Slylock Fox

Shady Shrew is at it again!

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I actually think these are impossible to solve. At the very least, they're harder than just about any mystery out there

>just googled the answer
fuck I'm so stupid, how did I not catch that?

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2 cue balls, so one of them is the pearl.

Did Diego draw a jojo character?

user I solved this one in 15 seconds and I'm a top tier brainlet

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>Drink Oat Milk
My god, they're pure evil.

>brought to you by the National Council of Cows Who Are Tired of HavingTheir Nipples Sucked

you fool Diego is the Jojo character

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This is the easiest one of these I've seen in a while

I like the colors on last weeks.

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1. Penguin
2. Raptor
3. ???
4. Eagle



The matching scenes are 1 and 2, right?


(1,2), (3,4) have different numbers of teeth on the raccoon.
3 and 4 have different numbers of blades of grass to the left of the rock the frog is sitting on.

6 diffs:
>cloud length
>bottom part of the fishing line
>Worm flipped
>Mushroom spot
what am i still missing?

>car door mirror
>left bird chick eye

The driver-side mirror is missing in one of the image. Can't find the last one.

jeez that last one was so small

Is it the north pole?

It is. I am not OP and fucked up that second one by not deleting all the answers. I apologize. I read Slylock every day though, I like it and wanted to join in and be cool.

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>Braids and a catsuit


Cassandra is looking hot as fuck.

Come on, you cowards. Show off your cats.

Anyone can draw - Loomis

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I didn't think of that, I thought it was because they're battery operated or controlled with a remote.

Basedbeans, because those are an export from the US rather than an import?

Goddamned filter.

Yes, nice one. That one took me awhile as I thought we did grow more mangos here out in California. Turns out, mostly Mexico.

I actually like driving through the fields of onions in certain parts of the country. It's a sort of pretty color.

Jokes on you filters, I DO actually like Onion fields. Though they're just green. I tend to like all agriculture. I find sown fields to be very pensive.

As for Slylock. Seems they're letting the new guy do more of the sunday comics. He does good work. Seems to have strong color sense and is fond of doing backgrounds with quite a lot going on. It's fun to differ his style with the very classic cartoon look of Bob Weber Sr.

I wish I knew who was doing what, as it's not clear what's reruns of Sr, or new ones from Jr, or this new fella. I can't really find details of him online. Looks like his name is Sattu.

are you literally retarded? I'm terrible at all of these and OP took me 10 seconds

There are two white balls on the pool table one is the pearl

The rubies are in her vagina.

Yeast Infection.

Commas are your friends.


It's a two man job; one to keep appearances and the other to pull the heist. Show yourself Cassandra; time for some "pearl hunting"

Who is Yourself Cassandra?

They're the difference between "let's eat, grandma" and "let's eat grandma"!

Technically correct but I think they were going for Parrot

paging syo

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>spot the difference
Jesus this one is so hard I'm almost 40 I should not be having a difficult time with a children's puzzle

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There seems to be two cue balls, when there's only supposed to be one, so one of them must be the pearl.
Why Shady is using a pearl as a cue ball is beyond me.

The trick is to open the pic in two tabs and center each pic in it's own tab. Then flick back and forth. Or crop them both and use a site that lets you flip back and forth on mouseover, like if it still exists.

I know lmao, you were the first person to notice

>which scene is slightly different
cheated with cross-eyes and I still didnt get what was different for like a minute
fuck off, might as well change the shade of one of his teeth by 1 RGB value

What is a minute fuck off?

>There's only one body part you have that I can't see that will get me to talk, Slylock
Help Slylock get the crucial information from Cassandra Cat, do you know what body part she's talking about?
That's right, his inquisitive and doubtful brain!

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>tfw catsuit strip finally came out and you missed the thread for it

Also, that's a bullshit riddle. Kids don't know about export shit. I'd have said coconuts, because the rubies could rattle around like coconuts when the crate was moved but noone would be suspicious of the noise.

Given Cassandra's presence and the outfit she wore, I don't think that particular strip was for kids. Bob knows how diverse his audience is.

Kids just see it as a cool heist thing. It's only us cat connoiseurs that lusts after catsuited cats.

cute cassandra

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This one is too easy.

i want to lick the pussy

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Got it literally 1 second after I finished reading the text. That’s one big pearl!

Perhaps even easier than the OP

>how to draw a cat and bird
>just draw the cat first

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We also start by giving the cat a pretty big erection.

You got outfoxed!

I love this style

Scene 2, Because it's at a lower height