Cartoon and Comic dogs, because fuck cats.
Dog THread
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Ok, that cat is pretty good. Still dog thread though.
Only because Yea Forums never talks about anything good.
That's a raccoon
Fuck cats
For me, it's Marshall.
Fuck cats?
She's basically bottomless
Guys, you are missing the point.
Yea Forums cannot have animal threads without coomers joining in almost immediately. Trust me, I tried.
That's fine, but they're posting CATS.
Dogs are not sexy
Cats were made to be fucked
There's a dog too
>Dogs are not sexy
Simple wrong
Yes, fuck cats. Especially ones as lovely as Dutchess
>dogs are not sexy
Are You sure?
That's the stuff.
My first waifu.
>mfw best dog
Couple hot bitches.
I remember the blue one being pretty gay
Stop making threads on Yea Forums
Sure why not, Janny clearly burnt his penis on an overwarm hotpocket and left his computer
I want a dog. What would be a good dog for a first time owner who spends a lot of time indoors?
Probably a smaller dog, maybe a dachshund. Bigger dogs need to be outside and need to run a lot more. Also definitely not a dalmatian as they are hyper and stupid as hell.
That's the thing, I want a big doggo to play and do fun things with. Also I wanted a Dalmatian but as you say they are not like their cartoon counterparts at all.
A chihuahua
Well too fucking bad. If you're not gonna commit to providing them with space and activity (which means going outside) don't get a dog of any kind, much less a large and active one
There are too many cunts on this earth who get a dog on some insipid whim, get bored or whine about the effort, and then neglect or abandon them
Well as Uncle Ben once said, "With great dog comes great responsibility". Buying a big dog and keeping them cooped up inside all day isn't fair to the dog at all, so don't do it unless you're going to give them a yard to play in and lots of time outdoors.
So subtle, yet so effective
Probably a retriever. Heard they're easy to teach things.
i want a toon pet dog so bad bros
>user's new dog on the day he arrives home
*Fingers her cookie anyways*
Post moar Chilli plz
That's a weird dog
It's the human eyes. Artist forgot real dogs do not have those.
It had more doggy eyes as a pup
>fuck cats
Right. Fuck big cats like lioness are more fun
The team must've thought they were still making Wolf Children
I hate him
The klutz gimmick is annoying
Well both Marshall and I think you're annoying.
That's an alien.
I know her from a YTP
go back to your containment board
that's the dog from the punky brewster show