Now that Dorky is canon, does anyone still take them seriously?
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Who cares about this side character? I want to talk about Polly.
Well the core seems to be a weird thing of multiple personalities combined into one. It acts like Marcy for most of the episode, but after the reboot it acts like Andrias father. That’s weird enough to make me interested in what that thing can do.
However I don’t know what threat it can possess when so far, there’s no signs of Darcy being able to do anything. She can’t even walk straight. Anne really only needs to remove the helmet and that’s it, so Andrias better give her some gear
That face-plant wasn't a graceful feat.
You can if they're still legitimate threat.
Like the Joker of Kefka from FF6.
Well, eating brain of a young girl is pretty fucked up, stupid name or not.
Eh it was just a little zap.
I wonder if it's a deliberate act on Matt's part to have Darcy act goofy initially, so when they do gets serious you know shits going to get real.
Or it's because it's the funneh frog show!
I guess this is the thread.
Matt consistently keeps his show goofy. I wouldn't be surprised if Darcy's cape does catch fire.
I just want to stare at naked 13 year olds. I don't care at all for rule 34 which ages them up or gives them adult anatomy
Darcy's fun, but for me it's less about taking the quirky evil hivemind seriously and more about mourning the fact that Marcy is still in mind-prison all season.
The scrunkly scrimblo will be fine after a hug. As for her arc...well it's a shame she wasn't allowed time to finish.
Not only has she been physically and mind raped, she has now suffered ego death and has ceased to physically exist
Andrias totally had a crush on Leif
Go to /aco/ than, I’m sure they’re more than happy to provide you material
>The entire Plantar family’s existence is a reminder how much he fucked up and cucked himself
Endgame right here brothers
Marcy is a great example of a tragic character who did a bad thing but suffers way too much. But locking her out of all agency is a wasted opportunity.
Im pretty sure theres an actual amphibia thread up there. Good shit.
He shouldn't have chosen family over friends.
Oh shit that foreshadowing
it would have never worked out anyways, she's way too small for his giant cock
Hit the nail on the head. It's been pretty clear from tc that things were a bit extreme. I kept saying possession was a bad idea.
It is now been an entire season without Marcy's participation
Salamanders don't have them.
I don't think we ever saw a pregnant amphibian - and they have pollywogs so they probably lay eggs.
>tries to justify his actions as the natural result of an intense personal betrayal rooted deep in his past
>invented a racist caste system that divided his planet's entire culture for the next thousand years because his crush ran away and his best friend hesitated for half a second in trying to kill her
Andrias was always a salty bitch.
Real shame, Marcy is really funny. At least we have Dorky.
There is something about Marcy but evil that just doesn't come off as a convincing villain, maybe now that Marcy got erased we will actually see some interesting thing going forward.
>tfw you're an evil overlord but naptime is naptime
Evil Marcy could work if it was her natural development. What they are currently doing is lame.
So in this AU Sprig is this old timey farmboy who stumbles into a 21th century frog world?
Do zoomers really just spend all day watching movies together?
Love the garden cult aesthetics
Marcy is just locked away. I could never buy a badguy who picked her as a host though.
>Blue, Pink and Green colored friends
>Blue and Pink friends could have been something more had things not gone to shit
To be fair, She stole the main pillar from which their entire civilization rested. Its like someone being king of the world and someone steals the one nuclear reactor that powers the entire world.
It's canon.
>You will all have to excuse Darcy. It's twelve o'clock and time for their nap.
>Hmmm, sleepy time.
What's especially sad is that Marcy's big reveal in True Colors is what really elevated her character for me. Showing both the genuinely sympathetic aspects of her story, and how her fears and lack of self-confidence in facing the future alone lead to serious mistakes that threw everything and everyone she was desperately trying to cling to into mortal jeopardy.
There's so much they could have done with that, giving her her own episodes to mentally deal with the core, explore her own memories, and face what's happened. But instead it looks like we might not even see her again until the finale.
This is worse than rape
She was in Olivia & Yunnan
Rough stuff, I really wanted better for her character.
Damn, imagine condemning an entire race to peasantry out of spite
Is that based or cringe
She is 100 percent gonna make Andrias's life hell
It will be wonderful.
Can the core just beam pleasure into Marcy until she complies?
Oh you know it is
>We don't live in a world where Long John Baldry is still alive.
>We don't live in a world where Long John Baldry isn't Darcy's VA.
>We don't live in a world where Darcy doesn't sound exactly like Dr Robotnik.
What a tragedy.
The only one pleasuring Marcy is Sasha.
Imagine sending your world back to the dark age, just cause you had a crazy vision. Imagine all the hunger, war and death amphibia went through, when Leif just unplugged the cord. Part of me says they get what they deserve for depending of one single source of energy instead of diversify for new renewable sources, but again why would they? gems energy is free, clean and limitless. Besides andrias linage saw every attempt of diverting from that energy as a menace to their rule, the control the energy, they control amphibia. Just imagine being a farmer that suddenly can't use machines for working the land and fend yourself against the very hostile creatures that roam the land. I imagine Amphibia population crashed, as consequences of Leif unplugging, she probably became a farmer out of guilt seeing her kind dying of hunger.
They've locked her in a "room". What's to they didn't leave her with hundreds of hours of lesbian porn to keep her quiet?
Marcy's stpry is actually a very common trope: dumb kid runs away from home only to be brutally (and in some cases literally) fucked up the ass by harsh reality. Same as those bitchboys who got turned into donkeys with Pinocchio. Society has told such stories for generations to kids as a cautionary tale. In Marcy's case, she has penetrated, and forcibly impregnated with a foreign entity. This is a common fate for girls who run away from home
Mega when?
just watch at elmundodeanne&
She condemned her entire race to serfdom and backbreaking farm labor, a fate worse than death for any postindustrial people. Think of how many female frogs like her got raped in the process. Andrias and her are responsible
They're gonna need MORE yuri.
Do you think Darcy will start masturbating its new body openly without caring if anyone is in the room?
No. Even though they say it's not her it still acts so much like her down to being a goofy autist that it doesn't feel any different and therefore non-threatening. I don't necessarily mind it though, Marcy is a more entertaining character when she's evil.
>Using pleasure to make Marcy comply.
That's more Sasha's job.
Sasha's boobs definitely came in under that breastplate
They don't call it that for nuthin'.
Stop being gay, Marcy.
we got a little of that with the two headed Sasha/Anne
you think Marcy type regulary the N word?
So andrias is regualrly commiting genocide against frogs and enslaving the survivors huh