What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

Attached: high-guardian-spice-tweet-crunchyroll-2018.jpg (670x700, 69.28K)

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Using an anime streaming service to host a non anime work. Using subscription money from said anime streaming service to fund non anime work.

This same damn thread being posted everday is the problem.

The trailer too.
Never forget that first trailer made everyone want to hate this show, so the attempt to quietly drop it failed horribly

Not recognizing that they were on inherently poor footing due to the nature of the project and the platform it was on, and self-inflicting a fatal wound with really poor choice of advertising as their first announcement. There was no way that reception was going to be positive when the only thing we know about HGS for an entire year was some character designs and how progressive the writers were. The writers wanted to be celebrities and put their names and faces out there before they had anything to show for it, which is laughable even if you remove any of the politicized context that would inevitably result from focusing on how progressive they were.

the yellow midget not being fat enough. It should be way fatter. Is there any weight gain art of her?

Chuds got uppity when they heard (gasp) women were on the writing team for a show where most of the characters are girls.

Life must be easy when you pretend conflicting opinions don’t exist.

There was no body inflation

Poor choice of hosting platform, poor marketing, amateur crew that didn't make the most of their time or budget.

You'd know it better than I ever will.

I'm sorry your cartoon sucked.

2019? Didn't that actually come out early this year?

>your cartoon
I didn't work on it. I didn't give the first fuck about it until you threw the same epileptic fit you usually have over... well, anything else tangentially involving women.

Wrong audience. Had this Aired on CN/Nick it would have 0 backlash. Selling this to a mainly weeb audience is like trying to sell Mein Kampf to jews.


Anything liberals own goes to crsp

What's this new rightoid conspiracy organization?

Expecting anime fans to give a shit about western animation
Expecting anime fans to try to give a shit about some SU clone

Women do lots of stuff I don't throw fits over. When they result in things like High Guardian Spice I take notice.

>Women do lots of stuff I don't throw fits over

Oh, don't let them bother you. Sometimes they just like to vent and talk talk talk, but they're worth it. It's part of what makes them so cute sometimes.
Best not to let them get too out of hand, though. That's how we got High Guardian Spice.
There are limits to our patience, ladies. Now, give us a smile, you're so pretty when you smile.

Retard. People don't mind women making things at all. Just last season the most popular show on Crunchyroll was Sono Bisque Doll and that was made by a female mangaka. Same with all time classics like Full Metal Alchemist. People just hate SJW crap full of identity politics

>i just like it when women don't like being women
Thanks for the confirmation.

Goodness, she's hysterical.

It's a classic strawman tactic of theirs. "No you literally just hate our mere existence!!" is a shield to mask how they're explicitly weaponizing women/minorities to actively denigrate white men.

Marketing fucked up with their diversity bit. Sure it's a bit cringe sometimes and you can smell the low budget everywhere but otherwise it's just an average show. They should just have released it two years ago, by now nostalgia and rule 34 would have kicked in and maybe people would be asking for a second season.

It's like vidya, you can put as many brown people and women in a game and nobody actually gives a fuck unless you point it out

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Why would you "mask" doing the right thing?

Reviewbombed by Russian bots

>What went so wrong?
These are the people who worked on it...

Attached: 1535023886349.png (1242x1000, 2.08M)

And here is the creator

In short, it's not a big mystery why this failed

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I feel bad for the old lady who just wanted to do 2D animation and got trapped in this whole thing

Please stop misgendering him, shitlord.

>the old lady in the back clearly thinking 3rd wave feminism was a mistake

Bad show is bad.

>the old lady
She's 34 years old

at least CR originals have been impr-

for zoomers 30 are old

liberals hate white men, liberals get funding from billionairs to push anti white male agenda so that billionairs can continue to exploit an distracted and divided public. liberals prodcue one sjw product after another with the sole purpose of attacking white male masculinity and white men in general, shows keep on flopping because the shows are not very good and because the market is flooded with the exact same kind of show but that doesn't matter because billionaires will continue to fund new ones to distract the public, western media crash and burn as manga and anime become mainstream.

The one in the far left with grey hair and wrinkles worse than my aunt who is 70 is 34 years old? Jesus fucking Christ, did she take a peep at the Arc of the Covenant or what?

It's not a very good show.

Meanwhile my communist ass gets along quite well with white men minus liberal white men.

user, /pol/ likes to pretend females hit the wall at age 12 so they can justify paedophilia/pretend dating their mother would be seeing someone their own age.
She isn't 34.

Where do you live?

>obvious shitposting has now become the /pol boogeyman
This is your brain on HRT

Shut up faggot

What's wrong with the three writers?
Are tyrannis naturally fucking ugly?


The whole team hated the trailer too.

While I enjoyed it, it was objectively pretty bad, and definitely didn't have any kind of mass appeal.

This is your brain on /pol/


last time I saw them commented on it, I got the sense that they were unhappy they bore the brunt of the backlash rather than any objection to the content of that trailer.

Attached: 1539522509432.jpg (1280x720, 212.58K)

The old lady feels like she just wanted to make a show with girls just to have it. Not to push some bullshit feminism message.

The original character designs were better.

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nice donut steel

Attached: tumblr_inline_nphazdPdaz1tvepq3_640.jpg (640x640, 24.98K)

Checks out.

Who the fuck are you quoting?

If they'd included more LGBT messaging it would have attracted more of an audience from Twitter and been a success.

Cattering to twitter audience instead of otaku audiences?