Accept M/a/nifest Destiny and the pathetic inferiority of both your medium, and your board, Yea Forumsmblr.
/EvWg/ - East vs. West General
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If you hate us so much why do you want us to shit up Yea Forums?
>inferiority of both your medium
But Yea Forums and Yea Forums share the same mediums
Brilliant way to get this shit actually banned. Yea Forums mods despise generals to the point that they ban anything with the content of previous generals in the OP making sure it doesn't become a general.
One of the greatest manga of all time and one of the only manga with good art outsold some c-list comics?
You do realize than in a few years the lines will be so blurred due to companies milking the foreign market that there won't BE a distinction anymore?
The fact the western comic scene isn't doing so well should be more worrying for everyone, not just capeshit fans. cultural homogenization is bad for creativity and art
Nah, most Jap stuff is far too problematic for your average Amerimutt to want to copy or try to rip off nowadays.
Oh how I wish that were true but the state of Death Battle shit proves that wrong.
When I first got into manga and anime I kind of thought the lines would be blurred in a few years as Spider-Man and Superman would get high quality cartoon adaptations like anime and we would all just be watching and reading everything. Instead we still have to get our cartoon fix from the east as it's the only place making these stories, it's quite sad
The best part about these threads is that the people defending American comics know they're shit and know they're beyond saving and they're defending them just because they hate Japan.
What the fuck are you talking about? People who read comics probably read both, the idea that comics will only work if they are made in one country because reasons is also laughable
its funny that a white man gets this jealous of non whties, i mean, japanese. its also pathetic that these white pigs cant accept the fact that they are inferior to japanese. i really dont understand their inferiority complex to japanese. they can never accept it, and then get mad and rewrite/alter/censor/ban japanese things instead of learning from them. nothing but chimping out. no way american creators improve themselves.
I hate facets of Japanese culture, not the whole thing. That being said, manga is objectively doing better than American comics right now.
Why are comic fans always so salty bros?
This is way too comic centric. Add some animation tropes to make it more universal.
DB is "allowed" because the threads are being pushed even after being closed. So the mods just gave up.
Some of these Death Battles literally just features animu characters.
I like westerns made pornographic material of Japanese franchises.
they see trannies everywhere they go and it makes them furious
I forgot the image.
You basically go to our house, shit on our floor, and then get mad at us about it
It's retarded desu. Why would you enjoy a story less because it was written by some dude born in another country?
The writer doesn't give a shit about you regardless.
If you don't think there's shit just as bad in japan you simply don't read enough manga.
And why even bother with this thread, Yea Forums doesn't even talk about new comics anymore. Floppy companies are dead, webcomics are dead, and nobody can stand the pretentious Fantagraphics indie crew.
No one hates americans comics more than american comic readers.
>If you don't think there's shit just as bad in japan you simply don't read enough manga.
That's the thing though, innit?
The kind of embarrassing shit you see in mainstream American comics is mainly only present in niche (largely irrelevant) manga that pretty much no one reads because most people just generally don't like being preached to about real-world issues in a retarded manner no matter who's doing it.
Jap writers understand that you can just have the message be "discrimination is bad, you shouldn't judge people without getting to know them first" even if all the characters involved are straight Japanese people or weird fantasy races, or fucking animals.
American writers seem to struggle with this, where every instance of discrimination must absolutely be some analogue to a real life instance or group, which is obviously retarded when you're trying to make a story about discrimination against mutants and try to tie it to real-life discrimination against black people.
If you're still using Berserk as an example and don't notice the one, big critical flaw in doing this along with all these other baby manga stretched to the limit then you might as well admit you don't actually like anything being hailed as an example here and just have moderator-sanctioned numbers autism.
Hellboy's not that good. The art is unique and great, but the writing is mostly pretty uninteresting. The short stories drawn by Mignola work best. If that mood could be expanded onto the entire narrative, you'd have your western Berserk.
Berserk does have the benefit of titties, ancient Japanese borrowing technique, and no CCA, so it'll have an audience no matter what. It's not great, but there's so much more freedom to do sex and violence that people love to seek out, as well as some great art and a not-shitty protagonist.
In general, most comics and manga are shit. Most of those bestsellers from those lists that are always posted are shit. I haven't read many recent comics, but manga has dried up for me too.
Comics have nothing worthwhile right now. It really does feel dead. Manga is at least pumping out dumb shit that most people will eat up. Comics don't even have that.
Anime becoming more popular in the west just means we have to endure more doggy shit like RWBY, High Spice Guardian and Netflix Bebop.
Let’s talk more about eastern stuff influenced by western shit because that’s more fun to me. In the last thread some guy said SHY was good. Is that true I gave it a passing glance and it seemed bland to me.
Mignola art influenced Majora's Mask's art direction
>Tekken 7 font
>Pac-Man logo
jesus bamco
Booster Gold would love it and you know it.
I remember watching anime as a kid just waiting for one day when the west would start making good cartoons about all our comic and vidya characters, that day never came and now anime basically just means good cartoon because there is no competition. We didn't even try, sure we got movies but we could easily have cartoons too. Why the fuck is it taking so long?
>Today I still love American comics and fantasy art. While I was working on Majora's Mask, I was especially into the Hellboy series. Who knows? Maybe it's imagery influenced my own illustration style for the game.
Jap writers also make more enjoyable villains.
There aren't too many Hellboys over here though.
Because western capitalism works like the italiano máfia, where friends of people get ahead, while in Japan they only care about green money. Anime is made using cheap techniques who limit animation most of the time.
We learn something new everyday.
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
>get banned from Yea Forums for shitposting
>too much of a faggot to go to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or Yea Forums
>chooses Yea Forums
Garbage that no one watches?
That's dumb though because the movies and live action shows and kiddie cartoons show they love money
meme east vs west shit aside. i never got why no one wants to talk and have a genuine discussion about manga and anime outperforming everything in the same medium here without getting butthurt. people just get hyper defensive when you bring up demon slayer outselling the entire comic market, or My Hero being extremely popular with its super hero premise (even though its trash now), but no one ever wants to talk about WHY that may be
It's been discussed many times retard. Simply put manga is cheap and accessible, western comics aren't.
Nah, that alone isn't it, one of the big sellers in America right now is Berserk's HC deluxe editions, which are like $30-$40 a pop.
People will be willing to buy something if they find it interesting.
It's that simple.
No real cartoons is a big one, if there were good cartoons about superheros then nobody would have cared about MHA, it's in the back of most first time anime viewers heads thinking how cool it would be if America did shows like this. Idk what people discuss on Yea Forums because there are no good cartoons, I generally just come here for /shelf/.
They hover around what would be $20-$30 here in the UK usually which is cheap af for a hardcover never mind one that big with fucking pictures, how could you not pick that up? Also it just looks nice on the shelf
That's a lot cheaper than a 600 page comic book
That is still cheap and with an anime to ease people in and being in stock it's super accessible
>and with an anime to ease people in
>manga is cheap
in what way? cheap production? cheap for the people buying it? because i dont think either of those are remotely true (lets pretend for a minute that 90% of people arent just reading shit off of readcomiconline and manganelo)
theres an entire language barrier and reading style of left-to-right, not to mention shit like unofficial translations where the manga you want to read is 50 chapters behind. by all means comics should have the upper hand in this situation
Berserk is an honorary comic at this stage user
>outperforming everything
cause of shit oversimplifications made by elitist weebs who think Japan is the most perfect place ever. The comic industry shot itself in the foot long ago even when it pops out a good thing once in a while, but cartoons are still going relatively strong despite the all the upheavals.
>but cartoons are still going relatively strong despite the all the upheavals.
>outperforming everything
Let's not forget theme parks, merch and movies
>using vidya to disprove an argument related to anime and cartoons
>reading style of left-to-right
We just going to pretend Americans are avid readers who will be alienated by this new style as they are so used to reading the other way around? These baby picture books are their first exposure to reading, half of them probably only buy it as merch for the series they just watched and never read them
In all seriousness, why the fuck has this thread been up for 2 hours?
Try pulling this shit on Yea Forums and I guarantee you it'd be gone within a matter of seconds.
>cause of shit oversimplifications made by elitist weebs who think Japan is the most perfect place ever
your nuts if you think people going "anime is sooooo much better than cartoons" is enough to get even the people who think animation is nothing more than family guy style adult cartoons and mickey mouse clubhouse on board. by that logic all the MCU infinity war hype should have cause a huge uptick in people getting into the comics because all you heard was "marvel is sooooo good"
Manga has booba
Lots and lots of booba.
Even the shounen shit has booba.
Wow it's like talent and dedication to your craft are somehow connected to quality and sales. What a mystery.