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ITT: Yea Forums IN 1973
Dylan Hill
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Kevin Wood
Veronica > Betty
Evan Moore
So, who's gonna kick the bucket?
Jonathan Moore
We won MJ bros!
Sebastian Smith
>still reading american comics
this was made 13 years ago and it is way better than the shit that DC and Marvel publishes, the guy's name is tosamu ketuza I guess.
Lincoln Rodriguez
Reported Commie.
Alexander White
user where do you get this oriental trash anyway? I've never seen it at the Chinatown corner store.
Evan Rodriguez
He go it at the last protest he attended before fleeing to Canada. Draft dodging pinko.
Owen Wilson
>he thinks a jap can outdo Smilin' Stan Lee
Next time you'll say comics will become a dying medium.
Robert Perez
How are we even suppose to compete with this? Disney is on the verge of bankruptcy and will be gone within the next decade.
Cooper Torres
my father brought a bunch of them when he was stationed there in the korean war
they even make porn out of it
Noah Anderson
american comics are way behind the times, this was done back in the 30's, what we get here is always kiddy shit or that disgusting underground "comix" that is vomit inducing
Benjamin Lee
Fellas, my little brother went to see this and he's acting all weird. He keeps drawing the characters over and over again and saying he wants to sleep with the dog. I thought taking him to The Exorcist would mess him up, but I dunno, this really seems to be doing something to him...
Easton Ross
They're gonna kill MJ for sure
>Jameson works great as a foil for Peter they wouldn't kill him
>the CCA is grabbing them buy the balls they wouldn't have Harry die of a overdose
>Norman is a maybe I just don't feel it
>Aunt May wouldn't be killed that's too cheap
>Robbie Robertson and Flash wouldn't be killed They're too good
>The Prowler is my second guess to bite it
>HE WAS ALREADY GONNA MARRY GWEN,MJ despite me actually enjoying her is just messing up the couple
Connor Wilson
Fellas, I'm being drafted to some place called Vietnam. Dunno how long I'll be out but I hope they sell Action comics there.
Julian Martinez
user I think he's one of those "funny cartoon animal" enjoyers, I saw a group of them at comic-con last year selling porn of cartoon rabbits! Why they don't kick out those heathens I'll never know.
Benjamin Nelson
Ehh I wouldn't worry about it it's probably just hormones.
Alexander Cooper
I hope they don't kill off Hobie he's basically Peter's sidekick and he taught me not to hate Negros.
Logan Bennett
Action comics in 'Nam? Are you one of MacNamara's morons?
Elijah Cox
my cousin's father works at ABC and he said that they will make a crossover with the upcoming wonder woman TV series and the Batman too.
Jaxson Taylor
Anons, I'm kinda nervous to go pick up Batman #251. There are rumors flying that this comic is going to cause a wave of hippie violence with it's dark and edgy portrayal of The Joker. Should I risk it?
Henry White
The important thing is that it makes you feel superior.
Brayden Nelson
My dad showed me his old batman collection and joker was killing people back then? Why was batman so dark back then?
Robert Morgan
Has never read Prince Valiant, Terry and the Pirates, Thimble Theater, the Spirit. So sad,
Logan Campbell
!974, the war had been going on for a decade and protests had e torn the country apart. Everyone knew what Vietnam was
Christian Richardson
user this is a blue board, you can't show women in beach clothes here.
Brody Roberts
Ha, hippies were about as violent as sunflowers. Read it.
Liam Davis
He'll be reading the Comic mag for the instructions for his gun now.
Angel Foster
They're calling in the national guard to watch my newsstand, and local costume shops have banned sales on purple suits and slicker coats.
Greedy fucks like 'O Neil and Adams are gonna inspire the next Manson or Whitman. Why can't clowns be like my neighbor John? The kids love his "Pogo" act!
Adrian King
It's not gonna be Gwen.
I saw some Mexican comics while visiting Tijuana, and they're like 8 issues ahead of us for some reason. So it's definitely Mary Jane, they can't have her alive if Peter marries Gwen.
James Gomez
No one is Reading this ugly hap shit.
Cameron Evans
What do you fellas think of this new-fangled computer animation?
Chase Adams
Have any other Anons been keeping out with the Zine seen? I've been buying Riot grrrl and other punk zines. Also, fuck Nixon!
Nathaniel Reyes
>you will never have a muscle wife like Robert Crumb
Jeremiah Ross
I'll be storytiming this book that just got released
Aiden Sullivan
Colton Walker
Matthew Collins
Dominic Cruz
Alexander Moore
>toonami shit
>manga shit
Just go to Yea Forums.
>b-b-but Yea Forums doesn't appreciate it!
Literally not our problem please user you have to go.
Carter Walker
Zachary Nelson
>fuck Nixon
Bet you like Barry Cuckwater
Juan Parker
Parker Cruz
Tyler Robinson
Anthony Robinson
Am I the only person who still cares about aquaman?
Michael Perez
Kayden King
>Looks dumb
William Wright
Nathan Hughes
Nolan Brown
This bakshi fella is changing the medium, I wouldn't be surprise if cartoons in the 80s are nothing but gritty adult work.
Also the black chick was fine
Michael Allen
James Ortiz
Joshua Butler
Guys I'm gunna visit the good side of Germany this week, any good comics from there?
Cameron Sullivan
>still reading Cuckquaman
The Distinguished Competition must bow down before the awesome return of Bill Everett to Namor!
Aiden Turner
When will hanna barbera stop spamming Reddit Doo?
Like guys stop, and make a new Jonny quest or something its getting old
Jason Clark
I got out of that so confused
Hunter Adams
Gabriel Stewart
I like scooby doo.
Oliver Foster
Dylan Martin
Were making that stuff, my friend been hired as animator is an animator on some Fritz the cat knock off about a duck or something supposed to come out next year and even more dirty then Fritz .
Grayson Rogers
The End you Crazy Cats
Christian Harris
Mason Reed
Thanks for sharing, that was actually pretty funny.
Justin Flores
>be me
>wake up Saturday morning to watch Bugs Bunny
>it's about to get to a really funny part
>Mom turns on the vacuum cleaner
John Hall
>spamming Reddit Doo
Hippie detected, I bet you got mad when they fucked up those niggers with Basedman and Robbin, looking forward to the new season apparently Josie and the Pussycats will be there
Lincoln Cook
Batman is a basehead now? What did I miss?