>character is slightly pig-headed or conceited
>show takes this as justification to be screwed over at every possible moment
Why was this trend so common in late 90s-2000s cartoons?
>character is slightly pig-headed or conceited
>show takes this as justification to be screwed over at every possible moment
Why was this trend so common in late 90s-2000s cartoons?
pride cometh before the fall.
>Being self confident or slightly arrogent means you need to be humiliated at every turn.
Sounds like an asshole who's jealous at others being positive and believing in themselves made this trope.
I remember feeling bad for Oscar and all the BS he goes through. His isn't really loyal, his mother is an abusive piece of shit, his brother is a jobless loser/freeloader whose only talent is singing and is their mother's favorite and Oscar's gets shit for not wanting to help his pathetic brother.
Oh it 100% is
I guess to make it easy for the braindead kids to understand that being an asshole isn't good. Most kids, however, are aware that doing bad things doesn't necessarily make you an entirely bad person.
I dont get Oscar character.
Why make him a loser black dad with a failling business?
>doing bad things doesn't necessarily make you an entirely bad person.
I am sure you have to believe that
The creator is a loser whose jealous of their brother who they modeled after Oscar whose successful IRL and their parent's favorite.
I remember in one episode Penny, Trudy, and Suga Mama all start naming their fantasy, celebrity crushes and laughing about it, but when Oscar tells his, they immediately shit on him and walk out of the room in disgust. I think it was supposed to be one of those self-aware, hypocrisy jokes, but it still pissed me off.
This makes too much sense if true.
>I am sure you have to believe that
I do.
I'll get being a loser dad, but with a failing business? No, He's way to negative and He's very similar to Richard.
Why can't they be just be stupid house husbands?
Cus men bad and stoopid,
I don't mind the slapstick, hardluck characters are usually my favorites. I think the part that bothers me in these shows is how little the people around them cares for the person suffering. There was a PF episode where he got zapped into the TV as a joke about bad electrical skills and when he winds up next to some bikini-clad girls, the wife changes it to a channel where he gets beat up by gangsters instead. Most of his family is in the room while he's screaming but they ignore him because they'd rather talk about Penny's Bad Day. That kind of apathy kills the joke, and makes everyone else seem like an asshole.
He only exists to suffer. I hate characters like this. Like, let him just be a person. He has a cool design and an interesting job/personality. Let him win sometimes. A character that only exists to lose is annoying.
>all the Oscar apologists ITT
Oscar wouldn't be dumped on nearly as bad if he didn't pull his "man of the house" bullshit when his wife makes all the money, AND all the cleaning, AND all the housework.
Oscar would be forgiven for his truggling business if he helped out at home once in a while, but no, he spends all day wasting the money his WIFE earned and then expects to be treated like fucking Archie Bunker.
Respect is a two way street. And Oscar hasn't given much to his wife.
Besides, they still fuck like rabbits. Oscar's dick game is probably the only reason Trudy hasn't bounced.
So basically Jerry Smith?
Yeah but these characters aren't real they were designed by a living breathing human being. A lot of it doesn't make sense until you look into theories like
Was there any difference in the way its portrayed with Oscar in the Proud Family to Bernie in The Bernie Mac Show?
Bernie was more respected than Oscar, but the basic personalities were similar.
Probably, we've seen other creator's do similar things.
This, plus Bernie would've given Sugah Mama shit and put her in a retirement home for good and Oscar's freeloader brother would be too afraid to come near the house knowing Bernie's temper.
Respect your mother
Nah if she doesn't respect you then you shouldn't respect her
Sugah Mama disrespected Oscar despite being the more successful son objectively. Why did she love Bobby so much despite him being a freeloading piece of shit?
Yeah, Jarry and Squidward. Any character who has a mild character fault and who is treated like the universe's toilet for merely existing isn't funny to me.
>Why did she love Bobby so much despite him being a freeloading piece of shit?
He enabled a lot of her bad behavior, she liked him because he could sing, and would do anything she said like a doormat
So she really disliked Oscar for being independent from her?
What you have to remember is he got to fuck Trudy
So despite all the bullshit, he's a winner
>Sugah Mama disrespected Oscar despite being the more successful son objectively. Why did she love Bobby so much despite him being a freeloading piece of shit?
Oscar is no more successful than Bobby is. He lives off his wife who pays for everything. Bobby also is a decent agent which Oscar is not
Yup, that's how most narcissistic mothers are
Meanwhile, Bobby gets to fuck Ms. Hill.
This could be a win or loss depending on whether you like larger chicks or not.
Oh shut up
Oscar puts in effort in his job. He doesn't just leech off his wife's success, he also tries to support the family. He isn't the black Jerry Smith, people. Bobby is a failed artist.
I've seen it all too often.
She kinda looks like my OC, cute
Why does the sketch version look so much better than the actual show version.
she's too good for Bobby and most women like her will eventually get fed up with Bobby. Oscar and Trudy genuinely love each other despite their flaws and problems.
I miss him.
He doesn’t put effort, he’s essentially just sponging off his wife for a hobby that takes way more money to fund and produces almost nothing if at all.
Try harder nigga
>a snack business
>somehow seen as only a hobby and not a legitimate business
What are you talking about? If it was just a hobby, he wouldn't be trying to sell his idea to people.
Selling nasty ass snacks that give people food poisoning is not a business. Trying kind of doesn’t mean anything without results.
Just ignore them, it's probably the creator of the show whose pissed that fans like Oscar
How come I don't hear these complaints about Stu Pickles and his failing inventions?
Well actually Stu is successful, there’s a whole episode where it explains he can spend so much time at home because he lives off the toys he makes
Oscar doesn’t have that excuse
Because DD also had a shitty job, like a tutor or something. Plus Stu made enough success to be considered a provider, including a functional Mech.
>Oscar doesn’t have that excuse
Oscar has the excuse of actively engaging in a job. There is effort.
So? He would still rather make bad ideas than successful ones. And if he's so successful, why do they always seem to be worried about money?
>Oscar has the excuse of actively engaging in a job. There is effort.
Wasting your time practically dumping your money into a hole in the ground does not count as effort. Effort is when you work hard at something that can give you money. Oscar produces nothing so they can’t respect a guy who’s kind of a bum who lives off his wife, who they do respect.
>And if he's so successful, why do they always seem to be worried about money?
That was really only Stu gets a job where he hasn’t sold an invention in months until the end and of course the movie where they just had a baby which is expensive
Realistically Stu would have been sued into the ground after his invention smashed half of paris
Okay, Mr. Enter
Realistically Oscar would have been sued after his growth thing flooded that stadium
Eh I think EuroReptar would be at fault, all Stu did was sell the robot.
Oscar owns slaves.
but his slaves are monkeys so it's okay
What's with Twitter and DILFS?
Oscar owns his house and is a genius scientist
Trudy’s mentioned she’s the one who paid for the house
He also just grows stuff
What episode did Trudymention that?
>He also just grows stuff
He made snacks that gave Penny superpowers in the Halloween episode
In the movie, Dr. Carver needed his formula to create everlasting self-replicating clones
In Louder and Prouder, he built a vehicle that can break the sound barrier
Penny’s first date episode. Halloween specials and movies don’t count
I'll check it out
>Halloween specials and movies don't count