Is "Same as it Never Was" one of the best cartoon episodes ever made?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Would fuck the red turtle.
No it's the most generic dystopian future episode I've ever seen -_-
Main character is unaware of what happened
Future character isn't aware that for main character it has been seconds.
The team split up over someone leaving.
Big bad controls everything
It's so by the numbers it hurts.
0:02 looks very The Matrix... and that's why 10:45 they knew their inspiration.
Nope, just another generic bad future episode.
Give it to me straight doc, are we ever getting jumpsuit April back?
Why would we? Cuter designs exist.
We post reaction images here.
I'm still surprised they ahvent done "Turtles turn human" storyline yet
shut up bitch
Who is Incognit_A?
Ow, the edge.
literally the best april design. how is it a debate?
Basically. Compare it to the psych-outs, excellent animation, and "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?" twists of Gargoyles' "Future Tense" (with came out years earlier). THAT was Kino. "Same as it Never Was" was a dried-out rehash.
That's not to say that it was bad, but "one of the best"? Bitch please, it's the tallest person at the kids' table.
Your "this is the best April" insistence in multiple threads has probably turned more people off the character than the shoddy writing in the later seasons. Just accept that she's a decent alternative to the classic look and stop being a silly billy.
>with came out years earlier
>I found a typo
Someone get this user some sort of award.
The grammar nazi award.
I always found "Bad Future AU" episodes very fanfic-y. The most interesting ones were the ones where the good guy turned bad all along, but they're never written convincingly.
Like I said, Future Tense managed to pull everything off nicely, with so many swerves you were always on your toes, right up to a resolution that made perfect sense and carried with it an edge of potential future menace.
I wish they would knock it off with the durags. Once or twice is fine for novelty, but enough already.
>Says something a few times with no real hostility
'Kay... That makes no sense and there's no indication that anyone but you feel this way. Do you have some kind of autism?
I'm pretty sure Anti-Karai fag is turning people off way more because, you know, he's an actual asshole about his opinion?
mid and boring. 2012 and rotmnt clear this
We've got a overabundance of bad posters, that's for sure. And someone in the drawthreads really really needs to rein in his 2003-enthusiasm a little.
It's not even one of the best 2003 episodes ever made.
Okay Doomer.
>Mods should enforce my beliefs
What are the best episodes?
TMNT fans really do just like whatever is dark huh. Why are you afraid of enjoying big dumb turtles?
Don't lump us all in with the OP, thanks.
Turtle power!
Not him, but I mean, it's gotta be the Usagi eps, right? And some of the early "first time they ____" eps, like when they first meet Baxter, April, and the Mousers.
Oh and the "Lost" Baxter ep.
>Who's this nigga red turtle?
>Why would we? Cuter designs exist.
>Same as it Never Was
>The Last Ronin
Not canon, just a shit alternate universe.
Hostility doesn't really matter if you're being hyper insistent on something people aren't sure about. Same with the 4+ 2003 april requests every drawthread
Less people are attracted to midriff on a pretty generic character design than jumpsuits on busty women
They should get Raph kill that bitch to avenge Leo, not April. They made the "darkest" episodes of 2k3 tmnt and still didn't allow the turtle kill a major villain. The Last Ronin did the same shit again. Raph is dead, failing to kill Karai.
I like IDW April but sadly her scientific reasoning skill was wasted. Now Jennika steal April's role as a big sister to the turtles.
You have like three TMNT subjects you won't shut up about. Here's a mad thought, stretch your muscles and try something new:
What are your favorite episodes of each version of TMNT?
Silent Night(Tales of the TMNT volume 2)
I can accept some dumb turtles like 2003 Mikey or Rise Mikey, but 2012 Mikey? No.
>What are your favorite episodes of each version of TMNT?
>I enjoyed a Mirage comic...
Yeah, I... I don't know what I expected.
Cipe's voice just makes 2012 Mikey even more insufferable.
Well I like him. Have a music video about a disturbing creature that is surely an abomination in the eyes of God.
It would be better If they made this it the finale episode of 2012 TMNT.
"Turtle Tracks"
"Finale Part 4: Rise"
>It would be better If they made this it the finale episode of 2012 TMNT.
I mean, that WAS what it was intended to be... someone at Nick got VERY cold feet about switching from 2012 to Rise and asked for more of the TMNT that had already proven popular.
I could've enjoyed the monster timetravel thingy, Yojimbo, and '87 crossover as "Specials," but the Mad Max homage ending and Demigorgon nonsense were decidedly misfires.
Turtle Tracks
>Next Mutation
The inane Aussie poacher episode.
The Big Brawl.
...That one where they get stuck trying on suits?
Shredder's Revenge?
Knock it off.
Or else?
Seems like you're getting mad over nothing.
Well you were also probably like 8 when the show came out.