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Showcase 22-24
Green Lantern V2 1-3
Green Lantern V2 4-6
Time for a big first apprance.
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Showcase 22-24
Green Lantern V2 1-3
Green Lantern V2 4-6
Time for a big first apprance.
Yep, it's Sinestro!
Ahh, one of the last times we ever see this astral-projection means of talking to the Guardians.
We're like four decades away from Hal and Sin having a more personal connection.
Throw the evil guy in the evil universe what could go wrong?
I love how Sin just goes all in the "yep I'm evil now. I'm living that evil life!"
We'll be seeing how long this 'seeing the Guardians and knowing them is a special privilege' thing will last. Hint: not long.
i wish hal was my dad so we could have sex
When reading these Silver age stories Sinestro gained a Snidely Whiplash voice in my head.
Much like Hector didn't have his physic powers, or oversized head, in his first appearance Sin doesn't have his yellow ring et.
>i wish i was hal's dad so i could have sex with hal
Ahh, the nonsense they got up to.
This whole "Sinestro is put in an impossible trap" is going to be a thing for a long time.
Oh, this is just a delightfully fun story.
We start to move to GL being able to just switch back and forth between his civilian clothing and his GL uniform with his ring with ease.
More head trauma.
If the Guardians banned Sinestro, what's he doing in the positive-matter universe again?
(I realize this may take a bit of explanation. Hal was still the only Terran GL and Gil Kane was still drawing him when I quit.)
Tom to the rescue!
Well as we see in his next appearance that ban is more... just a suggestion. he kind of comes and goes as he wishes.
Why is GL so fucking skinny?
He's a healthy weight, probably 180 lbs at six feet tall. We've just gotten used to super-heroes looking like body builders who live on steroids,
Notably, a lot of early letters were from women very... appreciative of Hal's more lean frame. That and there was a big debate on if Hal should have a teen sidekick or not.
Ahhh the idea of a second status quo in the far future had been a thing in Flash so they brought it over for Hal. With some twists.
in some ways Hal being part space adventure hero makes the future setting an even better fit for him than Barry, but also perhaps more redundent.
It's so strange to see news footage from this era and realize there weren't always so many fat people. In the Nero Wolfe stories, Wolfe was seen as a freak at two hundred and sixty pounds; today, you see lots of people bigger than that all over the place,.
So he's the big switch-up compared to Flash, Hal has a whole new ID when he's in the future.
As much as people scream and faint over the portrayal of Tom and Terga, they were a big step forward. Both were attractive, likeable and in love,. And Tom (Pieface) held down a good-paying job, a jet mechanic brings in some bucks.
Gaint monsters used to a be weekly problem throughout the DC U
This is such a comic book thing, people declaring they're evil. Real life mobsters, dictators etc either have some rationalizing way to justify their actions or think it's all self-interest.
Hit men and thugs and street gangs don't call their actions evil,,they see themselves as "strong' or "hard."
I knew Yea Forums would pop in sooner or later.
We need to give him a secret ID here?
... Because.
Hal, you goof. They know to just get some yellow tools to break through that bubble.
Gil Kane and his giant floating heads! He's already thinking about some up-the-nose art,.
I love that the future Gila monsters are just... Gila monsters standing upright.
DC's giant monsters didn't have the advantage of being drawn by Jack Kirby, though, This guy doesn't have the charisma of Fin Fang Foom.
No matter how good the bullets, the monster is always bulletproof.
Also, we can see by this point the GL symbol has taken on its iconic form.
Hal just in a JLA meeting singing "anything you can do I can do better."
Yes if you get deep into the earth molecules get closer together. Sure.
Is this the first appearance of the qwardians?
.... thank you editor's note?
No, they first showed up in Green Lantern 2. And had few appearances as their own threat minus Sin.
You know I just feel bad for the Gila monsters.
Got a recomendation list about the qwardians?
I... they never thought to have two of them shoot at once?
I love how happily stupid they look.
Counterpoint: DC was better with gorillas and apes than Marvel
If you mean up to this point? GL 2,3, and 4 cover it, if you mean in general, I would need to take a bit to work one up since.... there's a lot of material.