ITT: Overrated comic books. Ill start with picrel
ITT: Overrated comic books. Ill start with picrel
>Insert (any popular comic ever) here
Wow you're so smart and funny, user.
-No one ever
eh, Dave McKean is great on it, everything he does is great. However I will agree that all of Morrison's work is over rated.
Oh boy, here we go.
As a Superfag I agree. This is good, but it's definitely overstated how good it is.
I'd say that Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, and Kingdom Come are overrated.
we need to admit the truth
I liked Birthright a lot better honestly.
It was good for it's time, but it didn't really age well.
>but it didn't really age well.
The phrase brainlets use to sound smart
Honest answer time:
>Morrison Animal Man, Doom Patrol, JLA, Seven Soldiers, Batman, Nameless
>Robinson Starman
>Gaiman Sandman
>Waid Flash
>O'Neil The Question, Green Lantern/Green Arrow
>Bendis Daredevil, Alias, Ultimate Spider-Man
>King The Vision
>Wolfman Teen Titans
>Brubaker Captain America
>Millar Ultimates
>Fraction Hawkeye
>Russell The Flintstones
>Ewing Ultimates, Immortal Hulk
>Lee/Ditko Spider-Man
>Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four
>The Authority
>Silver Surfer: Requiem
>Earth X
>Y: The Last Man
>The Incal
and basically anything after 2014.
I'll think of more in a little while.
>Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns
Absolutely NO.
For the definitive Batman story I wish it was more gothic/noir. Its very 80's. I never liked how the 80's batbooks in general tried to be contemporary and involve some politics, and for the book that's supposed to be the standout of this era DKR is no different.
Its largely due to me being a Batman fan in a post 89/BTAS world, but I just find this really weird as Batman. All the soldier talk, the emphasis on TV news, the Batmobile being a big ugly tank, the gangs being mutants...its just so far from that. The aesthetic is just so ugly to me even though I do like Miller's work. Trying to mesh influence from this and 89/BTAS just doesn't work and its part of why so much Batmedia is confused.
I disagree. The only nitpicks I have with Serious House is the art, which I get is supposed to look surreal but it's so unclear you need to refer to the script to sometimes tell what is going on. The script itself though gives you the scope of just how much artistic thought went into this thing, it's ridiculous. It's more intricate and down-to-the-detail than Watchmen is.
I wouldn't say definitive, but it is the best.
t. Morrison
You sound like a blast at parties.
watchmen actually makes sense without reading the script.
>the boy casts a shadow which is a reference to jung's idea of the shadow-self
>the woman has two dogs to show that she is hecate
Well fuck you too
nah bro this is legit good
what if superboy prime was good
>It's more intricate and down-to-the-detail than Watchmen is.
Watchmen's script has more detail per panel than Morrison's does per page. it was over 1000 pages long.
I am. Problem?
Absolutely agree. "teh penguin of d00m" tier comedy.
>hey dude you know how spider-man's life sucks
>so that except literally the entire fucking thing
This comic sucks and I don’t understand the praise it gets
It’s good. It’s just that it’s no longer irreverent like it was in the 80’s. Deconstruction of the super hero is probably more common than playing it straight nowadays.
It’s mainly worsened because so many comics tried to ape its grittiness and deconstructions and did so poorly
On its own watchmen is stil a masterpiece. I can see how for some it’s like reading John Carter and complaining that it ripped off Star Wars or something though
Guy Davis is no writer.
I liked the Prelude a lot more.
Good art carries bad stories but good stories can't carry bad art.
Any great Spider-Man story. Most characters have a story that even if I'm not interested in the character can appreciate. Not so with Peter Parker.
Based, fuck Morrison and his zombie no-standards fans.
Agree with TDKR and KC.
Nope, it's a legit masterpiece.
They hated him because he told the truth.
Doomsday Clock
Maybe I just don’t like the art style either then. It looks good in that I can tell it’s skillfull and realistic. But everyone ends up looking the same. Johnny Frost looks just like Constantine when the artist drew him later because they’re both blond white guys
The story was just “look how edgy joker is! Harley is a stripper isn’t this gritty and realistic!”. No idea why anybody thinks it’s good
This is great, the first time Spidey doesn´t run like a bitch when Aunt May is sick and actually tries to save the day
>all those words
That single panel didn´t need that much detail. Moore´s just a retard trying to sound smart
Morrison sorta sucks but trannies sure love him
I'm getting really sick of CBR and Screenrant always putting this highly on their 'greatest comics' lists. It's just an okay Superman story. Not even good, just alright.
It certainly was an interesting read, but it's really miles below what Moore would latter do with Watchmen and Swamp Thing.
It's far too over the place and the meta stuff about superheroes is really surface level.
He´s one of them. I would say he´s a people pleaser. His Batman is dark and deep so pseuds manchildren can read it and pretend they´re reading high art and his Superman is just a silver age homage most of the times
I forgot a few:
>Crisis on Infinite Earths
>Identity Crisis
>Final Crisis
>The Infinity Gauntlet
>Batman: The Long Halloween
>The Maxx
>The Boys
>King The Omega Men
>The Superior Foes of Spider-Man
>East of West
>Mind MGMT
>Boxers & Saints
>My Favorite Thing is Monsters
>Anya's Ghost
So much wasted time.
Yes. All Star is excellent but some people treat it as if it's the only superman comic of any note.
If anything Watchmen is underrated. All the focus on the story really overshadows the brilliant ways Moore and Gibbons use the medium artistically.
By whom?
By what criteria?
What is an acceptable rating for it, and in what way does it currently exceed it?
What would need to change about it for it to be properly rated?
What stories deserve to take its place in rating?
It's good, the only reasons it feels saturated is because everyone has been applying its ideas to the core of being a superhero in the last three decades
It was an unstable run for sure.
Started in 1982, it switched publishers and artists, and wasn't "completed" until around 1989.
I see the ending as an alternative to those in Watchmen and Swamp Thing.
>I take thing that is generally well-received and say it is le bad
>This is so much better than having a gf
Almost makes you want to become the head moderator of r/antiwork, doesn't it?
>By whom?
By most.
>By what criteria?
All of them.
>What is an acceptable rating for it, and in what way does it currently exceed it?
Most of them are shit-tier to mediocre-tier, but are constantly placed alongside great comics.
Some are just rated a little too high, but are still decent or good.
>What would need to change about it for it to be properly rated?
A big part of it is either the art is subpar (and not just the line art), or the art is the reason it gets overrated and needs the writing to match to justify the fellation.
>What stories deserve to take its place in rating?
Actual good ones.
I enjoy Miracleman the most out of Moore's stuff because its so imperfect.
any popular cape comic you actually like?
I can get that
Good brain.
kys. Please. It's the only use you have anymore.
That's such a perfectly Moorefag bit of pretension, I love it.
There’s ironically a lot of innocence in Miracleman that I feel is lost in a lot of the idolised later Moore comics that makes it feel special.
The comic arc that set back comics back by opening the doors to hack Garth Ennis.