I'm so glad I stopped paying attention to this show after season 2

I'm so glad I stopped paying attention to this show after season 2

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Based Aquachad. How can surfacelets even compete.

>Lagoon manages to score both a hunk and a hot girl
What a CHAD. Why are Americans so triggered by this?

>Lagoon Boy shape-of-waters a hot couple
Holy based.

No, see, this week we're supposed to be mad about the new episode wasting 3 minutes of the most over-packed season in history on Rocket's adventures raising a highly autistic child.

No, seriously, what the fuck were they thinking? At least Lagoon did shit in the previous seasons. All Rocket's done so far is stand in girl-power crowd shots and raise this fucking asshole.

>all these posts
haha out of context pic and Yea Forumsckheads riffing off of-
>" In season 4, he is revealed to be bisexual and in a three-way polyamorous marriage with Coral and Rodunn with a baby.>
What the f
This show was on Cartoon network. What the fuck is this

It's to show she has what it takes to be a diplomat with an autistic man child and will be successful

Steven Universe universally dealt with major emotional issues and has gay kissing live on TV. Adventure time as well. This is not new in anyway

tbf I haven't watched TV proper in close to 10 years. I've heard of the new breeds of hero cartoons but never watched any of them.

How things have changed. Shit

Well I never paid attention to it at all so I think I've got you beat

I'm tired user

There is nothing wrong with being gay.

Poor OP can't get a single person to fuck him and here's Aquachad fucking two at once

>This show was on Cartoon network

I can't believe they made general zod a nigger. His son being a nigger sure. making him fuck a nigger is fine but zod is now a nigger? This is hatewatching at this point. Why greg weissman? Why did you do this? The only real sliver lining is it is confirmed white krytonians blow the fuck out of black krytonians. but man this show is suffering.

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Yea Forums culture has poisoned their minds into thinking internet memes are real.

>A Yea Forums poster got a job at WB and got their fantasies to be animated

>gay kissing
This is far beyond "gay kissing" Is this the next step in the globo agenda? Trying to normalize polyamory cause let me tell you, there's no way a line like "My wife and my husband need me" will ever sound normal

>there's no way a line like "My wife and my husband need me" will ever sound normal
Sure buddy

Okay groomer

I hope you never say this irl. I hope you never hear this irl

It's so cute that you guys have a new word


>you guys
Who are "us guys" exactly?

Adorable little culture warriors fighting the good fight, obviously
Keep it up user!

Yes there is.
Being gay is abhorrent and disgusting.
I can say that because I'm bi, which is both gay and straight. Worst of all, I'm a bi male. inb4 you religiously charge it how you feel like, I'm another unforgivable buzzword; Agnostic.
I have an attraction to other men. Not as bad as some of these fags, such as ones into the big burly types, eugh, but men none the less. Gay sex and gay relationships are morally, socially, politically, and societally detrimental.
But at least I'm not deranged like a tranny.

it's pretty gross

You're the one who got offended by my post while you try and push this nonsense in animated media. It's not normal, and you know it, but you won't rest until everyone acknowledges it. It's beyond disgusting.

Replying to your post with a sardonic remark isn't taking offence though. I'm mocking you user, because you're funny

You're mocking me for mocking polyamorous wankery? Well gosh darn it if I wasn't offended before I am now!

Give me one exact reason why polyamory is wrong.


Oh you were just mocking the idea? Fair enough. I thought you were making declarative statements about society and how it will never accept poly relationships but I guess I misinterpreted your post. That's my bad!

How come polyamorists all look like date rapists?

human jealously

All consensual relationships are valid.


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Society will accept all kinds of whackiness cause humans are innately corrupt. Right now, you are trying to get people to accept this new fad, and you might as well succeed at it, just so long as you know it's abnormal, creepy, and weird.

>just so long as you know it's abnormal, creepy, and weird
I'll keep that in mind, don't you worry.

Nice buzzword. Any guy who gets roped into a "throuple" is invalidating his self-worth


>I'll keep that in mind

People accept loving multiple friends, parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, and military comrades. Why is intimate love considered this super special OC when literally every other human relationship exists among multiple people.

Why white people are so obsessed with polyshit?
Those relationships only work if you are Muslim since you own your wives.
Even in Japan they know that polyshit relationships are only good for infidelity and prostitution (and rape).

Did you watch this video? Do any of those men, the ones who are sharing a woman, in any way look like they're happy and enjoying life?

yall remember when this series was about teen heroes and sidekicks teaming up to prove they can do good without constant supervision and micromanaging?

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That was like almost 10 years ago user. The world is like changing and stuff

I think the thing that irks me is how they have made being a superhero look like an absolute chore. The latest Aquaman arc with all the politics behind it, bored me to death.

There is an entire subgenre of comedy based around 'I hate my wife." Does that mean monogamy is inherently flawed?

Shit relationships exist across all types.

That whole arc was about how Orin WANTED to be a superhero instead of King.

>Every single comment is positive

Because there's no such thing as intimacy between multiple people. You can fuck multiple people but you'll never love them.

Prove it.

Everyone ought to be in a relationship where they feel loved and appreciated, and that's completely impossible in a polyamorous context no matter how hard you try to spin it.

Why did you make a thread for a show you're not paying attention to? Seems like you're just looking to rage farm.

>it's a man who has literally never been loved tells everyone how relationships work episode
Oh these are my favourite

poly relationships are bad because they fuck up kids "when does daddy number 2 get home" "we got new mommy number 3?". Any human romantic relationship that does not raise kids and do it well should be considered pure degenercy.

The arc was ultimately about how Mera was the true ruler of Atlantis but that wasn't before long obnoxious political speeches

You don't need to be sharing a lover with someone to prove to people that you're actually in love.

What this proves is you most definitely have very low self esteem and serious abandonment issues

What's your proof that you're actually in love? The restraining order the poor girl took out on you for stalking her?

Why are you projecting so much? If you want to share a girl with another dude or 5 other dudes, be my guest, but no one will ever think that you're actually "in love"

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>but no one will ever think that you're actually "in love"
And that matters why?

Because that's the image you're trying to project and it's a completely false one. In the context of this show, even when Lagan was with M'gann he was still insecure about Conner for no good reason.

In a very real sense, this is a massive self-own

Wow he managed to grow as a person, what an own

...Except that he didn't grow as a person at all. He's still insecure thus why he's in a polyamorous relationship

>was initially a jealous little bitch
>grew up and can now accept and give love to two different people
How is that not growth?

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