Ren & Stimpy Reboot

>starts petition
>gets offered paycheck
>"On second thought... I'm glad to be apart of the reboot of beloved franchise 'Ren & Stimpy' here at Awesome Inc.!"
>cancels petition
>pic related

Lmao. No shame.

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There's no fucking way

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She’s going to make the show all woke and feminist.

That's always the play.

women should not be allowed in the animation industry

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Yep. Complete 180 now that there's a financial incentive in her favor.

Probably. Hope you're ready for "Ren Gets Cancelled" and "Stimpy's Surgery".

Sure is.


She seems split on two projects so have no idea how much power she has on this show to make it woke

soulless animation incoming

I feel like they’re just doing all of this out of malice because “John K is a evil monster!”
Now Robyn Byrd is going to be credited as the R&S creator now because, let’s erase history!

Why are you retarded niggers acting like Byrd is some feminist upstart and not the 15 year old girl that John K groomed fand sexually abused 25 years ago

Cool it with the racist remarks.

All protesters just want power. Morality and justice are facades.

Pre much.

Almost like these people don't actually believe the bullshit they fight for and just want higher social standing.

I hope the reboot gets cancelled because let's be honest, it's gonna suck.

Anyone still have those tweets she made about how this wouldn't help boost small time animators or people wanting to get their foot in the business? Glad she got the bigger paycheck over those fucking weaklings.

she knew what she was doing, lol

Show me an activist, and I'll you a superhero/supervillain origin story.

based. hope she kills it like she did John K's baby

They're all full of shit. Every last one.

That's why they happily accept any job rebooting a show they know nothing about or actively hate ("my brothers made me watch.")

That's why they'll fall in line for 80 episodes and wait until the very last to include a gay kiss and swear up and down they had no choice.

That's why they'll "protest" Disney but never actually quit or even threaten to quit, and get salty when their crappy show gets cancelled instead.

And it goes beyond something stupid like animation. $6 million mansion.

>$6 million mansion

Who cares. As long as its funny. Hope hope.

>"Who cares?"
I'm sure you get cucked on a daily basis.

Gotta try first.

But what some Twitter tramp does is irrelevant, this show just needs to be as good as the old one.

>$6 million mansion.
I don't get it

>What some Twitter tramp does is irrelevant
She's not just "some Twitter tramp". This is the girl who was supposedly groomed by John K. She has a vested interest to make this show woke, progressive, fake/gay, etc. It's gonna SUCK.

BLM organizers used all their donors money to buy a 6 million dollar mansion.

We'll see.

There's no harm in taking an educated guess. God I hate this "we won't know until we see it" attitude so many consoomer zombies have, as if humans don't have the ability to run probable outcomes in their heads. Maybe you don't though, I guess it's wrong for me to assume that you're a functioning adult.

Sounds like those brave BIPOC are building equity for the community. Good for them.

>She has a vested interest to make this show woke, progressive, fake/gay, etc. It's gonna SUCK.
Then don't fucking watch it. That's what everyone said to the people who bitched when it was first announced.

Its called optimism. R&S is one of the my three all time favorite cartoons, I really, REALLY want this to be good.

Well guess what, the odds are stacked against your favor. Just enjoy the classics.

We'll see.

>Don't fucking watch it!!!
That's like saying "Don't watch the violent rape taking place at 34the and Vine!".

Yeah we'll see it fucking suck.

Maybe. We'll see.

>Awesome Inc.

Oh lawdy. They're really gonna try to pass off Aqua Teen Hunger Force style animation as a reboot to Ren and Stimpy? Fuck this gay earth.

In the words of Vincent Waller, "The characters are covered in shit paint."
Ren and Stimpy will always be a tainted show. John could have saved creator-driven animation, yet he almost destroyed it.

Cool story bro. But this thread is about someone doing a 180 on their morals as soon as money becomes a factor. Seriously, this woman went from "A Ren and Stimpy reboot will literally lead kids into the clutches of John K regardless of his involvement" to being a producer. This thing is doomed for failure.

She's not on Ren and Stimpy. She's on some weird Ugly American-style adult comedy series. You morons are so easy to rile up. It's like the time I used my friend's image of Nils from Animaniacs to troll you all into thinking he was Hello Nurse.

Really? Ha. Thats marvelous.

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>She's on some weird Ugly American-style adult comedy series


Based retard

Thanks bro

Because Incel want fuck children
The incels try to spin not being able to fuck 14-year-old girls as systematic oppression

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>Hope you're ready for "Ren Gets Cancelled" and "Stimpy's Surgery".
I am, just for the fact that it'll make you seethe.

>she possibly just used the Twitter outrage and #bettercartoon crap just to guilt-bait Viacom execs into giving her a job
If that was her plan, gotta say that's lowkey kinda based
It's true that a scar can not go away. However, the pain from said scar can. The trick is to accept that the horrible things that have happened and learn out how to move on. Life goes on no matter what.

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>BLM organizers used all their donors money to buy a 6 million dollar mansion.
This is an important distinction. BLMGNF (Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation) are not the movement's "leaders," per se, but the people in the article are leaders of an organization that supports the cause.
Imagine being baited by journalist

>able to fuck 14-year-old girls as systematic oppression
It is. Old hags should just accept nobody wants to fuck them and let everyone have cunny.

So, do we actually have proof that SHE'S working on the Ren & Stimpy reboot?

So the real the groomer is not LGBTQ+...

No, not yet.

In fact, is there going to be a Ren & Stimpy reboot, ever?

Yes, that one is confirmed. Same with Beavis and Butthead. Both coming to CC.

crusty old suffragettes raised the age of consent

>Ren & Stimpy Reboot in production
>No one at Paramount can figure out how to reboot it
>Too many animators are on strike or starting up their own industry because of #NewDeal4Animation
>The Ren & Stimpy Reboot stays in development hell until Paramount goes into bankruptcy from no one watching their current shit
>Ren & Stimpy rights get bought out by someone that has no interest in bringing the show or characters back

Not really seething, the show was ruined before, and it'll be ruined again. It's practically part of its legacy to be ruined. However, I have problem with this complete 180 by a person who pretended to have moral outrage over the reboot until she saw money come her way. More faux-socialist/progressive bullshittery.

>Splitting hairs
Yeah okay. "It's okay when the left does it!"

The Ren & Stimpy reboot is never going to be a thing.

We'll see.

They already started hiring. Bill Wray and Billy West are on board.

More like We really need to stop elevating people for no reason. Originating a hashtag does not make you a leader. Neither does surviving a school shooting.
Not to be crass, just that there are a lot of incredible human beings who commit their lives to activism, and we end up shoving power and fame and money at whoever manages to get famous on social media.

Brad Bird was on board with doing a movie on The Spirit.
That film never happened.

You’re on Yea Forums, on Yea Forums, in a thread filled with John K simps: most faggots on here are literally not allowed near children in real life. Why do you think they care?