>comic relief character gets the cutest girl in the series
What the fuck?
Comic relief character gets the cutest girl in the series
you posted the wrong girl op
innocent mistake i'm sure, let me help you out
Coonfoot drew actual porn?
He actually is one of the most important characters to the plot
Why did they force Aang and Katara's romance?
They had zero chemistry, and it felt very forced.
Self insert fantasies. At least they had chemistry.
Unlike this retard who legit projects himself onto fictional characters who hardly interact so all he has is ooc fanart and terrible porn
>cutest girl in the series
That would actually be Ty Lee, which would have been interesting. The next cutest would be his sister, but there's no way they'd do that.
>not goofmaxxing
If you’re a Manlet, this is your only option. Bitches are after that dopamine hit. You gotta make them laugh.
They had plenty of chemistry and buildup, I sincerely do not know what you’re talking about
Nobody cares about Mary Suki
Welp, I guess that explains why she volunteered to be his bodyguard on the comics
Katara's the Mary Sue.
>Funny, good looking, and smart guy gets the cutest girl
How shocking.
Also Ty Lee's cuter.
The comics are non-canon.
Why is Bigdad so absolutely dead set on going for the worst possible ships in any given franchise?
i was just about to say this, sokka from OUR perspective is comic relief but in universe he's not seen as that.
What about TLOK?
Yes he does
He's actually quite important to the plot
TLOK is also non-canon.
Sokka and Suki is a loving couple.
A couple of besties that love getting fucked by Zuko
>cutest girl?
if you meant toph then you are correct
sokka more like
was a one sided crush Katara never seemed very interested in Aang outside of like a little brother role
Aang always just felt like a kid.
Katara would have picked someone like Jet if he wasn't evil.
All they needed to do was include one scene towards the end of the series where Katara is in MAJOR trouble and serious Aang swoops in and handles it in a ultra cool manner. As he looks down at her and askes if she's okay, it's shows quite clearly on her face that she just realized what a boss Aang is and that she's fallen for him.
Or something like that. Like I say, one scene, that's all it would have taken. But that would actually required putting thought into your ending.
Please tell me what instances are there of this from Katara's perspective
Who might I remind you was repelled at Aang's kissing attempt in the episode immediately preceding the finale
Yeah it also just goes against the kind of guy Katara liked. Maybe if Aang became cooler, or at least DIFFERENT, but up until the end he still acts like the same kid he acted like in the beginning of the series. So it's especially weird for her attitude to just change.
im not a fujo or anything but katara and zuko really was a lot more believable and made a lot more sense, in hindsight. Might have pissed me off at the time though, I was like 12.
Come to think of it, did Aang ever like any other girl? That fire bending schoolgirl I guess. They should have done something with any other girl.
>Who might I remind you was repelled at Aang's kissing attempt in the episode immediately preceding the finale
this was also an especially big factor in making it weird
Zuko and Katara enemies to lovers would have fit much better.
Just a few extra scenes and they could have made it work.
I guess the entire point of Aang having any romantic interest in anyone was just so they could give him a tough time at the end.
Katara should have gotten with Zuko, and Aang should have gotten with Azula years later.
>Aang fixing Azula with the power of avatar cock
This, Sokka isn't just some balloon like Bolin
>6 million airbenders
>In one day
>Taken by surpise
>No survivors
>Get out of here Aang
Aang really is the only person strong enough to keep her in check in my opinion, which would be a requirement for whoever her future lover ends up being.
Sokka had so many good options that it's hard to pick just one. I like the idea of him with Ty Lee but also think he and Ty Lee together would be too much energy for the group dynamic. It certainly would be interesting to see their dynamic. I imagine it'd be a lot of Ty Lee pulling Sokka out of his comfort zone with her hippie bullshit and him trying to redpill her. But it's TOO interesting and overshadows the rest of the cast. Suki is a nice straightman to keep Sokka balanced. Toph would have also been acceptable.
>All they needed to do was include one scene towards the end of the series where Katara is in MAJOR trouble and serious Aang swoops in and handles it in a ultra cool manner. As he looks down at her and askes if she's okay, it's shows quite clearly on her face that she just realized what a boss Aang is and that she's fallen for him.
Isn't that literally what happens in the Fortune Teller? Not a decisive "fell for him" but it very clearly breaks through any notions of Aang being "just a kid" to her
and also, at least by the end of the series, easygoing & centered enough to deal with her inevitable constant needling and shit-testing.
Not really, Azula learnt smoke-bending on the comics and Aang quite jobbed to that on the comics, the only one that kept Azula checked was her brother (Mai tried but was quite useless) honestly she's more OP than the avatar state at this point
Aang is a limp noodle though. He largely refuses to force others to do what he wants, especially not by force or coercion
Almost any character BUT Aang would be better at "keeping her in check"
>the only one that kept Azula checked was her brother
Even Zuko admitted that the reason he could beat her was because she was severely compromised mentally, so I don't know why you retards keep saying this.
Also barely beating someone once doesn't mean you're strong enough to keep them in check.
Fuck off.
>because she was severely compromised
Not really, he was practically invincible to anything she was throwing at him, he barely struggled on the 1v1 until Katara unnecesarily showed up when she could have been A LOT more useful on the battle ships with Sokka, Toph isnt very useful on the air. Also Aang didnt even defeat her once, man got penetrated by her from behind tf u sayin'
>he was practically invincible to anything she was throwing at him
Yes. BECAUSE SHE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. Is the problem just that you're unable to wrap your head around such a simple concept as "cause and effect?"
>he was practically invincible to anything she was throwing at him
Because she was compromised mentally. A healthy Azula would wipe the floor with Zuko and Zuko knows it.
Agreed. Aang is good for spiritual healing and such, because he has the patience and compassion of a literal monk, a cheery disposition, and an understanding of various forgotten ways of life. He would fail at containing Azula, especially early in whatever sort of "redemption arc" she has, but with a mostly stable Azula he'd work wonders.
Also have a cute Suki moment.
they're trash, but it's the last trace we have from Azula that's not her taking meds at Arkham so i'll take it
You fags dont have any problem to post every day for the past week the only moment Azula and Aang share where she isnt trying to kill him mind I remind you happens in one of those comics, kek I thought we left this meme on 2019
That is ALSO shown in the comics guys, make up your damn mind
This doesn't make Ty Lee less cute, it just makes me realize some uncomfortable things about Aang.
"Horror... horror has a face. And you must make a friend of horror... horror and moral terror. For if they are not your friends, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies."
"So why did Sozin really wipe out the Air Nomads?"
"...You don't want to know."
>The Fortune Teller
>Cave of Two Lovers
>The Headband
A bit underdeveloped sure but to say there's nothing is wrong.
>Incest shit
fuck off
"What was living behind those girl's eyes was purely and simply.. evil."
what if we don't though
what if we go further
I rewatched the Azula vs Zuko and Katara fight yesterday and holy shit I forgot how much it felt like a Zutarafag had written it. Aang has got nothing on that moment.
still would.
is it penis or vag down there?
doesn't matter
Nah…that’d be Toph
>Aang has got nothing on that moment
Not with Katara, no.
Bitches love to laugh.
Fine by me
Reminder that she also wanted the FIRE WANG.
Fortune Teller plants in her the notion of Aang as a romantic prospect, but nothing indicates she's excited about it, if anything she's taken off guard and in shock at the thought.
Cave of Two Lovers could really be seen as a product of circumstances, it's literally a plot mandate they gotta kiss to escape, a spur of the moment deal that'd have worked as well or better had Katara been accompanied by Zuko, Jet, etc.
The Headband I sooner see as Katara getting caught in the heat of the moment; I dunno nothing about it spells Romance to me. At most passing hormones. She plays his mother in this very episode.
This is nothing against you user, but if that's really the best evidence the series has to imply Katara loved Aang back, it only showcases how this romance was easily the series' great weakness in an otherwise solid to great run.
The only other person strong enough to keep her in check would be Katara, potentially Toph but we never see them fight, pre insane Azula loses pretty handily to Katara in S2 and she's much stronger the next season.
This just makes me want more female airbenders.
Jinora and Ikki weren't enough.
>wanted Roku's dick so he killed him and tried to take over the world
>killed the air nomads first because they have the cutest boys