“The Simpsons” Drops Below 1 Million Viewers for the First Time in 33 Seasons

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It’s the first time NOW?
How has this not happened sooner?

I can't imagine how it was maintaining 1 million all these years.


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old people with televisions

I have no idea if 1 million is a lot or not.


It is nowadays for tv declining now


Traditional television is dead. My household is only subscribed to Hulu Live for the news.

dont worry, im sure viewers are going to spike now that they're dragging that mumble singing zoomer chick onto the show

Just now?

>It's another "Lisa Simpson is a whiny political mouthpiece" episode

>Zombie Simpsons getting dabbed on by Weakest Link

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The Simpsons will never die. At worst it goes on ice for a few years until some faggot brings it back like Futurama or KOTH

Lisa was hardly political in last Sunday's episode- just annoying.

How fitting it's a Lisa episode that makes it go below a million.

This is like the equivalent of a seemingly immortal, unbeatable God having his first nosebleed.

bringing back Bleeding Gums is retarded

Wait did they really bring him back? I thought the ep would be about Lisa having another dream of him, wtf

just let it die

I only saw OP

but might as well have a Krusty's dream about his dad

Hank Azaria raped me.

simpsons is still the most watched thing on disney+
I just wonder when they're gonna change some of the voices, homer still sounds perfect somehow, essentially the same as he did 30 years ago, but marge and mr burns both sound really bad, burns just sounds like an actual old man now, slow hoarse low volume type of old man voice, it's severely limiting to what you can have him do or say. and marge is marge.
but the longer they let it go on the harder it becomes to switch voice actors, marge might have just been impossible to begin with because it's so unique but mr burns could have been changed, but the longer her stays as old man burns and the worse it gets the more jarring the change will be if they do decide to.

I assume it's usually because people will leave the tv on and go into the next room to do something else. I'm sure the number of people who actively watch the show on a regular basis is much, much lower. Same can honestly be said for other shows like Family Guy, Spongebob, etc. Parents just leave the tv running and whatever comes on is usually chalked up as a "view" for the networks.


not all of the new simpsons are bad, there's some good and great ones still in the new seaons.
are they making a second movie btw?

If the Simpsons ever end and were to be brought back, do you think they'll age up the characters? Basically the new status quo would be Holidays of Future Passed.

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nu-Simpsons is boring.
I’m guessing there’s still that old fanbase that expects the new seasons to get good again.

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They're trying to damage control by shoving Billie Eilish into an upcoming episode

>Homer still sounds perfect somehow
No, no he doesn't. His yelling sounds more raspy than it did in his prime. He doesn't really scream anymore, either. It's too much for him.

I really don't see this as damage control. Just sounds like modern Simpsons.

fair enough

It looks bad for Simpsons in a bubble, but in reality when you look across the board TV is dying. Younger generations prefer streaming services that they can watch when they feel like it rather than planning their lives around a weekly show.

It was Lisa inserting herself into his deaf sons life

I have literally never met anyone who talks about modern Simpsons. Who the fuck is watching this show?

I wish Murphys son hated him, or had some complicated feelings towards him, and was actively involved in selling his fathers songs to the lottery. With Lisa trying to get him to appreciate the Bleeding Gums Murphy she knew, all the while he's getting more and more mad that he never got to know that person as a father.

but that might have been a bit interesting.

Can't have black characters be antagonistic in woke Disney

So I'm going to have to assume A Made Maggie was some newly legendary horrible episode?

>in last Sunday's episode
^Dis nigga is actually watching The Simpsons in the current year of our Lord 2022. I assumed that Simpsons viewers were some sort of synthetic life form stored in Area 51

I got a bratty sister dot com
she begs me to fist her
her goop smeels like a zoo
she's the sneediest girl in evergreen number two

Animation Domination threads are pretty comfy. Without them I wouldn't tune to watch these shitshows at all.

The US has a population of over 300 million. I don't know how much of that translates to potential TV audiences but for a show that was as big as the Simpsons under 1mil is really really bad.

I feel like it's gotta be at least a 10 year gap before reviving it. Hell, it will have been 10 years for Futurama by the time the new season comes out and KOTH died in like... 2008 or 9?

Same with shows that don't have the same level of popularity. Beavis and Butt-Head comes back again in a few months and the last season it had was in 2011. Similarly you've got Aqua Teen Hunger Force coming back this year too and it ended 7 years ago.

Clearly not current and progresive enough.


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he came back as a Ghost, it was weird.

Maggie joins the mafia after Fat Tony becomes her Godfather.

Now that Riverdale is on Sunday nights, I watch it instead

who the fuck keeps pushing this bitch?


who the fuck is that.

1 million was about average for a new Steven Universe episode.

The Simpsons peaked at 18 million viewers.

My guess is it's a comfort show to a lot due ti how long it's been on. Whether they like it or not, they will put it on just to hear Simpsons in yhr background.

>due ti how long

Brian's love interest.

I think it is just TVs idling. My job has a few TVs in the lunchroom that no one is really watching. I'll occasionally see the Simpsons on them.

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Julie Kavner has a hard time doing the voice.. all those years of talking like that wrecked her vocal chords. plus they all getting old