
This senseless discrimination

Attached: 44061a1650069419b69725f1714774009.jpg (1320x2040, 992.88K)

What the fuck am I looking at? Wait, on second thought, I don't want to know.

Get this shit off my fucking board.

this comic is ugly and i don't know why anyone reads it

I enjoy the characters, but I'm not really a fan of any of the plots that have happened so far.

Okay fuck you now im curious enough to check the comic out. Is it going to suck?

One way to find out

>Get this shit off my fucking board.

It's not your board, I've been here longer.

Carry on OP, I never read this comice except when it gets posted here

We are now stepping in the realm of clown racism
It could suck as much as it could be fucking amazing, this is uncharted territory.

The fuck? Are you new? Ennui Go is a Yea Forums staple. YOU fuck off.

GTFO newfag.