Yeah they count asexual as part of LGBTQIA+, so Connor Hawke is now in the DC Pride special. And he counts as “queer” rep in the Arrow senpai.
Since Connor Hawke is now confirmed asexual, is Chuck seething?
Remember how he reacted to Tim Drake.
Sorry Hawke, but you had to go down for Damian to survive.
I mean Dixon wrote him celibate so it's not that much of a stretch.
He’s only been made asexual so a small, virtually nonexistent group can self-insert.
And we'll never put it back in the bottle. It will forever be a part of him.
This is actually genius, make all supers ace. Then you never have to sexual references in your comics.
I mean it’s not like he ever had a love interest to begin with.
He had a ghost girl fuck him. Shado in OP pic forced herself on him. And he kissed Mia to prove that HIV people can still be loved.
>“What are my bonafides on Robin? I wrote a hundred of his monthly issues. I wrote numerous miniseries, specials, annuals of Tim Drake Robin. I did not create Tim Drake Robin. Marv Wolfman created Tim Drake Robin. Alan Grant further developed Tim Drake, but then I was tasked by Denny O’Neil to develop the character further and make him worthy of being Batman’s sidekick. So he moved from ancillary character to full fledged Boy Wonder.”
>Dixon then went on to discuss the retcon. He explained, “Robin is an iconic character. He’s been around forever. I’m not surprised by what happened because this is what they do. It’s disappointing more than anything else.”
>He continued, “Because why couldn’t they just create a new character instead of leaning into a question that’s existed for the Robin character almost since his creation thanks to this gentleman, Frederick Wertham, who introduced the idea that there may be some sort of homosexual subtext to Batman and Robin and now they’ve basically confirmed.”
>“For what reason, I have no understanding. It’s a cynical marketing ploy because it brings attention to the title. What it will not bring to the title is increased sales because these things never work that way,” Dixon asserted.
>He then posited, “There have been gay characters in American comics since the 80s. It’s not a new thing. It’s not stunning or brave. It’s just changing things for the sake of changing them. I mean what’s next? Hal Jordan is a cannibal? What are they going to do next?”
>“This has been the flavor of the month for almost three decades. Is to reveal that a character is bi or gay, which to me is a distinction without a difference,” the Robin writer stated.
>Dixon then noted, “I don’t understand the point of it. The character was never written this way, never conceived this way. But this is going to be his continuity from now on even if they retcon it back, even if they do a reboot and he’s no longer bi-curious; he will be bi-curious for the rest of time. This is going to be part of his continuity.”
>“I don’t think there’s any real good reason for this beyond a simple marketing ploy. Like I said, these marketing ploys…they don’t work, they’re not effective. They don’t raise sales, but they raise interest from the media and from the peers within the industry. Which I guess is the point, to get your back slapped at an editorial meeting or possibly to get an interview with Vanity Fair. Maybe your name might get mentioned on CNN,” he said.
>Dixon contended, “But I think the vast majority of the American public has no idea who Tim Drake is. So now Robin is gay because they don’t know the difference between…They don’t know there’s been three versions of Robin or four or five version of Robin. They just know Robin and the Boy Wonder. So they’re thinking Burt Ward and Adam West and now Robin is into guys.
>“But at the end of the day, it’s just lazy writing. It’s like when they used to kill characters to get interest in them and that was the only idea they had for a long time. Now they delve into the character’s sexual proclivities,” he postulated.
>Dixon then explained how he predominantly wrote romantic stories rather than sexual stories, “And for my money and when I was writing comics, and I was writing under the Comic Code, none of my characters were ever sexually active. Now, I wrote plenty of scenes where there was a clinch and a fade out and you could assume that the characters went on to you know do the deed. But I left that up to the reader. You could believe that or you could not.
Arrow family quota is done. It’s time to move on to the next family franchise….
>He elaborated, “It was like the old movies where the leading man and leading lady have a passionate kiss, fades to black, and when we see them again they’re having breakfast together wearing different clothes. So you could fill in the blank between those two scenes any way you wished and that’s where I always left it.”
>“The only characters I ever had that were sexually active were Conan the Barbarian and occasionally Frank Castle would get lucky. But other than that I didn’t…I dealt in romantic relationships rather than sexual ones,” he further explained.
>Dixon then argued, “But by introducing the idea that a character is gay or bisexual, you are introducing the sexual aspects of it. You are saying the word and I just don’t think it has a place. I know kids don’t really read these things anymore and they’re written for adults, but it just seems like a weird way to go. In a medium filled with characters who run around in masks, and capes, and boots, it just seems to approach the fetishistic to explore their sexuality in any way. Even just to hint at it.”
>“Which I imagine is what this comic is doing. It’s simply hinting at what might happen in between the panels or in between issues. So I don’t see any point to it,” he stated.
>“No, I’m not disgusted. I’m not angry. I don’t own these characters they can do what they want with them, but it is just…It’s boring at the end of the day. It’s just boring and a little disappointing,” the creator of Bane concluded.
She’s next
I mean Asexuality is a dumb label but it really isn’t like Conner fucked bitches left and right like Tim, Alan, or Ray did and they got the worst of it
There's only one lesbian in the batfamily, it's time to fix that. Two bats, one stone.
I mean they already have Harper Row. But I wouldn’t complain.
Damian should be asexual but they'll probably gay him up and pair him with Jon
Depends on whether or not Dixon thinking asexuality is too queer. He'd probably want Connor to he straight but not interested in sex because he was raised in a monetary.
Funny considering that "straight but not interested in sex" is what 70% of these self proclaimed asexuals are
>But by introducing the idea that a character is gay or bisexual, you are introducing the sexual aspects of it
It's so fucking weird how conservatives think being non-straight automatically makes it "sexual" but if you're straight your sexuality doesn't exist unless you are directly seen plowing pussy.
Sorry, it was the 65.3% I don't know how it could get my fact wrong.
Dixon may have that 90's mentality of asexuality being something you just grow out of. Hell, I'm pretty sure I read Dixon refer to Connor as "kind of asexual" before (although he'll deny this)
Stop projecting, faggot.
I laugh at Americans who somehow managed to put asexuals in the LGBT soup. It's fucking hilarious.
Could have something to do with the fact that frequently these characters only exist to show "gay" traits and nothing else. Iceman has been written as an early 2000s gay parody character since Jean turned him gay. They put him in a dress for the Hellfire Gala. These characters rarely have stories that don't revolve around that. Anyway, relationships in comics are trash.
Well the way they market gay characters is always specifically about who they're fucking.
... I'll accept this compromise.
I'm an aromantinc heterosexual cause I hate women, user. Please respect my queer identity
Will he join the JLQ?
>I mean Dixon wrote him celibate so it's not that much of a stretch
This. If anything slapping a western pop culture label like "asexual" on a literal Buddhist monk is pretty ignorant. If anything "volcel" is more fitting, but even that is a bullshit label like all this LGBTQAPQ+ bullshit.
so is she gonna be a lesbian ot a magic futa lesbian?
This is how she currently looks in DCeased.
What is the point of this? what does the sexuality of a character have to do with anything? why did they feel the need to turn an 80s character into a fag? why create new faggy characters instead of trying to make the old better?
Asexual doesn’t mean you’re interested in the same sex it means you just aren’t interested in sex
I meant Tim, and yes, what is the point of knowing Hawke's sexuality?
>If anything "volcel" is more fitting
Connor has repeatedly showed that he doesn't really think about sex and was aloof and ignorant of other people's flirtation. That's asexual behaviour who doesn't really get sexual attraction, instead of someone consciously choosing to not want sex because you're sworn to remain celibate.
>what is the point of knowing Hawke's sexuality?
Dixon himself was obsessed with asserting Connor's sexuality in his writing.
Yeah but celibate is meaningless if you're already asexual anyway. It's like saying an elephant is a vegetarian
>Connor is mixed race
>He's essentially darkskinned black with straight blonde hair
Nothing of value was lost. It's like no artist at DC has seen a light skinned black person before and just rolled with Green Arrow in blackface.
>Cuckservatives project their insecurities on the group they're complaining about.
It must be a day that ends in y. It's remarkable how cucks will complain and pearl clutch over the tiniest little things with a queer character, but will ignore the same thing in straight ones.
The comic book industry has now completely turned into focusing on which characters genitals are going into other characters genitals. If you are at all excited about this or any other token “representation” you are directly responsible for there being no good superhero comics anymore.
He’s 1/2 white, 1/4 Korean and 1/4 black.
Here is a pic of his half black, half Korean milf mom Sandra.
Superhero sexuality was never a focus of any story and was rarely if ever touched upon up until recently when we as a society decided that who and how you want to fuck is the defining characteristic of someone’s personality and needs to be shoved in everyone’s face as much as possible.
>Superhero sexuality was never a focus of any story
Kinda weird how romance is a big focus in superhero stories then
But the comics core audience is suppose to be 8-24 years old. And more zoomers and generation alpha talk and openly discuss about their sexuality.
Even 18% of zoomers are queer someway.
So it makes sense that modern comics are doing this.
What’s romantic about knowing that Connor Hawke doesn’t want to fuck? What’s romantic about knowing that a character wants to fuck a butt?
Exactly, it’s all superficial posturing.
Why did Dixon keeps throwing women at Connor?
Homos and the homo adjacent really are completely fucked in the head.
The straight up gaslighting too.
Mostly as subversion and comic relief.
You're confused sexuality with romance.
Nah. He did it in a last ditch effort so readers wouldn’t think Connor as gay.
C’mon… a female ghost.
And Shado…the rapist of Ollie?
But why did he have to sexualize Connor?!?
>It's a brainlet tries a gotcha moment and lands face first in his own pie.
Thinking that monks are gay is as stupid as thinking that they’re asexual.
> Dixon writes his characters gay lol
> turned Dick from the monogamous chaste boy of Titans to manwhore Dick
Will Mary Marvel?
How is having a superhero monk be inexperienced with sexual advances sexualizing him?
I don't think they'll make a wayne gay.
but would be fun to see how people react to a gay batman...
By repeatedly introducing sex to the story. Not my logic, that's Dixon's own internal logic.
We already have one with future Tim
hahaha, forgot about it...wonder how much will take them to retcon the shit out of it.
I bet DC is against a fag batman.
>It will forever be a part of him.
DC Comics will close doors in about a decade.
Their offices have been downgraded, the movies are taking risky bets that won't pay off, and superhero movie interest already peaked and passed.
Making him asexual will be a other footnote on how superhero comics lost their readers to manga.
Source? I want to see this
Not really. As long as it isn’t Bruce.
So if sex was always a part of the story and he was already asexual then you agree that this is bullshit tokenism?
Does anyone remember how they dunked on rainbow capitalism in the boys with the proud Meave plot? Do current comic writers have no self awareness?
>and he was already asexual
He wasn't already asexual. Most people read him as gay.