character was male instead of female and Disney "wanted shows for girls" glad it found a home at Disney+
there's still some good left in this world
this seems cool, what is it?
Leo by Janie Lee the author of Camp Jason, she pitched it to Disney around 2018-2019 but was scrapped by previous umbrella at Disney Channel due & Apparently the new admnistration at Disney Channels Worldwide and Disney TVA mostly female and that where part of Blue Sky Studios are reviving it for Disney+ to expand the YA animation catalog on D+ alongside that anthology Witchverse show by Baobab Studios and a musical stop motion show by As Told By Ginger creator with music by Danny Elfman
Teen me had a crush on Brandy. Still do.
Who knows?
>The little girl and not the purple chick for big city greens
OP why
You can really tell the difference between 2000s DTVA shows to the modern ones, their girls went from genuinely cute and pretty to generic calarts shit.
Man what happened?
Post tilly
isn't blue sky studios defunct now?
>Not liking Willow
> Check marks are waifus
> Equal signs are an indifferent
>X's are a no
I'm picky.
Is tilly the most likeable?
Yes I'm a coomer but not furry
Making the extended version. It's more than twice as big. Will post in a couple hours