
How do we fix Superman’s comics?

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Building that machine Scott Bakula used to save Jackie O seems like the easiest way.

Pull a One More Day on Superman.

Kill off Jon Kent and retcon him out of existence. Make it so Jon is a construct created by Mister Mxyzptlk. And when Jon dies, everyone’s memory of him (except Clark) is forgotten.

Mister Mxyzptlk also erases Lois and Clark’s marriage. Lois has never been a good wife to Clark. And she’s a bad Mother for abandoning Jon to Ultraman. And her genes create inferior children.
Lois is bad for Superman. Get rid of Her.

And Mister Mxyzptlk wipes Superman’s secret identity from everyone. So he can be Clark Kent at the Daily Planet again.

Go back to basics.



You can’t.

Sounds a tad harsh but honestly may be the best thing for Superman. OMD/OMIT was hard for Spider-Man, but ultimately it worked out best for Spidey. We got some good stories because of it. The same could work for Supes.

Stop giving him the moral compass of a Christ figure and just make him a decent guy.

>Clark goes back in time and stops Jon from ever going into space or brings kid Jon back to the future and he and gay Jon can co-exist if they’re so obsessed with pandering to lgbtqwreasf+ people

>Lois has never been a good wife to Clark.
How? I thought she was a pretty good wife

Step One: Kill Superman, Lois, and their gay son.
Step Two: Bring back New 52 Superman and Lois.

>t. Have never bought a Superman comic and never will.

She has constantly lied to him. Even didn’t say she was on Earth when see promised she would look after Jon in space. She complains all the time, even about his dog. She used Clark to publish an article about the mental health of the superhero community against their wishes. She is constantly jealous.

This. Superbro is based.

>a bunch of faggy writers make her insufferable so this is a problem with the character
user they just need to hire more people like tomasi who don’t hate the idea of the nuclear family. His run was great for literally every character in the title.

Kevin Feige and Ike Perlmutter resolve their differences and in turn the Comics Continuity Committee no longer disbands

>samefagging to pine for the worst version of Superman ever
>yes even worse than bendisman of taylorfagman

No one is buying Superman. Why do you think his book is selling so badly?

No no faggot see, I said
>never has
>never will

And you know I’m right.

People who pay for Superman just want tomasiman back.

this could work, especially if Slott or someone takes over afterwards

Depower him to the point where his struggles would actually be fun. The character is too strong, it's something good writers can work around, but most writers are not that good, nor could a character sustain himself in one good story once in a while.

Start plagiarizing Dragon Ball.

>make him a completely different character
You don’t buy Superman comics and never will. Just go read other characters.

Let Clark go missing after an explosion with Mongul.
Bring in Val Zod as his replacement. Bring in Powergirl into the Super books.

honestly I never got the appeal of louis


Give him a knife.

Put a dick in his ass.

This is what DC needs.

If Didio wasn’t fired, this sounds like something he would do.

New 52 was garbage user. Not even Morrison’s was good. Superbro was insufferable. Steal comics you like rather than demanding everything change to suit your whims.

>Clark and Jon also get their secret ID's back. >Super Sons returns as it was before.

Otherwise, agreed.

Oh believe me, I agree lol. that shit is a must.

Rent the character out to Marvel or IDW.

A big knife?

Kys shill. I’m dead serious. Stream it and I’ll pay your family in Bitcoin.



>rent him out to alternatives that are just as bad

Redo post crisis superman without the no krypton rule editorial put in place.


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If jon was still a kid with zero allusions to his sexuality and Superman still had his secret identity I’d be buying PKJ’s action. Until those things happen I hope anyone who takes a job writing superman sees worse and worse sales.

This is the best outcome honestly.

>just as bad
user, please, they're worse.

Stop samefagging you shitstain.

Bring back Bendis


Just sell the character to Disney. It is obvious that DC and WB don’t know what to do with the character. They don’t even like him.
Sell him to Disney. Boom! Instant fix.


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Tom Taylor pls stop

You can't fix Superman without fixing America.

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Do the original idea for the sequel to Superman Returns. Have Jon possessed by Brainiac than have Superman forced to kill him.

Then borrow Morrison and Millar’s story of Brainiac’s cells mindwipe Lois of all her memories of Clark as Superman.

America is beyond fixing at this point.

I honestly dont really know. I love Superman, but my favorite run was with him as Super-dad, I think during the Tomasi run when Jon was a kid.

It was absolutely the most fun I recall having with Superman. Him being a father, Jon having kid adventures, hanging out with Damian, learning the ropes, Superman was a farmer, Lois Lane was an actual wife and mother not some job obsessed hag uncaring about her kid.

The MOMENT Bendis came in, Lois Lane turned into some weirdo near unfaithful hag, abandoned her husband, didnt want to even tell her husband she was there. He aged up Jon, which NO ONE wanted.Lois Lane is now kinda meh, and Jon's meh as well, just another teen hero. Big fucking woop. Superman cant even be a father now, because he's gone into deep-space, and plus, his son is an adult now, basically.

These things hurt the franchise. I'm not sure why DC rocked the boat.

I know that feel, user.


Because the sales were shit. Rebirth was a reboot to get mcu fans.

>OMD/OMIT was hard for Spider-Man, but ultimately it worked out best for Spidey. We got some good stories because of it.

The vast majority of the stories after OMD/OMIT turned out to be complete ass and in some cases worse than even the Clone Saga or even the Byrne era. What the fuck are you even talking about?

Make Superman an American icon again. Make him anti-globohomo.

Wow, sales were bad?
Damn, man.
I dont know how to feel.

Make his stories be about fixing America, but not with leftist pozzed views.

Bring him back to his roots as a super Republican/Reagaenite as his creator always intended rather than the average reddit dad.

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Lol, I remember I stopped buying Spiderman comics after OMD. I just stopped caring, I lost interest.

The real answer is, either

Erase everything from Bendis' run onward
Or make Bendis-Era Jon a separate character from Rebirth Jon, and restore the secret identity.

The people in this thread demanding a complete OMD for Superman are deranged mutants with short-term memory because we had the New 52 to completely wipe that, and it did poorly in the long run.

They already had Superman 'walk' through the USA once, so he could be more 'connected' with the US, then years later, I think some shit occured where he no longer was a US citizen or some nonsense?

It doesnt matter, you're never gonna get Superman saying anything conservative with his son being...GAAAY.

Yep, lol, I remember that.They had New 52 reboot Superman, then they killed/merged THAT Superman with old Superman who had managed to survive his dimension being destroyed....

It's a fucking mess.

A simple guide showing how to fix literally any DC character:

Retcon them back to the post-Crisis (or post-Zero Hour if you prefer), pre-Flashpoint continuity.

The end.

Apologize for hiring Bendis

Jon is too toxic to the Superman brand. He needs to be cut out like a tumor.

...he was created by two liberal Jews.

I would keep that in as a last resort

Groomers on Twitter would be upset that kid Jon isn’t kissing boys 24/7. And they are the ones with the most power. It is better for Jon to die and be erased from the universe. Then mindwipe Lois’s memory.

Family Superman has damaged Superman’s reputation.

The only thing that can fix America is a nuke to them and Israel. Only then will the world be at peace.

There would be a month where the only book DC publishes is an apology for the last 11 years, then the next month all books resume from where they were in April 2011.

Action comics at the moment is fucking excellent. Maybe give Jon to a better writer than Taylor, his run is just mid.
The superman hate threads always have like a 10 posts long line of short replies that add nothing like "this" or "kek" that's so obviously op bumping their shit repetitive thread that got no traction.

I still cant believe they made Superman's son gay, I mean, I think I'm accepting of LGBT stuff as much as the next guy,'s just not...'Superman' to have gay themes and subjects.

It's supposed to be as vanilla and conservative as Apple Pie. If my Grandpa where alive he'd politely nod, then just secretly make facebook memes about how gay people ruined superman.

There's something that doesnt fit right with me.

Action Comics sucks and selling like shit. No one wants Gay Conan in Space.

>Groomers on Twitter would be upset that kid Jon isn’t kissing boys 24/7. And they are the ones with the most power.

Don't care. Twitter is growing more irrelevant by the day.

>It is better for Jon to die and be erased from the universe. Then mindwipe Lois’s memory.

Nope. Not doing another OMD or New 52. That causes more damage than before.