Why do 90s cartoon creators hate modern cartoons?

Why do 90s cartoon creators hate modern cartoons?

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It's pretty obvious if you use your brain

that tweet just reeks of butthurt, oldfag animators have to calm down

At least Doug didn’t mutilate his body to keep his wife from cucking him.

>Bragging about getting two seasons when practically any show would get that much back then, regardless of the show's actual quality

I thought Catscratch only had 1 season

>5 seasons, 52 episodes total
>Earthworm Jim
>2 seasons, 23 episodes total
>1 season, 20 episodes total

Dude's a fucking liar, combined that's still 9 episodes less then She-ra.

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How long were the episodes?

24 minutes for she-ra, 25 minutes for Earthworm Jim, and 23 minutes for Catscratch.

That still puts She-ra in the lead at 1,248 minutes of animation total, compared to Doug's 1,035 minutes of animation.

>nepotism is good when team faggot does it