What the fuck? This is actually, like, really really good. I don't understand a lick of what they are saying...

What the fuck? This is actually, like, really really good. I don't understand a lick of what they are saying, but the fun animation kept my adhd ass from clicking out. Was this originally a french cartoon? It looks a lot like it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>russian title
not clicking your shit, putinbot

Shameless bump. I just want to know if there are more shorts like it

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This looks super cute.
Subs when?

Pretty good animation.

I don't think the russians can even get the money from the ads

ok, that guy is very badass.

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What was wrong with the dragon? Man women are so shallow

Reminds me a bit of gobelins. I think the princess is very cute amd the animation was great.

He was a pretty unimpressive dragon tbqh. He couldn't even afford a proper cave.

Is that half sided goblin from some obscure mythology? He remids me of Lefty from GF

Attached: lefty.jpg (1408x1080, 438.96K)

you were expecting russian animation to be a joke?

Anyone know about that ukrainian fairy movie? A thread was posted of its trailer a few months back (please no /pol/ shitposts)

>please no /pol/ shitposts
Where do you think you are?

Back when Sõyuzmultfilm was worth a shit.

Yes and no.

From the thumbnail I thought this was Ranking of Kings

He's based on the Nasnas I think, which is this Islamic half-jinn half-man creature, so he's completely missing half of him since jinns are supposed to be invisible (pretty funny imo).

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I wish I understood a lick of what is being said, I love the half gobbo

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So does anyone know the name of it

Basil Fat-Frumos and the King's Daughter

>Was this originally a french cartoon? It looks a lot like it.

>slavs finally produce 13 minutes of worthwhile animation
>burgers rush to ascribe it to the frenchies
Such is life

Not russian but fuck off and die dumbshit

Give him a break. The character designs in this short looks like something out of Les Kasos but without the crass and when people think about modern russian animation they think about Masha and the Bear and that fruity Pinocchio movie.

The style REALLY reminds me of that studio that made The Reward.

The auto-translate is alright enough to get across most of what is being said.

tales of alethrion is all drawn by 1 dude iirc

I thought it was two dudes and an intern.


No panties shot shame.

Horny princesses are the best

So glad I’m not the only one who got randomly recommended this
The princess is adorable

How come?

Attached: joker-face.gif (220x188, 352.91K)

Do tell.

Made for hugging

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i have been summoned

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>no subs
Can someone bother making them?

Ironically enough state-controlled animation can be rather good when it has standards, that is the USSR animation industry was as much as a external propaganda as it was internal and for the most part it was good quality, the biggest issue was just creative control as in everything had to go through the state before releasing and usually only things that follow Socialist Realism or older estabilished stories such as books from the imperial time/folk tales could be released.

why do you type like a teenage girl?

>marrying the barbarian guy instead of the dragon
Poor taste desu

It kind of feels like a rip off of that series of the adventurers, that they had a patreon for. Tales of something or other, it was French I think. It had a crowdfund thing.

>Tales of something or other
Like the JRPG series?

tales of alethrion

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I liked this sequence a lot

Attached: Greatest moments in anime 12.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Neat! I like the death scene of the half goblin man. the 360 degree death while melting was pretty cool.

>russian animation

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>Was this originally a french cartoon? It looks a lot like it.
Nigga, the whole "the bad guys soul is located in some worms in an apple in a rabbit in a cave" is some of the most stereotypical slavic fairy tale shit there is.

Attached: Knights of the Vodka.jpg (600x848, 273.36K)

Hell, you should be able to understand the story even without knowing what's being said, it's pretty straight forward

Bumping this thread, this is cool stuff

Can you imagine if there were a group of obsessed people towards Russians? More like the same level as weebs and I don't think tankies count.

There's some great animation talent in Russia youtube.com/watch?v=96ds226oA_U

The term you're looking for is "slavaboo" and that term has existed for a long ass time now.

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>Prefers the human instead of the dragon
This story sucks, it's outdated and lame.

Right on, brother

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If you're looking for another animated short with a similar art style and tone, Grandma's Hero is a good watch:


>A girl will never watch you sleeping with this expression
Why live?

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