It's a good movie, just not a good Batman movie

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You love to see DCfags tearing each other apart

I can't see this logo as anything else but mouthy with yellow goofy teeth

It's the best Batman movie

This Batman kills because Burton's Bruce Wayne wants to genuinely end suffering rather than exploit it to feel heroic

I have to try to see that, it doesn't immediately look like that to me

Lol shut the fuck up retard

Interesting take.

Worst Bruce Wayne ever cast. I could never buy that curly-haired manlet gremlin as a charismatic billionaire ladies man

Amazing actor, wouldnt say hes unattractive. He set up the era for modern Batman. He chimed in a lot with Burton on characterization, probably more than Burton. Made that suit work, had the ability to play a more serious Batman. Hes the one that came up with the voice change copied ever since.

A great actor will always supercede any limitations.

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t. Comics Bruce Wayne

>wouldnt say hes unattractive
Don't be such a fag.

Batman returns is a huge plebfilter honestly. If someone doesn’t like it, they’re just a capeshitter with zero taste.


Who is Lisa?

What? No, this was the best Batman! I loved this one. Movie understood it was a goofy concept of a guy who dresses like a bat and plays amateur detective at night, and decided to try and be fun with it. A lot of the newer Batmans forget to try to be fun, probably because the Schumacher stuff left such a bad taste in peoples mouths. But the Tim Burton Batmans got it just right. The movie remembered what made people like me enjoy Batman comics in the first place, so it ended up being the best in my opinion.

>peoples mouths

It's actually a great Batman movie and a great comic book movie though. No kill rule is just nerd autism not essential to the character. In the silver age is was code nonsense, in the present it's writer jerking off Batman.

This is my favorite Batman movie and you can’t change my mind

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You seem like one of them homosexual fellers.

I think it matches the over the top 80s Batman pretty well. Batman as the more grim than grim loner while Joker concocts schemes to poison the city with giant themed balloons and parades seems kind of on point.

And it predated the whole Batman is the REAL hero that can be REAL and totally plausible in the REAL world shit that has been going on for a couple decades now.

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It has the only Batmobile I have ever liked, and I thought the idea of a bulletproof costume that is molded to look like the comic tights was a good idea for a movie.

Newer Batman movies totally forget that the whole concept is rooted in comic fantasy. This movie played with that and had things like futuristic scifi gadgets and Joker killing guys with gags in an almost horror movie style.

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Wrong movie, Kronk.

I like Returns more.

It's hard to find someone who works as Bruce and Batman.

Keaton was a better Batman than he was a Bruce Wayne.

But George Clooney IS a charismatic billionaire ladies man and he was the worst Batman of all.

Val Kilmer and Christian Bale are decent to good Bruces but they don't nail down the intimidation factor as Batman.

Yeah, but it’s the better one

Well ,it would be unusual if a whole crowd of people had to share a single mouth, would it not? Like a mouth version of Graeae. Or out of a whole group of people only one had a mouth and the rest had weird mouthless faces like the guy from X-Men: Origins: Wolverine.

>Well ,it would be

Yes it would

I just dont think so. I could get into why, but I dont think hes any more or less attractive than someone like Ben Affleck with his fat round undefined face.

I dont suck cocks which seems to be your obsession here so maybe youve got a personal bone here to pick (or suck).

Yes it is. All the retarded rules and sacred cows people cling to over Batman’s character are inventions of the Post Crisis continuity, something Burton didn’t give two shits about in 1989 when all he wanted to do was make something that wasn’t like Adam West. Without this movie you wouldn’t have stuff like Batman The Animated Series and that’s a fact. So he throws some guy down a church tower, what of it? It was self defense.

Nice youtuber-tier opinion, buddy

Yeah I think he very much captures Pre-Robin Batman down to the cowl and everything.

Now talk about marketing design, the US vhs cover is perfect

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>review quotes were always cringe

The batsuit only looks good with careful blue cold lighting, otherwise it kinda looks, well, dopey in some shots

this, batman has gotten shittier as its gotten grittier. "realism" in cape comics is completely absurd. it's a magazine meant to sell toys and t-shirts to kids, not some contemporary fucking Don Quixote for you literary hipsters to huff farts over.


DCucks malding

Burton didnt try to make a strictly realistic Batman.

The over the top visuals, the costumes, Batmobile and setting were a huge part of this films draw and magic not down playing it.

and that's why Burton Batman is peak Soul, while the Nolan batman is a political sockpuppet and mouthpiece for whatever contemporary issues the hollywood moral guardians wanted to shoe-horn in.

Remember how TDKR is all about Occupy Wallstreet?

One guy is aware he's making something thats ultimately not reality, the other tries to shoehorn it or reduce it to reality.

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this gif actually encapsulates it perfectly to me
when was the last time a contemporary joker did something like this? actually did something that resembles a trick a clown would play? I feel like these days the joker is just a maniac with a knife and the whole "BANG!" flag gag has been dropped because it's not edgy enough for THE JOKER: CHAOS INCARNATE.

Seriously it's like all the Shadow the Hedgehog fans grew up and latched onto this green-haired Hot Topic posterboy, burying the Clown Prince of Crime under a layer of Cletus Cassidy.

>implying Don Quixote is bad
kys low IQ nigger

didn't say it was bad, I was saying that the people who treat comic books like actual literature are retarded.

You go on projecting though, it looks good on you. You're clearly the load your mother should have swallowed.

Lols that sums it up just about.

Ironically him having his clown gimmick on full blast makes him a much more alluring character. The guy who doesnt care and sticks out with some creative humor in his bleak dark world while still being an asshole stands out much more.


That's why it was important to have good directors, to make this goofy shit look good. Now they just CGI everything and it looks like shit.

The only guy with a sense of humor happens to be the most dangerous and smartest villain. Fighting a guy who dresses like a bat trying to creep others out who happens to be the good guy. Batman needs full irony for him to work which the film doesnt shy from.


Greasy facepaint terrorist.

Review quotes used to mean something back when you had to sight an actual source. Now you can just pull quotes off twitter without even saying who they’re by.

>as a charismatic billionaire ladies man

Because he's not; Burton's Bruce is a reclusive millionaire who at some point tried to live a normal life but didn't become Batman until his late 30's. Its a different feel from the slick Batman you usually see. The Bruce Wayne persona isn't entrely a mask, its just a surface but no less a part of him. He's not the cultured intellect that knows how vichyssoise should be served. He's just someone who's lived his entire life since childhood unable to let go of one bad night but trying to..and he can't.

something about keaton's mouth in the batsuit just looks funny

Heath's Joker worked for the story TDK was telling, but it's a shame that other jokers have been unable to escape that shadow

I'll give you that.

I think Letos thug/gangster with the thousand eccentric outfits coudve given is something new if they didnt decide at the last minute to remove him entirely from the film.

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>He's not the cultured intellect that knows how vichyssoise should be served.
This is a dogshit braindead takeaway. He was just busy and alfred handed him a cold dinner. You live a really sad life if you've never been immersed in something. You're talking about the same guy who figured out Joker's complicated chemical villainy and saved gotham. He's not stupid

Burtons Batman does more detective work than any of the other Batmen. Him or Kilmer, who spent the entire film solving Riddlers games and trying to figure out his boxes. But those two are sort of linked being early in the franchise.

Bale spends most his time having Fox do all the big work and stealing or getting military tech for him to use in his plans. Clooney's doesnt do any detective work because of the films plot doesnt allow it but displays competence by being a tactician and giving orders.

>Burtons Batman
