Battington was an idiot and pulled a dumb stunt with Walten. Squimpus doesn’t want him remaking his videoed anymore.

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Kek, that's a good way to get people to turn against you

fnaf isn't a cartoon

That's sad. Is there any other good FNAF creator besides them?

The Battington series is animated.

What a fucking idiot.

MD-PTV is also good.

What a retard move.

Squimpus has always been a talentless hack and the fact he would abruptly force Battington to stop remaking his videos over such a non-issue is infuriating.

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TL;DR this shit.

It was only a matter of time before drama broke out with them all.

What the hell happened to the official live action movie they were supposed to be making with actual animatronics?

Development hell.

It would be pretty based of Battington to continue anyway. It's not like Squimpus can do anything about it. Sure there's their Twitter fans but who gives a shit about them?

Scott went through a lot of scripts before settling on one called the “Mike” script. Suppose to be in development from Blumhouse. Still not made. Probably cancelled.

I tried looking it up because I didn't want to watch the video, it sounds like battington made a prank making people think martin had actually died, seemingly without martin being in on the prank. It's super childish overall, god only knows why you would throw away your decent reputation like that, and squimpus pouring salt in the wound after battington said he wouldn't remake the other videos. So stupidly preventable if people just had basic foresight

>Vastly improves your series in every possible way
>A series that you don't even own in the first place
>Cry like a bitch about it in such a way to guarantee people will turn on you
Lmao imaging claiming only you can't make shit like this when you didn't even make fnaf in the first place. What a cuck.

I'm 90% certain the script got repurposed into becoming "The Banana Splits Movie" a couple of years ago.

But why, the franchise is still pumping out money? Seems a bit financially retarded to not make it.

Was never into the games or the lore but if the movie was it's own continuity it could be kinda cool since the game lore is fucking retarded, convoluted and full of retcon bullshit.

Scott is very protective of FNAF. He didn’t want a movie unless he approved the script.

I'm fine with that. Battington is a talented guy, but his remakes of the originals weren't good. They were overtly creepy, with those ugly animatronics. The originals were interesting mainly because, despite being creepy, they were still realistic - it was like you were watching various old footage being subtly corrupted, instead of the footage that is already dark from start to finish.

If I were Battington I'd say "these aren't your fucking characters idiot, you can't tell me what to do."

>very protective
>allows a lot of garbage
It's like Disney

It’s possible another rejected script may have been that movie now cage was in recently, and keep in mind the movie’s original release year was 2017, this is clearly taking much longer than intended

Battington needs to work on his Harmony and Horror stuff.

That was a different rejected script, allegedly the real movie is still in rutpieuctikn

True. I think Battington mostly did the series because it gained him a lot of views and attention. Moreso than his original stuff.

>Battington makes a “prank” where he says Martin Walls died on twitter
How did he think this was a godly idea?

“Nic cage” my bad but I’m absolutely certain it was from a rejected script

>youtuber twitter drama

He tried framing it like a sort of "what if" thing in the scenario he did die? Then tried saying that the reason he did it was because he didn't know that framing someone as dead would be bad since he's been desensitized to that stuff or some shit like that.
Basically he was an autist on all fronts.

So he makes an April fools joke where he is just commenting on how he wants a creator to come back and make more content.

Fucking faggots creating drama for no fucking reason.

People are sensitive to death. Especially on Twitter.

This is cancellation of an animated series and content creators being dumb and pulling dumb pranks.

It's not, it's fucking drama queens being pissy on twitter, it'll all be forgotten in an hour if it hasn't already.

>It's not an animated series because I say so
Literally not how it works user. You're right about this being pointless drama but it still fits on Yea Forums because it is fan animation, a fan show. They count no matter how much you cry "they don't they don't!!"

>it'll all be forgotten in an hour if it hasn't already.
I doubt it.

>It's not an animated series because I say so
Where did I say that? Protest too much, faggot?

I like Battington's work but he needs to learn when to shut his mouth. I still think him going out on Security Breach was a bad move. Yeah it was bad and I don't mind him saying that, but he was a complete asshole about it when he should realize he's in a different position. He's one of the few guys Scott himself endorsed and he's making a fool of himself


Didn't that became Willy's Wonderland?

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Battington is a talented animator and nothing else.
Every remake of VHS he does has more poorly modeled animatronics and bloats it with meaningless content. Squimpus was always both straight to the point and managed to build an atmosphere of dread and mystery. Consider as an example Nonexistent Video, the FNAF VHS season 1 finale.

The original version begins with a Warning screen created by the person (in universe) who made these and the 4 previous tapes. There are some clips from the now defunct Fredbear Family Diner: a logo, short clip of Fredbear performing, a still image excerpt from an instructional video on Springlock Suits. This comprises the first 30 seconds before we suddenly cut to the Fredbear suit with his mouth growing bloody, then to a security office where the lights flicker before Golden Freddy appears and we are congratulated for finding the 5th secret tape.

Conversely, the Battington video spends 30 seconds on the introduction to the Springlock Suit instructional video, then randomly cuts to an internal view of someone inside such a suit, and blares some weird noise when William Afton shows up out of the corner of the guy's eye.
55 seconds: Now we cut away randomly, again, to an animatronic dragging itself along the ground singing happy birthday before attacking the cameraman.
92 seconds: We're back in the training video, for some reason. We waste nearly 3 minutes on reexplaining how the hell a Springlock Suit works, along with some stupid shit about a fiberglass shell. I'm surprised he didn't mention that the fabric was polyester.


>reimagining of a reimagining
the vhs aesthetic really fits since they're copies of each other that degrade in quality through each generation

Shame that this all happened because of a minor joke Battington made about Martin Walls being dead due to him being inactive.

But then again, the fags on Twitter can't seem to take a joke, and take everything seriously.

4m20s: Now we see a similar video excerpt, this time overexplaining how Fredbear's jaw was upgraded. The most liked comment says
>in the game lore Fredbear was built with an already hard jaw that can crush heads for no apparent reason, but here Fredbear was built with a normal jaw but the people from the company wanted to give him a full set of teeth so that he can have a perfect smile and smile at the audience, but the teeth were too heavy for the jaw too handle so they gave him a hard jaw
it wasn't "for no apparent reason" it was because the madman who made the fucking robots built them that way. the same way the people running Fredbear's wanted him to have "a winning smile" as if the kids would give a shit. Less thought was put into the actual designs for the Rockafire Explosion, I'm sure.
This is followed by a similar clip of Fredbear performing and then cuts to a photo of some kid with the desert bus title song playing behind it, or something that sounds near as awful. The kid's face goes bloody, we slowly zoom in on Fredbear's head, and then the screen flashes between black and red with the text "I BIT SOMEONE" written 80 times and holds on that for 5 seconds before we're in what I assume to be a security office, with the lights flashing and the knocking and

It's been 5 and a half minutes, longer than the length of the video it's drawing inspiration from, and we have only just now reached the same place that video took THIRTY SECONDS to reach. In that 330 seconds, there was no meaningful contributions, no building of suspense, and no good lore that needed to be absolutely present for the next portion to make any sense.
I'm not just saying "oh, shorter video better, longer video worse" like it's comparing video game map sizes, I mean that Battington doesn't understand what it was that made the original videos so gripping.


It's faggoty e-drama bullshit for a shitty series and we don't need any more of that here.

The POINT of Nonexistent Video is that it pulls back the curtain and directly addresses the viewer. The IN-UNIVERSE Viewer of these tapes. The intended target that these tapes were hidden away for them to find, and congratulates them on not only unearthing everything up to that point, but going above and beyond and discovering a tape that, realistically, shouldn't exist. There shouldn't BE a Fredbear head still floating around, it should be buried in the goddamn Arizona desert and memory-holed just like The Bite of '84. And yet, you did it! Your reward? Answers. Answers about your father, William. Where he can still be found. How he looks different, but you'll recognize him anyway.

This picture here was what made this video the finale for season one. It's what enticed people to stick around and wait for season 2. And it is completely BUTCHERED in Battington's video because of the shitty """""reimagined""""" models he uses.

FUCK this HACK, I hope he never makes anything ever again.

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Who is this furry faggot and why did you make a thread about his gay gossip video?

The furry faggot in the OP is talking about some other furry faggot who made a tweet joking about an autistic faggot being dead, and then when he revealed "it was just a prank bro!" this tranny faggot said "you can't use my content for your videos anymore."

okay so why are they talking about this furfaggotry bullshit *here*

Because the series the tranny faggot made was actually really good, and is technically a cartoon.

>Vastly improves your series in every possible way
The VHS vids have some nice ideas but I wouldn't really say they're superior to the original games. The sus guy jumpscares remind me a lot of the Mandela Catalog.

Wait, you mean that stupid FNaF analog shit? There's like three or four different ones and they all suck shit.

the one i linked is the best one, at the very least.

Just because a turd stinks marginally less than the others doesn't mean it doesn't stink.

it's all over
GHE is our only hope for good horror content now

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That was a different script. It was one Scott rejected.

It probably was the bit where they kill a guy with a giant lollipop that got it dropped. Good enough for Syfy, though!


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Not really, no. They have to really have emotions to be sensitive. What they are is hyper critical and looking for any chance to have a conflict with someone.


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I used to hate it too, but it's really picking up recently.

What do you mean? It's the same boring slideshow trying to cash in on a trend as it was before.

I actually thought the most recent vid was the weakest one yet. But the last 2 before that were gold.

It’s in development hell because the movie lost its director
First it was the director of Monster House, then it was Chris Columbus
It still doesn’t have a director btw

Going off of interviews and Scott's own posts, the hold-up seems to be Scott wavering on what script he wants to go with.