They’re coming for two face

They’re literally talking about maybe blackwashing two face.

when the fuck will this shit stop?

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Damn, I wish Billy Dee got to be Two-Face

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They already did this in the Burton movies but yeah the race bending is beyond obnoxious at this point.

I am ok with this as long as Harvey dent is still white, the fucked up ugly and evil side is black

Not even a new concept.

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Would his disfigured side be white then?

so when he flips a coin to commit a crime... the options are to do it and to do it?

Billy was robbed. Fuck Tommy Lee Jones.

He did in the Lego Batman movie

>Heads I pay with a counterfeit bill
>Tails I'll shoplift this banana

>when the fuck will this shit stop
This shit already started in 1989, cracker. Get over yourself

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This but make him white on one half and black on the other.

>inb4 that Bella Real's full name is actually Bella "Dent" Real

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>Lady TwoFace where one half looks like picrel, from one of the scariest tale of Beyond Belief.

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Why they never use asians or latins?

Who gives a shit? Harvey Dent's race doesn't matter

A black DA doesn’t have the same connotations as a white DA

This site will memory hole it so quickly. But at least know Yea Forums are getting angry with latinx characters by pretending that they are black.

My girlfriend and I had the exact same thought walking out of the theater, especially with her speech at the end about hope and all. Strong Dent notes at the end there, would not be surprised. May go alright, too.

brown hands wrote this

>literally no source whatsoever
Outlandish fear mongering /pol/tardation is cancer and OP is a faggot.
Report him for trolling and off topic in order to help improve Yea Forums

Youre right. Black DAs are the most currupt, just look at baltimore.

So would that make him Blackface?

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>Lady Two Face
You mean basically Black Mask girlfriend Circe no one remembers who inspired the mask lady in 89.

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Reeve's two-face would have a disease that paralyzes their facial muscles on once side

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*one side

Do us a favor and screencap your post.


Stop what? You crying about black people in movies?

theres too many. my screens getting too dark.

enough niggers.

I'm perfectly okay with this!
That is... as long as you're perfectly okay with... this.

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>character vs historical figure

surprise, surprise racists are retarded.

>Another outrage thread


>Announcing a report

enjoy your ban.

Well at least this time its not a ginger.

>he says this while ignoring the black washed historical figures from the BBC

You can't "ignore" something you had no knowledge of. I don't give a shit with brit bong do on their shitty island nation.

Because fictional characters are the same as real people. Totally.

The message is the same.

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What bothers be are the double talking liberals who say blackwashing isn't a thing, but also say "deal with it" when it very much does happen, because forcing a nigger into everything is some moral prerogative now.

>lands on the coin edge

But only half of him, right?

This is just a fucking cover for a rap album.

Dude what are you talking about? its up on Bleeding Cool

DCs considering having Fredio Obenga afro-british actor play Two-Face in the Batman sequel.

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I wish they were brave enough to do a Music Meister, Clock King and Calendar Man movie. We've had so many movies with the same villains.

What connotations would that be?

Reminder that racism outside of Yea Forums is a bannable offense and the users here have the power to cleanse the board of /pol/shittery but won't.

Half of the villains in the The Dark Night trilogy were unused in live action films before, like Scarecrow and the League of Shadows.

Riddler and Penguin were only used once, so having them again wasn't really a tired concept like using Joker again.

not even his first 2 face album cover.

Inb4 even blacker

Tommy Lee did indeed suck.

Welcome from Facebook.

Why is 2022
Yea Forums this awful

calling a woman two face is like calling water wet

I wish incel posting was reportable like racism is


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>google it
>it's a fucking album from 2018
Every fucking retard who fell for this should down a cup of cyanide

>Never heard of an AU

The slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy for good reason, you short sighted, outragefaggotry addicted troglodyte. You can't prove that this will ever happen.
Encouraging others to utilize the report function for its intended purpose is not the same thing as explicitly stating that you yourself reported a post.

The Anne Boleyn series isn't pushing itself as an AU