Beyond > BTAS
You know its true
Beyond > BTAS
You know its true
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It terms of character designs, yes. In terms of writing, no.
I like both!
>Spider-Man with a Batman coat of paint
I mean, I like it, it's great. But come on.
>Blight / Green Goblin
>Spellbinder / Mysterio
>Stalker / Kraven
>False Face / Chameleon
>Terrific Trio / I mean, really?
There are a few original ones but it draws heavily.
In seasonal quilty yeah. Most of BTAS is meh or Ass, The last two seasons aren't that great, with the adventures of batman and robin being the worst season of any DCAU show. While Batman beyond season 2 is one of the best DCAU seasons rivaling, JLU season 2.
Hmm maybe on to something.
Inque is Venom
Mad Stan is Punisher
Kobra is Hydra
How is blight like green goblin? I get the others, but not that one
Mad Stan isn’t like Punisher at all, unless there’s a different Punisher I’m unaware of
Arch nemesis masking as a businessman.
Batman Beyond is fucking garbage and I'm tired of this board pretending otherwise.
I'm still not convinced
Suicide yourself.
It is true, BTAS is very bland and boring, extremely overrated, but the Batman autists won’t admit it.
And before you call me a zoomer, no. I watched both when growing up and BTAS was meh, but cool as a kid because it was superhero comic shit. The intro was the best part. Superman TAS is better than BTAS, but Beyond is the best of the bunch.
JL and JLU are also overrated, and so was the Green Lantern CGI Timm show.
>Superman TAS is better than BTAS
People say it's more consistent and has less shitty episodes. Those people haven't watched it.
You must have shit taste if you think Beyond was anything but bland tripe.
You look like an user who can’t cope.
>Muh Batman!
Lmao, my point proven.
The only point proven is that you have gutter-tier taste. Batman Beyond would've been bottom of DCAU if Zeta never existed.
I like Static shock was better than STAS.
>Reeeeeeeee teens and transhumanism!
Must suck being you.
>wahhh I enjoy complete garbage
Sorry, maybe one day you will grow actual taste.
Hilarious coming from a Superfag. Your hero is gay.
BTAS is complete garbage. Mr Freeze is the only memorable or note-worthy story.
Yet STAS is better than BTAS.
>Mind erased by gas
That was so weird. Why make assassin plots and give one a sword when you can't kill people directly on screen?
I liked BTAS, STAS, Beyond and JL/JLU (minus the Beyond episode)
>Yet STAS is better than BTAS
It's really not.
>BTAS is complete garbage. Mr Freeze is the only memorable or note-worthy story.
So that means BTAS has more memorable and worthwhile stories than Beyond ever did.
For me its JLU
Every story in Beyond is memorable and good.
All these eps are JL.
DC had a run were they made so many fucking amazing kids shows
Now it's too transparent.
7/10 bait. Had me going for a while but played your hand too soon.
Fine then
>That splicers episode
>if you disagree with me you must be baiting
I’ve said it before in this thread but it needs repeating; you look like someone who can’t cope.
Hereafter is by far one of the best DCAU arcs and it doesn't get nearly enough love.
If you have taste this shit, then yes. I will assume you're baiting. I love to see the best in people. I'm an optimist like that.
Must be why no one ever discusses Superman TAS other than to say "ACTUALLY it's better!" in a Batman thread.
It’s not as meme’d because batfags are the most autistic fanbase in comics.
As someone who isn’t a particular fan of any comic super hero and judges each show by its own merits, STAS is better than BTAS.
Batfags gargle Bruce Wayne cum all day and defend shit shows, so you wouldn’t know what taste actually is unless it’s the taste of a fictional characters sperm.
t. casual
I don't give a shit about STAS, why the fuck are you replying to me, you fucking retard?
My point is that Beyond was fucking awful. Nostalgia-filled Reddit-tier posts about how "dark and mature" it was a la don't change the fact that it was forgettable tripe that doesn't stand out in any possible way.
lmao you are trying so hard to fit in, i'm gonna guess you are like 15 at the oldest
>t-trying to fit in
BB-fags' IQ can be counted on the number of good episodes of their series.
Yeah you are trying way too hard to fit in
>doubling down on being a retard
You don't have to. The fact that you're defending Batman Beyond already tells everyone how much of a dumb fuck you are.
Whatever you say kiddo
>w-whatever you say kiddo
Lmao. Enjoy your DC's Spider-Man: no good villains and memorable episodes edition.
Whatever helps you sleep at night kid
>Forgotten means not-memed
>It's the Batfags' fault!
Sounds like cope if I ever saw it.
>literally buckbroken
you keep on saying it's bland and forgettable, but how can that be when it has a committed fanbase to this day?
I'm not trying to argue "it's popular therefore it's good," but clearly if I like it enough to post about it, and you hate it enough to post against it, then it is neither bland nor forgettable. Objectively, it has left an impact
Yes you really are
>as someone with no authority whatsoever I say Superman TAS is better
Checks out.
>n-no u
Geez, no one surely has ever felt nostalgia for bland shit.
And yes, Batman Beyond praise is 50% nostalgia and 50% contrarianism.
>n-no u
Yes, you are the one losing your mind
Thought of as one of the biggest villains for the character but spends most of his time dead.
>keeps doubling down
Everyone gets it, you're dumb and underage. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>Geez, no one surely has ever felt nostalgia for bland shit.
I would unironically agree with this. If something is bland and forgettable, people will forget it, not be nostalgic for it.
>n-no u are underaged
I accept your defeat zoomie
Then you really have no idea how people work. Here's an example of bland soulless shit that people love for nostalgia reasons only: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
>shonentard catchphrases
Just how low can you go before you realize how embarrassing you are, underage retard?
>authority means being a fan of a comic book
You really are desperate now arn;t you
Just entered thread but you’re big mad for sure.
>ur le mad XD
Holy shit. When did Yea Forums get flooded with underage idiots like these?
Beyond has the best intro, fite me
>Using le
Could you make it more obvious you are a zoomie?
I've actually never seen teenage mutant ninja turtles, so I can't really argue against that point, but certainly it doesn't seem to be "bland." Like I say though, I can't argue one way or the other on that. Maybe you're right
My main point though is that nostalgia is memory. If something is forgettable, it will be forgotten. Batman Beyond has this continuing fanbase, it's not forgotten by any standard, so it's not forgettable
School drama is not inherently bad. Spider-Man makes it work sometimes.
Of course Spider-Man happens to have a likable lead character, a good supporting cast, cool and memorable villains.
I.e. everything Batman Beyond is lacking severely.
The highschool drama is gay as fuck and ruins it. Im not in highschool anymore.
If im going to go down that route Ill watch some comedic highschool show instead.
>people can see you’re evidently upset
Guaranteed you’re the one who’s underaged here. If not your behaviour is embarrassing.
Based. This hypes me up so fucking much
Why is this white haired chick though? Chelsea?
Highschool drama is the worst of the worst. Its kids pretending to be adulting and just dumb. School drama is only acceptable if its like a comedic show.
I didn't really care for Lobo and Zeta. The DCAU's use of Beyond in the 3 other shows is masterful and the best episodes of their shows.
>Future Shock
>The Once and Future Thing
Very intelligent argument.
Not really. Childhood memories can warp a lot of things and things that are forgettable may look better in your memories than they really are.
Yes, retard. Shouting "ur mad" and expecting to be taken seriously is a hallmark of an underage idiot. Something that's been known on the internet long before you were old enough to use it. Just like all of your empty posts that have nothing but juvenile insults. Don't even try to reverse me calling you embarrassing right back at me, it's certainly not gonna work but will definitely show that you're too dumb to even come up with an original insult.
We can all tell your are a kid, stop trying to fit in