How did she dethrone Wonder Woman as a feminist icon?
How did she dethrone Wonder Woman as a feminist icon?
By being a disgusting STD riddled whore like actual feminists.
Harley is a virgin though
>using your power responsibly and selflessly to help others and try to make the world a better place
>going wild and crazy, doing what you want, when you want, with no consequences
by being more relatable
The last movie sucked and Gal Gadot revealed to the world how out of touch she is with the working class during the pandemic.
>a disgusting STD riddled whore
? weird post
Zoomers like to dye their hair and dress weirdly and unkempt. Harley is more relatable. Diana isn’t even American. Plus she’s always under orders from either her mother or the gods.
Harley is allowed to be shown as bisexual.
Mental illness.
How much did being a batwank character help?
Thanks. Too many people don't see the rot in society. Don't see the the degradation. Well, I aim to change that.
IDK but I guess its because WW is so hard to write and Harley is so easy to write
Its the dynamic of a modern feminist character and a past feminist character
WW, like Superman, was about setting a high standard for what heroes should be. When the demands for equal opportunity turned to a desire to lower standards for said opportunities, Harley became a poster girl for modern fangirls.
WW has all the same problems as Superman
people don't relate well to infallible gods
Harley is all about freedom and no consequences fun which women relate to more nowadays
Kind of? Wonderwoman is an idea of a perfect woman but what is really popular is the bitch who can get away with it "because life is hard" and "my boyfriend is mean to me"
I’ve seen variations of this post hundreds of times, but how true is it actually? A lot thots like Harley for sure, but it always seemed more because she’s entraining rather than something to aspire to. Even her own movie presented her as a loser for the first half who’s only happiness could found in getting a sandwich.
I mean I hate modern Harley to some degree but I'd be the biggest fanboy ever if I pretended WW is not a mess of a character as well
In fact its just easier to write a mediocre Harley Quinn story than it is to write a mediocre WW story
Ironically if WW dyed her hair and dressed like a goth she'd be much more popular maybe even enough to surpass Batman
If Wonder Woman was less I have to help this people outside my island and more FUCK YOU MOM I'm moving away. She would be more popular.
and women relate to that type of character more than the infallible super hero who has no human qualities like wanting a sandwich or needing to exercise more
Probably also if Wonder Woman had some serial killer boyfriend and/or terrorist girlfriend that only she could tame.
I do think WW has a generic design that hampers her to some degree
The arguments over the panties vs skirt would be less prevalent with her hair not just being so bland all the time
Even her clothing/costume is boring
The audience that likes Joker and Harley Quinn and all this femcel and incel content stuff will largely replace or diminish a lot of DC's old characters like WW
Who is claiming she is a feminist icon? Can you post some links? I am genuinely curious
People like OP don't care about anything like truth or honest conversation. No instead it's all about misogynistic shitposting about how women are the worse for enjoying a madcap anti-hero.
Because men would never enjoy a madcap anti-hero.
Her comics, her movies, the book cover of OP, news sites and people online.
A disgusting STD riddled pansexual sociopathic murderous whore.
>shit taste in men
>all of her problems are totally not her fault
I wonder why
>Wonder Woman is now a punk rebel who hates her mom and the island cut from the world
>The amazon are re imagined as this normie women who somehow don't lezz out even though there are only women in the island.
>She gets sick of her mom and runs away, she doesn't leave with blessing from no one.
>She becomes "cultured" and turns into a caricature of what current people see as modern and good.
But that article is saying the exact opposite of what you're saying.
Name 20.
Just have the two make out already
Independent dyke who left her psycho boyfriend with dyed hair and quirky personality
that's what the modern feminist looks like
This. Wonder Woman is honorable, trad, doesn't have any tattoos, doesn't eat McDonald's, doesn't twerk, etc. Modern women can't possibly relate to her.
Harley's the kind of empoweringly anarchic anti-hero/villain you don't get many female versions of but also has a doomed romance with a dangerous bad boy like most erotic female content so they can have their cake and eat it too.
Meanwhile Wondy has never really had much of a fan base with anyone since they've never really nailed down what her personality or backstory even is lol.
It's just the female version of men looking up to characters like Patrick Bateman, Tony Montana, Walter White, The Punisher, Rorschach, Tyler Durden, ect, even though these characters are miserable architects of their own demise who's narratives always end horribly for them.
>going wild and crazy, doing what you want, when you want, with no consequences
Hey mack, you just going to gloss over Max Lord's neck like that?
>Wonder Woman
Elegant, strong, reflective of both beauty and motherhood
Dumb lol so random whore that only retards like
>Feminist icon
kek, her co-creator is really misogynistic about her
The biggest thing that Harley has over Wonder Woman, at least in modern feminists eyes is she "freed herself from the oppressor". Even though originally she was the one obsessed with Joker, but I digress.
Is Wonder Woman now like Superman of where people complaining that Superman are not relatable?
What's funny that original origins of Wondy's Amazons that they freed themselves from the male oppressors and living immortally on the island without men
Yea but people involved in the culture wars only watch the newest movies. They have no idea about the actual comics.
Or maybe this just a bait thread?
Shhhh. Don't ruin everyone's fun.
She didn't
Feminist nowadays are not feminists, they are everything feminist fought against.
Harley happens to be hot and get attention, so the gross number of whales that are just feminist wanna be think that they "look like her"
I wanted this to happen... When I was a kid my personal ship was Harley x Batman.
Finding out that Timm drew this like a decade later only fueled that idea... Too bad they decided to make her a lesbian icon.
Nah... its implied she slept her way through college.
Does anyone look up to Patrick Bateman? Even the memes are mostly about making fun of his autism. No one admires him the way people admired Arthur Fleck.
>Does anyone look up to Patrick Bateman?
Yes, they're missing the point entirely but there are people like that.
Yes Batman, fuck Joker's sloppy seconds.
Based Timm
Why does she look like the blonde girl from iCarly?
that's not true in any of the canons she's known for.
>doesn't twerk
Huh--I guess Diana *does* have a flaw after all...
There are people.
I will admit if Bateman wasnt killing homeless people and prostitutes then ge would seem kinda cool
Somebody write it.
Somebody draw it.
When did feminism become terrorizing and killing people?
I'm imagining her looking through the magic mirror bullshit and becomes like an angsty version of Megan.
>Steve Trevor is noticeably older than her and she views him as a way to get off the island and object for dealing with her daddy issues.
>Manipulates him into thinking he is rescuing some naive girl from an island of time-displaced savages.
>Practically just a teenage version of Diana from the "Kid Stuff" episode of Justice League Unlimited
Honestly Harley could've been a really good example for girls if the writers had actually stuck to the original narrative. An abused spouse trying to do everything she can to fix a guy that cant be fixed and getting herself hurt for it. Taking the initiative to separate herself for the relationship and becoming a stronger person for overcoming her trauma. They never fully committed to this though and now she's just Deadpool with a vagina.