Rock Bottom Insanity Edition!
She-ra Kyle-man best boy fancomic storytime thread.
It's that time of the week
Rock Bottom Insanity Edition!
She-ra Kyle-man best boy fancomic storytime thread.
It's that time of the week
Other urls found in this thread:
For the kind anons asking about where I've been hosting the Kyle Saga comic I've been storytiming in past threads.
And here's the individual chapters with very accurate titles in case Imgur goes iffy.
Chapter 1: Kyle gets cucked
Chapter 2: Kyle beats up his teacher
Chapter 3: Kyle gets extremely high
Chapter 4: Kyle gets adopted
Chapter 5: Kyle tries to punch a girl
Chapter 6: Kyle is bullied by a kid
Chapter 7-1: Kyle finally wins and then dies
Chapter7-2: Kyle gets a ride
Chapter 8 p1: Kyle ruins Lonnie's career.
Chapter 8 p2: Kyle comes back from the dead just to ruin Lonnie's career again.
9 Part 1 Kyle gets called a manchild:
9 Part 2: Kyle vs the stairs
10 part 1: Kyle gets high (again)
10 part 2: Kyle is still high and has a REALLY bad trip
Chapter 10 part 3: Kyle gets doxxed
Chapter 11 part 1: Kyle Gets Revenge 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sidenote: I will only be posting half of the chapter. I'm planning to storytime the finished version on Easter Monday. Being a holiday, I ended up being outdoors and spending time with family and stuff. But I want to test run the chapter today.
This chapter has been difficult. Also, really weird.
A little recap
And back to were we left off last storytime
Welcome back, Kyleanon! Let's hope Kyle gets redeemed
This is the story of a man whose gone astray from his destiny.
After a failed hostage situation, Kyle severely injures his oldest friend and lover.
Lonnie has swore to end him, and Scruffer refused to carry him through his self-destructive. Kyle is left alone and vulnerable in the middle of the Crimson Waste. And the doors to tempation have been left wide open for dark forces to interfere..
The oracle knows what's going on...
Well it's Easter, user! I'm not here to tell a cynical tale. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Kyle hasn't been feeling well since the memory trip
He may be feeling much worse than initially thought...
Several chapters after being in the shadows and finally. Habemus Mantenna!
He is finally here and he's...kind of adorable. Fits in the SPOP world.
Built for big reptile cock
But he's also creepy and alien too. A bit of both
Dark clothes, a sword with ominous red light, full of hate and vengeance? Our boy has gone full-on Sith lord
Going for the kill
Lonnie isn't the only one desperately looking for Kyle
Kyle hasn't forgotten Bow either
Kyle has been difficult for a while.
Small break brb
Is Kyle going to get revenge on Bow too?
Bow is a war hero and in a relationship with Queen Glimmer and set to become her king consort. He is even more untouchable than Catra.
But the truth of how Bow learned that Glimmer was in the Garnet Chamber will be revealed. So it's a likely yes.
Kyle is realizing there's more to life than that
Back to posting
Kyle has done dodgy shit.
I was thinking there would be a chapter were Kyle would be shown doing all of this in more detail but I found it too damn unlikeable. Like season 4 Glimmer or season 2-4 Catra. So I preferred to show a lot of Kyle's asshole behavior via short flashbacks.
It's not so much the spop Prime is behind of Kyle's manipulation. He is gone for good, but the being who brought him forth is still at large
Prime had so many different iterations in the series', and comics, etc that I like the interpretation that they are physical manifestations of a bigger metaphysical destructive entity that keeps trying to find it's way into the physical realms via technology and "useful idiot" hosts.
Catra and Hordak could have become a new physical outlet for Prime had they become fully consumed by their demons. It's how this being re-intriduces itself into reality over and over. Via abuse. Especially targeting victims of such.
The first recipient who became Horde Prime was maybe someone like Kyle or Catra too at one point. Over a long time he became Horokoth's magnum opus, in a way. An all powerful being of destruction.
Kyle really at his most derranged here. Who knew he had some sadism in him.
At the end of the day Kyle is a moral person. Try as as he might to be otherwise.
Kyle's final temptation begin. Shit's about to get pretty weird.
Brb for a moment
Oh yeah and it's supposed to take place in this hipster party scenario Noelle drew
I didn't come up with Kyle's wardrobe for this
Sprit a cute.
I hate that picture
Same. There's something about that flirty duckface on Glimmer that annoys me. Maybe because it's obvious duckface.
I.. really don't like duckface.
Swiftwind's face kek
Reminder Kyle is Skeletor
The plot thickens
Lonnie goes in hard for the kill.
Poor Kyle, there's no way he can even stand steady in those heels without tumbling down... Maybe it's all intentional, he can't walk well, and struggles to see due to the dark glasses. Made to move at dance as someone else's wishes. Everything is designed to keep him disorienting under all the niceties, glamour and promises of eternal life and pleasure.
If Prime's whole schtick was 1984 (even his clones called him Big Brother), his next avatar could probably go the Brave New World route. Soma is as effective in controlling others as fear and survelliance.
But just as in chapter 3. Kyle's memories of his Dad have a powerful effect of him.
I haven’t been in Yea Forums in ages but this Kyle Saga amuses me.
Big manipulative public proposal? at a party celebrating someone else? Two red flags in one.
Kyle finally has enough. Fuck this princess shit, fuck parties at a place he was previously abused and made fun of, and fuck this denial of reality eternal victim stuff.
This whole sequence was me just really wanting to draw Kyle tearing off his clothes in defiance. I am satisfied.
He's not going to settle for being an abused malleable doll, a sacrificial lamb, a tool to be used and discarded, a vessel for someone else's plans, he's the damn Crimson Fury! And he'll make it known.
Kyle is back to reality. Having finally touched rock-bottom for good this time. He's going to work towards making things right.
someone should show this to the She-Ra crew
Lucky sevens confirm
you know what you have to do Kyleanon