How hard is Nietzche?

I just turned 18. How hard is it to understand Nietzche? How should you read it? Which book should i read first?

Attached: 1200px-Nietzsche1882.jpg (1200x1601, 206K)

I picked up thus spoke zarathustra at 17. Wasn't too hard to read desu. I had to google a few words here and there but all in all it wasn't that hard to get his point.
I read it in German though, so ur experience might differ depending on your native language.

huh I was skipping class, selling drugs and banging chicks at 17, like you should

I started reading the canon at 8, btw. But I quit reading at 15 and spend 4years doing dumb shit like young people ought to do.

Don't. Start with the Greeks

he's 18. he already read the greeks

Honestly have fun with your life. Youre too young, unless youre planning on majoring in philosophy.

Why would you have to choose either?

A passion for philosophy and literature is far from incompatible with having a normal social life. My passion for reading philosophy really sprung up when I was seventeen, and that was also the time of my life in which I attended the most parties, and in which I lost my virginity. Passions like this are only about how you spend your free time, I completely dropped playing videogames when I started to read seriously.
Also, Nietzsche is quite readable, especially with access to the internet. I'd start with The Birth of Tragedy, it's one of his shorter works.

You have probably missed way more than you are capable of imagining.
I have ruined my brain doing what you are saying between the ages of 15 and 21. Don't follow this advice.
Start reading whatever whenever you want. It's okay to re-read and you will get a lot out of reading secondary stuff before re-reading.

i read zarathustra at 17 and it changed my life, so you will be okay

>Which book should i read first?
Ecce Homo

In order, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, Human, All too Human (optional) and lastly Zarathustra. I haven't read the Birth of Tragedy or the Gay Science so I can't comment on those.

This, also, if you haven't already.

OP, this is the book you start with.

Attached: Portable-Nietzsche.jpg (1486x2316, 398K)

not really hard to read, it's quite enjoyable.
start with The Antichrist.

You won't understand him but you should read him regardless. A good dose of edginess and idealism is necessary for the proper development.

Pretty easy, definitely the most straightforward philosopher I've read

way too old copy pasta

thank you for making feel better about the two years I wasted playing league 10 hours a day when I should have been studying

oh well.

>too young
What? I thought it was the norm to have started reading philosophy at 14/15

Only if you started working out and learning martial arts at 10 and commanding people at 12. What's the point if you're not going full /warrior philosopher/

>what's the point
Life is short, too many books have been published for you to read them all. And even the good books are too plentiful for you to go through them all in a lifetime. The earlier you start the more wisdom you'll accumulate, providing you never stop reading.

>accumulating wisdom with no chance to apply it

>taking an obvious shitpost seriously to flex how mature you were at 14

Go LARP yourself off a cliff, faggot.

he's not that hard to understand, i think he's actually the first philosopher i really "got" and from there, from seriously studying him I was able to understand many other philosophers in the future not the least because so many draw from him

Lmao i don't give a fuck what you think about me; were on an anonymous forum. Literally everyone I know irl was reading philosophy at around that age, so I assumed it was the norm.

I think I did just fine. I read up interpretations online and they were mostly on par with what I was thinking. You should try to stop gatekeeping knowledge

>Start reading whatever whenever you want.
>stop gatekeeping knowledge
If you can't even understand a Yea Forums post I doubt you understood Zarathustra bby

you don't even make sense user. stop it