Was Snyder in the right here?
Was Snyder in the right here?
As with anything related to Snyder and DC.
Snyder is always in the wrong
Also fuck BatCat
She's a whore
>t. Taliafag
I don't care for her either
Women are a vice to Batman and he should struggle but ultimately keep away from such treacherous creatures
Especially Selina
He’s better off with Joker.
> Batfleck will never go down on Rebecca Hall (the town) playing Catwoman who is wearing the exposed pit catsuit and stretching her pits out overhead.
Why live?
Uh based?
literally this
My issue is that it’s happening on a dirty rooftop.
She needs a better ahegao.
Bruce x Barbara is where it's at.
Yes, you were crying at home on prom night, we get it
>You just hate Batromances because you're an incel
What the fuck is going on here?
Maybe if Bruce spent less time perfecting the art of punching the mentally ill and more time practicing the art of cunnilingus, then she'd react a bit more.
>You just hate women because you're an incel
Fixed. Go back and read his post again, retard
>even on Yea Forums fantasy casting, Catwoman is Black
You need to read again
I said women are a vice to Batman
You know the guy that is so dedicated to his crime fighting persona that it's more that he's Batman and Bruce Wayne is a persona he has to put on
To him anything that keeps him away from crime fighting is a vice and women are one of those things
Not every fucking character needs a fucking romance
You also said in that same sentence that women are treacherous creatures
If they're gonna keep him from Batman they are
All of his love interests are some kind of damsel in distress or a villainous femme fatale
You didn't phrase it that way before.
Because I was making a joke goddammit
Fucking hate having to interact with the Yea Forumsumblr side of this board
DC's official word is "heroes don't do that", so Snyder was wrong and knows he was wrong. He crossed the line this time.
Who was going to play Catwoman in the Snyderverse?
Carla Gugino
It's hard to tell what's a joke when half the time on here and Yea Forums you have unironic posts about how "women ruin everything"
>Yea Forumsumblr
Rent free
You could have used context clues, but after this interaction, I think Yea Forums might be into something
Fuck women they ruin everything
I thought Yea Forumsumblr wouldn't be interested in heterosexual oral sex
If this was about Batman sucking off Gordon then I would understand why Yea Forumsumblr would be interested
okay. I'll just give the correct response again:
Heroes don't eat pussy.
You come over here and piss in my cornflakes I'm gonna piss in yours too
Fuck the batcat shit, Tom King ruined that beyond repare.
Why did people sperg out over this again? They're literally together in the comics and it's conceivable he's eaten her pussy
I legitimately have no idea why this is controversial.
DC has retarded takes like masturbation doesnt exist in the dc universe. If Snyder endorsed breathing and said oxygen is pretty cool there are a lot of traumatized retards that would start holding their breaths
Because Snyder is the guy who people love to hate.
But I've seen the future and I can tell you things can get much worse. You haven't seen anything yet.
Snyder by definition can never be right about anything. Fuck Snyder. Snyderfags kill yourself immediately.
DC fans in general are a tough crowd to please and very particular about everything.
I've always leaned more into DC comics but Marvel is more enjoyable to discuss even on a casual level.
What's wrong with a sigma superhero?
In canon Bruce gets with women all the time, but this particular vision is fucking stupid.
>If Snyder endorsed breathing and said oxygen is pretty cool there are a lot of traumatized retards that would start holding their breaths
Of course. Better to die than live in the Hell where there is a possibility of Snyder being right about anything. If you feel otherwise you are not human.
What is it about Snyder that makes people seethe so much? I'm not a huge fan of his but there's been much worse in the realm of comic book movies
Why are that horse's legs falling off?
Why was Damian being a reverse rape baby controversial?
How in the hot sweet fuck is that remotely comparable?
Are you kidding me? I can name a thousand things wrong with everything he's done in the Snyderverse
It isn't, no one is upset by it except DC. There was going to be a scene that referenced Bat going down on Cat in the Harley Quinn show, DC nixed it with the note that "heroes don't do that" or something, the internet found out and had a field day with the memes
Even then DC's censoring seemed motivated more by just the desire not to depict Batman in ANY sexually explicit imagery for brand reasons, but the internet fixated on the cunnilingus part because funny
If I saw this happening on a rooftop I'd report it to the police, that would be an awkward conversation between Gordon and Batman.
I mean it's technically a retcon which always causes drama, don't get me wrong, it's a good retcon
You all know that that episode of Sopranos was a joke right?
Name the 5 biggest problems.
Would Snyder have put his Catwoman in purple?
I would forgive him for everything if that was the case
Batman was investigating her pussy for hidden goods
Here's 1
I don't see it as a retcon. Bruce Wayne is a playboy and has probably done pretty much everything you can imagine in the bedroom.
The controversy has more to do with it being comic book characters that are often found in PG stories. And in that regard, rather tasteless.
Or at least that's what I assume people are sperging out over.
Here's 2
Here's 3
Clark was scared to expose himself to the world and his father didn't want him to which had further effect on his decision.
It's not a very well written scene but technically conceivable.
Lul tell me what he was supposed to do. Please.
Those capefreaks should at least do that in the batmobile.
Here's 4
Shoot a chest emblem symbol at him and make him fall down a chasm!
This is Superman being humanized in Batman's eyes, and him realizing he's built up this image of an evil alien in his mind that may not be entirely true.
Finding common ground with an enemy is a tired cliche, but it exists for a reason.
Many times people psych themselves up to do something and then realize they can't do it.
Batman didn't really need such a moment for the same thing to happen, considering his already existing aversion to killing.
I don't register this as a problem in the first place. It was him or the family.
Snapping his neck was the most effective and surefire way he could've stopped him permanently, and it was an incredibly tense situation which left little room for thought.
Explain further.
And here's 5
Lackluster CGI, or more so design. Ok, this one I'll give you fair and square. I'll add that the color work in the film wasn't very good either.
>sperglord pulls out his sneeder hate folder
I wonder how comfortable Zack is living up there rent free